"Almost all children respond to music. Music is an open-sesame, and if you can use it carefully and appropriately, you can reach into that child's potential for development." Dr. Clive Robbins

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fall and Harvest Fun

This week we are going to talk about the changes happening outside because of the colder weather. Fall is a fun time to put a jacket on and get outside in the beautiful crisp air.

Oct. 18th and 19th Week 8- Fall and Harvest Fun
Welcome Song
Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing)
Leaves are Falling (with scarves),  Instrument Fun, ABC Snake, Music Choosing
Math/Science Games—Harvest Counting
Creating Project—The Little Red Hen (tell story and then have the kids help me make bread)
Snack Time—Make Scones with dough
Free Play
Reading/Writing Time-1 lesson-
Story Time:  The Carrot Seed, Vegetable Garden, When Autumn Comes
Goodbye Song

October 20 and 21st
Welcome Song
Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing)
Harvest Dance:  follow the leader dance, Autum Day, Music Choosing, ABC hide and seek
Math/Science Games-The Apple Game
Creating Project:  Apple Lacing
Snack Time:  Apples
Free Play—Take a walk around the block looking for signs of Fall
Reading/Writing Time-1 lesson-
Story Time-Fall Changes, Picking Apples and Pumpkins, Fall Leaves Fall
Goodbye Song
Home Challenge/Project:  Find a fun activity you can do as a family outside and point out different signs of Fall.  Just a few ideas, take the kids to a corn maze, go to a local farm to pick a pumpkin, go to the North Logan Pumpkin Walk (this begins Friday 22nd).  One of the best things to do to help your child's vocabulary is just talk about the things you see.  Sometimes we get so carried away in our own thoughts, or on the cell phone to take the time to just talk about the beautiful things around us.  If you would like more information about these activities please let me know.  
No School October 25-28th  

Monday, October 11, 2010

Flavorful Food

One of our Preschool students, Derek, just moved to Colorado last week.  So, our Monday and Wednesday group could use an extra student.  If you have friends who would like to start preschool please send them my way.  =)
Oct. 11 and 12th Week 7- Flavorful Food (Box 140)
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar
9:40  Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing)
I like to Eat…Apples and Bananas
Peanut Butter and Jelly (with story book)
Muffin Man
Alphabet Rumba
Choice Songs
10:10 Math/Science Games
10:15  Creating Project-Food Group collage
10:30 Snack Time-Fresh Veggies
10:40 Free Play- outside play or dramatic play with grocery store food
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-lesson 12 Learn new letter D, d
11:15 Story Time:  Shapes for Lunch, The Edible Pyramid, The popcorn book
11:28 Goodbye Song
 October 13 and 14th
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar
9:45  Load up and leave for Macey’s
10:00-10:45 Macey’s Field Trip
10:45 Load up and Leave Macey’s
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-lesson 13-
11:15 Story Time:  The very Hungry Caterpillar, What’s for Lunch, Pancakes,Pancakes!
11:28 Goodbye Song

Home Challenge/Project:  I know how hard it can be to take children grocery shopping with you, especially if you are taking more then one child.  One way to make the trip more manageable is to get them involved with the shopping by making them your special helper.  Before you go to the store take some time to go through the store ad and have your child cut out items from the Ad that your family needs that week.  Glue the items to his/her grocery list.  When you get to the store give him a pen or pencil and mark the items off his/her list once you get them.  
Make meal and snack time a math lesson.  Have them help you divide up small items in bowls or plates.  You could ask them to put three carrot sticks on every plate.  You can also give them a number with a card on it and have them identify the number and then they help you count to make sure they get that number of the snack.  
One other fun activity you can do at the dinner table is see if you can name a food from every letter of the alphabet.  A for Apple, B for Bread, C for C for Cookie...etc.

Upcoming Events:  October 13th and 14th Field Trip to Macey's.  All parents are welcome to come.
October 25-28th Fall Break-no preschool
I had a really busy weekend so sorry this is so late in sending!  

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Color my World

Oct. 4rd and 5th Week 6- Color my World
Welcome Song
Music Circle Time 
De Colores
Johnny Brown with scarves
Two little black birds-Finger play
Blue Bird-circle game
Sing a Rainbow
Math/Science Games
Creating Project-Color a rainbow
Snack Time-Fresh Purple Plums
Free Play
Reading/Writing Time-Lesson 10-new letter R
Story Time-Blue Hat, Green Hat; My Green Book of Shapes; Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Goodbye Song
 October 6th and 7th Color my World
Welcome Song
Show and Tell
Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing)
Stop and Go Sign with instruments—Lukey’s Boat
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Sing a Rainbow
Music Choosing
Math/Science Games
Creating Project—Colors and foam Shapes
Snack Time-Brown Pretzles
Free Play
Reading/Writing Time-lesson 11-revew letter R
Story Time—Colors; One fish, two fish…, DW’s Color Book
Goodbye Song

Home Assignment/Challenge:
Sorting can be lots of fun for a preschool and great practice for math skills.  During play and work challenge your preschooler to sort things in different category.  We are focusing on colors this week so you could have them sort their socks, toys, or food by colors.  You could have them help you set the table and practice sorting the silverware into piles of spoons, forks and knifes.
Upcoming Dates:
Don't forget Show and Tell is this week on either Wednesday or Thursday.  Have your child bring anything from home that they would like to tell the class about.  
Next week is our Flavorful Food Week and we will be having a tour at Macey's on Wed and Thursday.  
No Preschool Oct 25-28th