"Almost all children respond to music. Music is an open-sesame, and if you can use it carefully and appropriately, you can reach into that child's potential for development." Dr. Clive Robbins

Summer and Fall Registration Information

Come visit our new website!
To register for the 2014-2015 School Year:
  1. E-mail Miss Heather at heather@overlymusical.com and schedule a time to come visit and observe some of a preschool group.  
  2. Fill out Registration Packet (New Student Registration Form, Preschool Policy, and Photo Permission Form)
  3. $35 registration fee (includes a preschool T-shirt)  Any additional t-shirts needed can be purchased for $7.00.  Please make checks payable to Music Train Preschool.  

For the first day of school Please bring:

  1. Backpack (regular size that can fit letter size paper in it)
  2. Change of clothes in the backpack
  3. 100 assorted stickers for the classroom supplies (any size, color)
  4. Please have your child keep all his toys at home.  We do have one show and tell each month.  He can bring something from home on those days.  

Beautiful Junk:  

During the year we make arts and crafts from items that might be thrown away.  If you can help collect and send these items to school, I'll let you know when we have enough.  

  1. Scratched or unused CD's or DVD's
  2. empty toilet paper or paper towel rolls
  3. Kleenex boxes (long ones)
  4. empty water bottles
  5. empty vitamin or prescription bottles
  6. used magazines to cut up
Summer Registration:

Summer Preschool Schedule
Classes are taught from 9:30-11:30 am--$10 for each class
Money is due at registration of classes to hold your spot.

June 4th—Circus Fun
June 18th-Pirates
June 25th—Bugs
July 2nd -I love America
July 9th-Oceanside Beach Day
July 16th-Gardening and Farms
July 23rd-Kitchen Fun
July 30th-Medieval Life
August 6th-Camping
August 13th—Royalty Faire

Each class will have:   Arts and Crafts, Music, Outside Play, Reading Time, Math and Science Experiences, Calendar, & Computer Time.
Click Here for Registration Form or e-mail Heather@overlymusical.com to receive form via e-mail.