"Almost all children respond to music. Music is an open-sesame, and if you can use it carefully and appropriately, you can reach into that child's potential for development." Dr. Clive Robbins

Friday, December 28, 2012


Theme:  Dinosaurs
Letter:  G
Number:  14

Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Spotlights on preschool children-About one a month
Show and Tell- once a month
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Going on a Dino Hunt (instruments for sound effects)
Social—Show and Tell—Bring 14 of something
Counting-Count all our 14 things
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Lines and Space Toss
Small and Large Movement Skills-Walk the Dinosaur
ABC/Reading—ABC mix up
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time—Baby Oranges
Free Time & Group Motor Activity- Throw Snowballs at a target
Creating Project (arts and crafts) D is for Dinosaur/Tissue Paper Dinosaur
Math/Science Skills—Phone Number Practice w/ phones
Goodbye Song
Home Project: I would like to work on phone numbers with the students this week.
Could you please send me what phone number you would like your child to know to best
get a hold of you. This is important information to know especially before Kindergarten.
This will also emphasis number recognition as well. Practice dialing your phone number
on a “fake” phone at home. If they are having a hard time remembering the number I
recommend putting it to music. It fits well with the “Bingo” song. “My phone number is
seven long and I can dial home, 512-6094, 512-6094, 512-6094 and I can dial home (or I can dial mommy).”
Announcements:  Our field Trip will be Jan 16-17.  I will give more details soon.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Senses of Christmas

Seat Work—(Midyear Assessments)
Reading and Writing
Spotlights on preschool children-Xaeli
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Listen Listen what is this
Social/Counting-12 days of Christmas (Insert what they want for Christmas in song)
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Jingle Bells/First Noel
Small and Large Movement Skills-Once their was a snowman
Singing—Must Be Santa
Snack & Story Time—Chocolate Cookies
Free Time & Group Motor Activity
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Christmas Chain/Snowflakes
Math/Science Skills—Christmas BINGO
Goodbye Song

Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week
Seat Work—(Midyear Assessments)
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Find the Beat w/ bells and the Nutcracker Suite
Social/Counting-12 Days of Christmas
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Jingle Bell’s/First Noel
Small and Large Movement Skills—Nutcracker Dance w/ Scarves
ABC/Reading-Alphabet Rumba
Singing—Must Be Santa
Snack & Story Time—Cookies at Program
Free Time & Group Motor Activity
Creating Project (arts and crafts)Decorate Sugar Cookies for program
Math/Science Skills—Uno Attack
Christmas Program will begin half hour before the end of class.

Home Project:  A very important way children learn is by playing.  We may think they are just “playing” but for a child this is their work.  We need to give children the opportunities in their day for uninterrupted play.  But in the same token we should be a playmate.  It’s hard to give them our time everyday for play but I want to challenge you to find a few minutes everyday to join with them in their play.  Don’t take over the play let the child direct you.  Give them the floor and let them tell you how to play.  Have a very Merry Christmas,  See you next year!

Calendar Items:  School Begins back up at: Jan 2nd and 3rd.  Our Theme will be Dinosaurs

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Kitchen Time

December 3-6th 2012—Kitchen Time
Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Spotlights on preschool children-About one a month
Show and Tell- once a month
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—All around the Kitchen
Social—I love _______ (song writing) favorite foods
Counting—10 little Vegetables
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Jingle Bells/First Noel
Small and Large Movement Skills—Do as I’m doing
ABC/Reading—ABC Sing to Me
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time-Homemade Pretzels
Free Time & Group Motor Activity—Seasonal Dress Relay
Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Make Pretzels/No Bake Cookies
Math/Science Skills—Sorting Utensils
Goodbye Song

Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Spotlights on preschool children-About one a month
Show and Tell- once a month
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Pots and Pan Band
Social—Stones Soup—let everyone contribute something into the soup.
Counting—Pease Porridge Hot—Count the “peas” in the pot (The first little pea jumped into the pot and waited for the soup to get hot)
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Jingle Bells/First Noel
Small and Large Movement Skills—Let it snow w/ Parachute and snowflakes
ABC/Reading—Alphabet Rumba
Singing—Must Be Santa-- Learn Song
Snack & Story Time-No Bake Cookies
Free Time & Group Motor Activity—Kick Ball
Creating Project (arts and crafts)Pudding Paint/No Bake Cookies
Math/Science Skills—Abacus Counting
Goodbye Song

Announcements:  It’s December-please look in your child’s backpack for their monthly calendar.  Show and Tell is this Wednesday or Thursday.  Since we are talking about kitchen have them bring there favorite food or favorite kitchen item.  Part of show and tell is learning how to talk in front of a group and learning new vocabulary words.  This is a great time to learn the names of items they have seen you use in the kitchen.  Last day of preschool for December is the 12th or the 13th.  Because of the busy time of year I decided to wait to do our field trip until January.  Next week on Dec 12th or 13th we will be doing a Christmas program for our families for the last half hour of preschool.  You are welcome to come and enjoy that.  We will also have refreshments afterward.

Home Challenge:  This week we will be talking about the kitchen.  There are so many math, science, and reading skills that are built by doing cooking activities.  Please find time to include your child in some of your cooking/baking this holiday season.  These memories of cooking with mom and dad are priceless!

Friday, November 23, 2012

I love Music

Nov 26  I love Music
Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week—U & 11
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Spotlights on preschool children-Nate
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Doodling with instruments
Social-Little Johnny Brown
Counting-5 monkeys with hand
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Make Music with our notes
Small and Large Movement Skills—Horsey Horsey
ABC/Reading-Bingo w/ letters
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time--Fruit
Free Time & Group Motor Activity
Creating Project (arts and crafts)Kazoo’s/Shakers
Math/Science Skills—Number Bingo
Goodbye Song

Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week—U & 11
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Teach 3/4 time with My Bonnie
Social—I’m in the mood
Counting-Count the Beats in music. Ravel-3/4 and Vivaldi 4/4
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Sing Sing Sing w/ round
Small and Large Movement Skills-Ding Dong I’ve got the rhythm
ABC/Reading-ABC Sing to me
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time--Crackers
Free Time & Group Motor Activity
Creating Project (arts and crafts) Plate Shakers/Write Music
Math/Science Skills—Memory
Goodbye Song
Calendar:  Next week is December.  Don’t forget your tuition.  I will be handing out calendars Wednesday or Thursday.  We have a field trip this month so watch for that on the calendar.
Homework challenge:  With the Tuesday and Thursday we have been working in the Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons by Engelmann.  I love this method of teaching children to read.  I highly recommend that all my parents buy this book and use it at home to reinforce the reading at home.  We will begin using the book in the Monday and Wednesday Classes starting in January.  I didn’t feel like they were quite ready to begin it yet but by Jan.  I think they will be.  Most of the kids are doing really well with the reading and are catching on fast.  You can get the book at The Book Table or online.  I know they have the book at most libraries so if you want to check it out first before you buy it that may be a good option.
I will be sending an e-mail with a survey to see if you have any suggestions or things you would like done at preschool.  We have been going for a few months and I would like some feedback to know if I can make this a better experience for you and your student.  You can return this via e-mail or print it out and return in person.  Thank you!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

November 19th and 20th

Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, - Letter F-Numbers 1-10 Review
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Harvest Song w/ Instruments
Social—Gratitude Attitude—Share one thing you are grateful for when they get the bean bag
Counting-10 little Indians
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Blue Jellos
Small and Large Movement Skills Five Fat Turkeys- Five Fat turkeys were sitting on a fence.  The fist one said, I’m so immense The second one said, I can gobble at you The third one said I can gobble too the fourth one said I can spread my tail the fifth one said, Don’t catch it on a nail A farmer came along and stopped to say Turkeys look best on Thanksgiving Day (use hand to point to all the turkeys)
ABC/Reading-Rhyming words!  “A hunting we will go”-
Fish-Dish; Bear Hair; Pig Jig; giraffe laugh
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time—Graham Crackers w/ milk
Free Time & Group Motor Activity-Turkey tag
Creating Project (arts and crafts) Handprint Turkey/TP Turkey
Math/Science Skills—Thanksgiving Bingo
Goodbye Song

Calendar:  No School on Nov 21st and 22nd.  Happy Thanksgiving

Home Challenge:  Thanksgiving is a great time for family and friends to gather.  It is a great idea to include your children in your baking traditions by helping you do one of your dishes.  Another way to include them is letting them help set the table or make a table decoration like a place mat.

Some may ask is it really that important to go to preschool?  You as a parent obviously have decided it is important!  I have seen the direct benefits as a mom with my three older children who are now in school full time.  Here are some reasons I think preschool is important.
1.  Preschool is good socially for your child.  Preschool often times is the first time child and mom or dad are away from a child for an educational experience.  I've seen Kindergarten children out in the hall for months with mom because they didn't want to leave her.  Children need to know mom and dad will come back, and preschool is a great time to practice this.  The transition to kindergarten will be much easier if practiced in preschool years.
2.  Preschool is good to learn to play with children their own age.  Learn how to share, take turns, contribute to conversations, and answer questions in a group setting.
3.  Preschool can help prepare your child to be a student.  Music, dance, and gymnastics are great but preschool teaches children how to be students.  Raising hands, not talking out of turn, sitting tall in their chair, listen to teacher, etc.
4.  Preschool can increase your child's school success.  Studies have shown early education improve chances for children's academic success.  This is why there are many state funded preschools available throughout the country.
5.  Preschool encourages independent learning and exploration.  Children learn so much from each other, through play and observation of other children their own age.  If they see one child writing their name, they start thinking, "Hey I can do that, or I want to do that."  Preschool can foster creativity and learning by just being with each other.

I feel so grateful to have the opportunity to teach your children.  I take my job very seriously and want you to know that I will always do my very best to be a good and loving teacher.  Thank you!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

My Amazing Body

Theme:  My Amazing Body

Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter –N and Number-10
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Instrument Pass and Play
Social—My Body (Tune of "Where is Thumbkin")  This is my body…It’s the only one I’ve got…I’m going to take good care of it…Yes I am….  Pass Bean Bag and who every gets the bag at the end of the song tells us one thing we can do to take care of our bodies.
Counting-10 little fingers
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Musical Snake
Small and Large Movement Skills-Head Shoulders
ABC/Reading—Alphabet Rumba
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time-Fruit Leather
Free Time & Group Motor Activity-Red Rover
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Self Portraits/Body Tracings
Math/Science Skills—Body Awareness Game
Goodbye Song

Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter N and Number 10 of the Week
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—choose favorite instrument to play Trish Trash Polka
Social—Body Floor mat and brush teeth
Counting—Hickory Dickory Dock
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Introduce Treble Clef
Small and Large Movement Skills—Do your ears hang low
ABC/Reading—Alphabet Rumba
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time—muffins
Free Time & Group Motor Activity—Balancing Game
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Playdough/Food Group Collage
Math/Science Skills—Counting Game w/ blocks
Goodbye Song

Announcments:  Next week because of Thanksgiving we will only have preschool Monday or Tuesday.  FYI:  Some of things we create we will not bring them home because I am collecting a few things to put in a packet to give them at Preschool Graduation.  This will be a fun thing to have as a memory of preschool and I will print off a few photos I have been taking to put in their as well.
Flu and Cold Season is hitting.  If you child is running a fever, has been throwing up within 24 hours of preschool, or has a green runny nose please keep them home so we don’t spread the sickness.  My kids may get sick and if this happens I will provide a separate place for them to be during preschool and still have preschool.  If I get the flu I will contact you and cancel preschool.  I haven’t had to do this before so lets hope I can stay healthy!
Homework Challenge:  I have been working with our students on correct pencil grip.  This is a challenge for many of the students.  If they are reinforced at home to hold their pencil, crayon, marker or whatever correctly then I know the habit will be made much faster.  The middle finger and thumb form a vise for holding the pencil.  The index, or pointing, finger rests between the middle finger and the thumb.  Fingers need to be close to the point of the pencil.  All knuckles, including the thumb, should be bent and the fingers and thumb rounded to the same degree.  Some of the children will easily change their grip when I just mention to hold their pencil with the correct pencil grip.  Some need a little more assistance.

Monday, November 5, 2012

When I Grow Up

Monday and Tuesday
Self Directed Play & Clean Up-Cars w/ Road Map
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Musical Jazz Improv. Solo and group play.
Social—“Who are the People in your neighborhood”  -Let each student identify one person that helps our community run each day.
Counting-10 little monkeys jumping on the bed
Music Appreciation/Readiness:  Grand Staff- introduce lines and spaces
Small and Large Movement Skills- Leaves are Falling
Mailing Letters - sung to "The Mulberry Bush"
ABC/Reading—BINGO w/ Rhythm Sticks
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time-Apple Slices
Free Time & Group Motor Activity-Jump Rope Play
Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Leaf Rubbings/Fall Leaves Scene
Math/Science Skills-Monkey Math
Goodbye Song

Wed and Thursday
Self Directed Play & Clean Up—Little People Play
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Spotlights on preschool children-About one a month
Show and Tell- once a month
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-I’ve been Working on the Railroad-Instrument Exploration
Social—The Farmer in the Dell
Counting—I have 10 little fingers
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Musical Up and Down w/ Scarves
Small and Large Movement Skills I'm a Firefighter - sung to "I'm a little teapot"
ABC/Reading—Alphabet Rumba
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time-Carrots and Celery sticks
Free Time & Group Motor Activity-Freeze Tag
Creating Project (arts and crafts)Job Coloring Pages/Write Letters
Math/Science Skills-Block Patterns
Goodbye Song

Announcements:  Show and Tell this week!  Since we are talking about different occupations, have your child bring something that either Dad or Mom uses at work (it could be a picture also) to represent what mom or dad does.  It could be a tool, a finished product that they make, or a picture of mom or dad in uniform.
We are doing a few projects this month that need some supplies.  If you could help me by collecting some toilet paper rolls that would be great.  I thought we had enough and then we used quite a bit this month so I'm in need of some more.
It's a new month.  Tuition is due by the end of this week.  Thank you all for paying on time!  You all have been wonderful at this.

Homework Project:  We are talking about different jobs and occupations.  Does your child know what you and your husband do for a living?  If possible it would be cool for them to come see where you work what your desk or station looks like.  If you stay at home to care for children and manage the home this is a good opportunity to remind them of all the things you do to keep the home in order for them each day.
In our 4-5 year old group we will be preparing letters and envelopes to send to a loved one.  If you could help by addressing it and taking it to the post office or to your mailbox that would be great.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Halloween and Senses

Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week:  Letter O, Number 8
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Addams Family w/ rhythm sticks
Social—What are you going to be on Halloween Night?
Counting—Spider has 8 legs
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Princess Patty Tap
Small and Large Movement Skills- I’m a Mean Old Witch with a Hat
ABC/Reading-Witches Brew
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time-Decorate and eat halloween sugar cookie
Free Time & Group Motor Activity—Ball Catching/Costume Parade on 30th
Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Playdough/Glow Stick Pumpkins
Math/Science Skills—Halloween Bingo

Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week:  Letter O, Number 8
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Have you seen the ghost of John
Social-Witches Brew
Counting-Five Little Spooky Ghosts
Music Appreciation/Readiness—ABC Seek and Find (pumpkins)
Small and Large Movement Skills-Monster Mash w/ Parachute
ABC/Reading-Musical Chairs
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time-Fruit Cocktail
Free Time & Group Motor Activity-Outside Ball throwing and Catching—Costume Parade on the 31st.
Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Glow Stick Pumpkins/Sponge Paint Pumpkins
Math/Science Skills- Guessing Smells blindfolded (onions, pickles, tuna, orange)
Goodbye Song

Announcements:  On the 30th (Tuesday) and the 31st (Wednesday) students are encouraged to come to preschool in costume.  Please no masks.  You are invited to bring a Halloween treat/candy for each student.  In the 3-4 year old class there are 6 children and in the 4-5 year old classes there are 8.

Homework Challenge:  This week we are discussing our senses which help us learn.  At home I encourage you to talk about their senses.  Did you know our tongue has 3,000 taste buds, have them look at their tongue to see all their taste buds.  When we taste foods we taste things bitter, sweet, sour, or salty.  You can make lemonade together and have them try the bitter lemon rind, the sour lemon fruit and the sweet sugar and then taste the finished lemonade sour/sweet.  You can also take your child on a walk blindfolded and have them identify cars, leaves rustling, wind, and dogs barking just with their hearing sense.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Pumpkin/Harvest Days

Monday and Tuesday
Field Trip days—Wear warm clothes and t-shirt.  Bring a car seat or booster as well.
Wednesday and Thursday
Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week: Letter I, Number 7
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Harvest Drumming
Social-It’s Autumtime—talk about the changes of the season
Counting-Hickory Dickory Dock
Music Appreciation/Readiness- Dynamics!
Small and Large Movement Skills- Harvest Dance:  Follow the Dance Leader
ABC/Reading-ABC hide and seek
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time-Scones
Free Time & Group Motor Activity—Obstacle Course outside
Creating Project (arts and crafts)- TP Scarecrow/Leaf Rubbings
Math/Science Skills-Uncle Wiggly Game
Goodbye Song

Check our facebook page this week for pictures of our field trip.  
Calendar:  Next week for Halloween I would love to see the children in their costumes.   Plan on letting them come in costume on Tuesday 30th or Wednesday 31st.  We will have a costume show and your welcome to send a treat for each child so they can give to their classmates.  Plan on sending 8 treats if you would like.

Homework Challenge:  Now that we are starting to put on jackets, and shoes and socks I have found it is a lot harder to get my own kids out the door because of the time it takes to put everything on.  Does your child know how to put their own coat on?  Can they put their own shoes on?  Three and four years old is a good age to start learning these skills.  You may need to take a few minutes into your plan to get out the door to allow them the time to work on this.  Once they can get their own socks and shoes and jackets on you can start learning to tie and lace their shoes.     

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Flavorful Food!

Flavorful Food
Self Directed Play; Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week:Letter D, Number 6
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Waltz’n (Drum Shake Shake) learning 3/4 time
Social—Favorite Food—Shortnin Bread
Counting-5 little monkeys swinging
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Play back my rhthm
Small and Large Movement Skills—Dance Director (Cooleys Reel)
ABC/Reading-Pease Poridge Hot (w/ Clapping)
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack and Story Time- Ants on a log and Carrots: story --Hungry Caterpillar)
Free Time  and Group Motor Activity:  Hokey Pokey
Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Decorate Pumpkins
Math/Science Skills--Sequence
Goodbye Song

Announcements:  Don't forget next week we only have preschool on Monday.
The following week is the Pumpkin Walk Field Trip.  I will be sending details via e-mail later.

Homework Challenge:  Food can be a challenge with children but if they are exposed to a variety of food at a young age they will most likely not be as picky   I challenge you to involved your child with you in the kitchen this week.  You can make cookies together, or cook dinner together.  There are many things that a preschooler can do to help.  Some of the things are:  wash your produce for a salad, tear lettuce up, set the table, measure out dry ingredients.  It takes some patience but doing this will help them with their motor skills, vocabulary, and math skills.  Helping you read the recipe is a great way to expose them to more numbers and letters.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Color my World

Color my world
Self Directed Play & Clean Up-Color Boxes
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week-R & 5
Seat Work—
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Lukey’s Boat w/ instruments and stop and go sign
Social-Little Johnny Brown
Counting-Two Little Black Birds
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Introduce Staff and Magic Notes
Small and Large Movement Skills-De Colores w/ Scarves
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time-Fresh Purple Plums
Free Time & Group Motor Activity-Color Chair Game
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Fingerpainting/Playdough
Math/Science Skills-Uno Attack
Goodbye Song

Self Directed Play & Clean Up-Lacing
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week-R & 5
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—It’s a Beautiful World.
Social—Ball Passing and “what’s your favorite color”
Counting-Ball Bounce
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Sing w/ Me 123
Small and Large Movement Skills-I can Sing a Rainbow
ABC/Reading—Alphabet Corners
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time-Peaches
Free Time & Group Motor Activity—Jump Rope Game
Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Sidewalk Chalk/Water-Painting
Math/Science Skills-Sorting Color boxes
Goodbye Song

I sent home calendars for October this month.  Be sure to look in your child's backpack for their creations and their calendar.

Homework Assignment:  Children who are preschool age get super excited about the next holiday, birthday, or any exciting event!  One thing that can be hard to understand and make them upset is when it doesn't come the day they want.  At preschool we do a calendar everyday.  It would be great if you could show them your family calendar.  Show them how many days it will be till Halloween, Christmas or whatever so they can help count down with you.  This will help them to understand time a little better but also work on their numbers.

Saturday October 13, 2012 is the Scott Archibald Benefit Dinner/Auction from 5-7 pm.  Dinner is only $5.  Music Train Preschool will be giving away two 2 months tuition for the "Play with Me" class that I teach on Friday Mornings.  We have a really fun group of children with their moms/dad/caregivers.  We have children ages 0-5 that attend the class with their parent.  A piano, cruiser bike, gym memberships, Ipad, Itv, and so much more will be auctions off that night.  Come and support the Archibald family (my friends and an amazing Smithfield family!)  

Friday, September 28, 2012

Exploring Space

This is going to be a fun week learning about Our Solar System!
Monday and Tuesday
Self Directed Play & Clean Up—Spacecraft Stencils and Miniature Astronauts
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week Letter T Number 4
Seat Work
Reading and Writing—Talk about our space theme and how hot the sun is.  Take out chocolate chips outside in the sun to start melting.
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Social—Star Wars-Draw pictures as you listen
Counting—Stars Shining
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Blue Jello sticks
Small and Large Movement Skills—Twinkle Twinkle
ABC/Reading— Planet Names w/ Letters  The Sun , Mercury, Venus, Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto This is the planet order. (Sung to 1 little 2 little Indians
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time-Fruit and marshmallows dipped in chocolate
Free Time & Group Motor Activity- Dodge Astroids
Creating Project (arts and crafts) Bubbles
Math/Science Skills—Star Wars Numbers Book
Goodbye Song

Wednesday and Thursday
Self Directed Play & Clean Up—Space Puzzles and Astronauts Hand Puppets
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Show and Tell-Find something in your house that starts with the letter of your name!  Be ready to share with the class your object.  (Thanks parents for you help with this)
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Twinkle Twinkle Star with Bells (color bells)
Social—Star Light Star Bright –Everyone tell what wish they would make
Counting—Count off Blast off
Music Appreciation/Readiness Piano High and Low Sounds
Small and Large Movement Skills—He’s got the whole world in his hands, pass the earth ball around the circle
ABC/Reading-Alphabet Rumba
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time—Saturn Rings—Roll dice to see how many we get
Free Time & Group Motor Activity—Planet and moon Tag
Creating Project (arts and crafts) Constellation Creation/Orbiting Planets
Math/Science Skills Demonstrate Planets orbiting the sun by acting out with planet balls
Goodbye Song

Home project:  For this week we have show and Tell.  I would like each student to find something at home that begins with the same letter of their name and share it with the class.  Have them practice doing this in front of your family so they will be comfortable verbalizing their object and their name.

Snack time Philosophy:    I think snack time is a great time for kids to learn how to use their good table manners in a group.  This isn't a meal, just a little snack.  I usually give everyone a good size amount and don't give seconds.  I always serve water and encourage them to drink what they can.  Unless a child is allergic to a snack I don't provide different snacks then what we have.  I encourage everyone to at least try everything even if they think they don't like it.  I think it's important at this age to try different foods especially fruits and vegetables.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Things that Go!

Self Directed Play & Clean Up—Cars and Trucks
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week- Letter E; Number 3
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Spotlights on preschool children-About one a month
Show and Tell- once a month
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Train Song w/ Shakers
Social—Wheels on the Bus
Counting—Blue Jello w/ instruments
Music Appreciation/Readiness—PP—FF dynamics
Small and Large Movement Skills-Row Row Row your Boat
ABC/Reading—ABC cards hidden (have each song represented on letters)
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Banana Boats/Paper Airplanes
Free Time & Group Motor Activity—Red Light Green Light
Snack & Story Time-Eat Banana Boats/Ants on a Log
Math/Science Skills-Sort Vehicles in three piles: land air or sea—Count each pile
Goodbye Song

Self Directed Play & Clean Up—Vehicles/Puppets
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Walk to Park for Field Trip—Play Outside Games for about 1 hour
Snack—half way through Field Trip—Water and Oranges
Goodbye Song
Announcements--This week is our first field trip.  We are only walking 1 1/2 blocks to a nearby grass area to do some fun active games. You are more then welcome to come and join the group to help out. I have Brittany Loveland helping with the Mon Wed afternoon group and Hanne Sorensen and Emily Hirschfeld down to help for Tue Thursday Class.  Here are times we will be leaving and coming back for each group.
Fantasia Group--Leave at 9:30 come back at 10:45--
Cadenza Group--Leave at 11:45 come back at 1:00
Symphony Group--Leave at 9:30 come back at 11:15
Home Challenge--Our days are getting numbered when we can get outside and play.  I challenge you to take your preschooler to the park and have each of you take a turn to make up an obstacle course on the playground you can take turns doing it and if they enjoy the competitive side, take a stop watch and time them to see if they can beat them self.  Please let me know if you have any concerns about your child or any questions.  I feel like all the kids are doing really well and I'm enjoying each of them!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

I'm a VIP

Homework Challenge:  This week we learning about each other learning how important we are.  This will help us make friends at preschool.  Help your child identify at least one of his/her favorite things.  We will be composing a class song with all of our favorite things in it.  We will be doing this Monday or Tuesday.   One of the best gifts we can give our children is our time and listening hear.  Take time this week to make your child feel special as you listen to what he/she has to say.  This can be very hard with our busy schedules, but it is worth the effort.

Wed or Thursday.
I’m a VIP:  Letter A; Number 2
Self Directed Play & Clean Up-Picture Shapes/ Mega Blocks
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Spotlight on Tayia for Monday (4-5 year old group)
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments- Group and solo time with rhythm instruments
Social-My Favorite Things (songwriting)
Counting-Hickory Dickory Dock (Introduce our clock!)
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Find and Snake
Small and Large Movement Skills- Where is Thumbkin?
ABC/Reading—Baa Baa Black Sheep (Colors then Letters)
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Footprints & Handprints/Kids License Plate
Free Time & Group Motor Activity- Red Light, Green Light
Snack & Story Time Pretzels
Math/Science Skills-Monkey I pad Game
Goodbye Song

Self Directed Play & Clean Up -Picture Shapes/ Mega Blocks
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Group Drumming
Social—Shake a Friends Hand –Discuss about how we can be friends with others
Counting -Five Little Speckled Frogs (Sing with Story Book and felt hand)
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Two Black Keys on Piano
Small and Large Movement Skills- Head Shoulder’s Knees and Toes
ABC/Reading- Put the letter M, S and A on an instrument so you have three instruments in the middle of the circle.  “I’ve got a letter in my head, find it and play, repeat, Play the _____, “Tune of Li’l Liza Jane”
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Favorite Things Collage/Footprints and Handprints
Free Time & Group Motor Activity-Parachute Play outside
Snack & Story Time-Zucchini Bread
Math/Science Skills-Dominoes
Goodbye Song

Friday, September 7, 2012

Animals in my world!

Our first week went really well.  A note on the outline below.  The craft with the star is for the 3-4 year old class.  We don't ever have time to do all the music listed below and so I do some with the 3-4 year old class and then I do the rest with the 4-5 year olds.   Sometimes we do repeats if I feel both classes would benefit from them.
A word on my Philosophy:  I really feel preschool crafts are more for the experience of the child creating it  and not particularly something they will keep and collect for years.  This is why I choose to do a lot of crafts made from recycled material, and things you can find around your house.  This keeps my costs down so then I can afford to make my preschool less expensive.  This way you won't feel bad if you don't keep everything that comes home.  You may want to find a designated wall, magnet board, fridge space, or pin board that can display a couple of your child's creations.  When we get something new that doesn't fit on the board/wall the child decides which one we should take down to replace it with.
Homework challenge:  Your preschooler is learning so many new things right now.  Sometimes that can be overwhelming and they may get worn out.  Watch for signs of fatigue and you may need to adjust there schedule so they can get more rest.  I recommend all preschoolers take a quiet time during the day.  They may not necessarily sleep but it gives them time to quiet their bodies.  I like to give my preschooler a choice of a book and I read it to her and then I let her spend some quiet time in her room on her bed for at least an hour.  Puzzles and other quiet activities can be appropriate at this time as well.  This quiet time will help them increase their attention and self control.  This is also great for moms to have some time alone!  It keeps me a little more sane.  =)

Lesson Plan for Monday and Tuesday:
Self Directed Play & Clean Up—Animal Creatures Play,  Lacing Animals
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week Letter: S  Number 1
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Spotlights on preschool children-Keonne on Monday
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—I’m going on a bear hunt—add instruments for sound effects
Social—Old McDonald—have each child choose an animal
Counting-5 little ducks
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Blue Jello Rhythm w/ Pete
Small and Large Movement Skills-Animal Action
ABC/Reading-Home on the Range—inner listening skills
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)— *Playdough/Clothespin Horse
Free Time & Group Motor Activity—Cat and Mouse Parachute Game
Snack & Story Time—Animal Crackers
Math/Science Skills—Animal Memory Game
Goodbye Song

Lesson Plan for Wed and Thursday:
Self Directed Play & Clean Up—Mega Lego Blocks w/ animals, puppets
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week  Letter S & Number 1
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Shape Instrument Song
Social—The Farmer and the Dell
Counting-10 little monkeys jumping on the bed
Music Appreciation/Readiness-ABC-Find me cards
Small and Large Movement Skills—Crazy Frog Jump w/ Parachute
ABC/Reading—Baa Baa “B” Sheep-each child tells me and find the letter of their name
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)-*Animal Mural/Sheep w/ handprint
Free Time & Group Motor Activity—Duck Duck Goose
Snack & Story Time—Fresh Fruit (apples, plums)
Math/Science Skills—Sorting Animal Types
Goodbye Song

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Welcome to School!

I'm excited to get started this week!  I have been furiously getting all our supplies and materials ready to go.  So I apologize that this post is so late in coming.  Just a couple reminders to help make tomorrow and Thursday go smoothly.
1.  Talk lots about preschool and how much fun they will have.  You can go over our preschool rules so they can already know them.  Our rules are simple:  Follow Teachers Directions, Keep your hands and objects to yourself, and Treat others and yourself Kindly.
2.  Drop off no earlier then 5 minutes early so I have time to have everything in the class ready to go.  You can bring them up to the door or just wave goodbye from the car
3.  Bring your 100 stickers if you already haven't, and an extra pair of clothes in your backpack
4.  Pick up-- When we are finished with school I will bring your children outside to you.  You can wait in your car or just outside.  That way we all are done together.

Below is our schedule.  The 3 & 4 year olds don't do all that is below.  See your calendar for which creative project your child will do.

September 5 & 6  Getting to Know You!  Letter M and Number 0

Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Go over Rules at Preschool
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Spotlights on preschool children-About one a month
Show and Tell- once a month
Music Circle Time
Hello Song

Instruments: Lauren’s Waltz –musical improve with rhythm instruments

Social: Make New Friends:
        My Favorite Things-song writing
The More we get together

Counting Ode to Joy counting song

Music Appreciation/Readiness Introduce Alphabet Cards

Small and Large Movement Skills- If your happy and you know it

ABC/Reading:  Humming letter M- Follow pitches of Pete the dog!
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts) My Favorite Color/Food Sheet/About Me Collage
Free Time & Group Motor Activity:  Follow the Leader Outside
Snack & Story Time:  Carrots and Celery sticks w/ dressing
Math/Science Skills-Introduce Number Blocks
Goodbye Song

Friday, August 24, 2012

Join our Play with Me Sample Class

You are invited to a FREE "Play with Me" Music Sample Class at the
Smithfield Recreation Center!

For: Children 0-3 years old and Parents/Caregivers
When: Friday, August 31st 2012
Time: 10:00 am
Where: Smithfield Recreation Center Aerobics Room
Cost: Absolutely Free with no obligation

This fall a new class will be taught at the Smithfield Recreation
Center called, "Play with Me." This fun and exciting music class is
specially designed for children ages 0-3 and parents/caregivers.
Heather Overly, music therapist, has planned these classes to be
enjoyable by you and your child but will also support your child's
development. Some of the skills that we will be learning together
through music, dance, movement, and instrument playing, are body
awareness, balance, coordination, attention span, parent/child
bonding, and music appreciation. Come have an enjoyable trying this
sample class. There is no obligation to sign up for the class but if
you choose to sign up for the class your $15 registration fee will be
waived. Also if you have a Smithfield Recreation Membership you will recieve 15% off your tuition.

See below for more information about the class that will
begin September 7th. If you have any questions regarding this class
please contact Heather Overly at musictrainpreschool@gmail.com

Play with Me Ages: 0-3, parent or caregiver must attend with child.
Classes Held: Fridays 10:00 am, at the Smithfield Recreation Center.
16 lessons per semester, 45 minutes in length.

Class Designed to promote:
  • Parent/child bonding
  • Social Development with other children their age
  • Music appreciation & listening
  • Body Awareness and coordination
  • Internal and external rhythm
  • Attention span
  • Supports speech and vocabulary development
  • Academic skills such as colors, numbers, letters, will also be emphasized

Singing, Dancing, Instrument Playing, Music Listening, Musical Games, & Music Creating

Tuition: $30 per month ($15 yearly registration fee)

Friday, August 3, 2012

"Play with me" Sample Class

You are Invited to:
A Free "Play with Me" Sample Class

For:  Children 0-3 years old and Parents/Caregivers  --please no more then two children per adult
When:  Wednesday August 15, 2012
Time:  7:00-8:00 pm
Where:  Smithfield Recreation Center Team Room
Cost:  Absolutely Free with no obligation

This fall a new class will be taught at the Smithfield Recreation Center called, "Play with Me."  This fun and exciting music class is specially designed for children ages 0-3 and parents/caregivers.  Heather Overly, music therapist, has planned these classes to be enjoyable by you and your child but will also support your child's development.  Some of the skills that we will be learning together through music, dance, movement, and instrument playing are body awareness, balance, coordination, attention span, parent/child bonding, and music appreciation.  Come have an enjoyable night trying this sample class.  There is no obligation to sign up for the class but we will take registration for the fall classes that night for those interested.  See below for more information about the class that will begin in September.  To make this more enjoyable for you and your children please only bring children ages 0-3 and up to two children per parent/caregiver.  If you have any questions regarding this class please contact Heather Overly at 563-6543.

Play with Me!
Music Classes for Infants and Toddlers ages 0-3
& their Parents/Caregivers

· Developmentally appropriate and FUN music interventions to foster exploration and learning
· Interventions are singing, instrument playing, movement and dance, music listening and rhythm designed to improve child’s body awareness, turn taking, attention span, listening, creativity, and speech. 
· Parents will be taught skills and songs that can be used at home to reinforce what is taught in class
· Parent Bonding-these classes are designed to promote parent/caregiver bonding
· Experienced and loving teacher with Bachelor’s Degree in Music Therapy

Play with me classes are music classes designed for parents/caregivers and their children ages 0-3 years old. 

Classes will be taught Friday mornings at 10:00 am

Smithfield Recreation Center

Cost $30 a month and yearly $15 registration fee.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

School Supplies Needed

I've had a few parents ask what supplies will you need for preschool.  Since stores have already started back to school sales I thought I better let you know what to look for.
1.  A backpack
I would like every student to have one that fits an 8 1/2 X 11 sheet of paper.  --This will be taken to school everyday.  The really tiny backpacks are hard to send home papers in because often we have to fold some of the students beautiful creations and that can make them upset.  This way they will have a good size backpack now so they can use it for Kindergarten in a year or two.
2.  100 stickers
Any size, color, style.  These will be used for various projects and it's so fun to have a variety of stickers to choose from.

This is all I need them to bring everyday but I would recommend you have these at home so your child can continue the creative and writing juices they are learning at home
3.  box of crayons
4.  construction paper
5.  water color --paint set
6.  Pencil--I would recommend the Dixon brand Tri-Conderoga (I get them at Staples) These are larger for small hands and help them get a good pencil grip at a young age.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Calendar Updated

I know we are still early in the summer, but I've been working for a while on the yearly calendar and I think I have it pretty close to accurate. Check out the Tabs Calendar and the Daily Structure and Weekly Themes.

Once the school year starts in September I will update the blog each weekend. This will give you our list of activities of what we will do. If you will take a minute to follow this by e-mail this will help keep you updated as soon as I post to the blog. Last year I was able to e-mail everyone but this year I have too many families to send an auto e-mail to everyone. To follow by email is very simple. Go to the blog simply type the e-mail you would like the posts to be sent to in the box given on the right hand side of the blog. If you have any questions please let me know.

We do have a facebook page and I like to post a few things per month of projects or field trips we have done. To get these updates simply like Music Train Preschool from your facebook account. http://www.facebook.com/musictrainpreschool?ref=ts

Lastly I do have three openings in the M & W afternoon class. This class runs from 11:30-1:30. This class is for 4-5 year olds. If you think of someone who would be interested please let them know. If you help me fill these three openings I will give you $10 off your first month's tuition. Just have them mention that you referred them to Music Train. I also am doing a Music Play with Me classes on Friday Mornings at 10:00 am. These classes are for children ages 0-3 and their caregiver. I'm excited about these classes. They will be a lot of fun. I will be teaching these classes at the Smithfield Rec Center. For more information on the three classes I teach visit Class Overview Page.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Music Classes to consider

I wanted to let you know about this new program that is beginning in Smithfield. My friend Terri Archibald is starting it and she is an amazing piano teacher. The following is her words about the program. If ever you are interested in music lesson for your child, feel free to call or e-mail me for advise. I have my fingers in a lot of music circles with my own children taking lessons and I teaching for over 10 years. So let me know if you ever need some advise in this area.

Hello Friends!
I am excited to introduce you to Let's Play Music, an exciting, new music curriculum which teaches advanced musical skills to young children (ages 4 - 6) using age-appropriate methods. Music educators have long taught that the young child learns best through play, experience and discovery. Let's Play Music uses play as the medium through which difficult concepts and skills are learned. If you were to peek in on a Let's Play Music class, you would see jumping, singing, skipping, storytelling, and laughing!

I would like to invite you and your child to a FREE sneak preview Sample Class. There you can observe your child participate in class and ask any questions you may have. I am positive that your experience will be enlightening, refreshing and FUN! I will be teaching two free Sample Classes on June 6, 2012 at 10:00 and 1:00. (Other dates available) Class space is limited so give me a call to reserve a spot for you and your child and discover the fascinating world of Let's Play Music!

Please visit our website at www.letsplaymusicsite.com and watch an online video at www.letsplaymusicsite.com/video for lots of great information!

Terri Archibald

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Year End Video 4-5 year old Group

Dear Preschool Students,
Thank you so much for a wonderful year.  It's hard to see all of you grow up and move on to Kindergarten but I know you will all do so well.  Each of you have amazing talents and abilities that I was privileged to see.  Thanks for being you!  I hope you enjoy the memories this video will give you.  Have a good summer and know I will be thinking of you!
Miss Heather

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

3-4 year old Graduation Video

Congratulations!  Thanks for all the parents and family for your support.  
You have made this year wonderful!  Have a great summer!  
Miss Heather

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Graduation Week

Seat Work
Practice writing names
Spotlights on preschool children-Keone Spotlight
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day—Review All
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Bell Choir Song
Social—I’m in the mood for…
Counting—Bubble Gum
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Notes and Rest Matching
Small and Large Movement Skills—Hokey Pokey
ABC/Reading—BINGO and I like to Eat
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Make Graduation Hats
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks—finish up assessments
Snacktime—Apple sauce
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity
Math/Science Skills
Goodbye Song

Seat Work
Practice writing names
Spotlights on preschool children-About one a month
Show and Tell- once a month
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Bell Choir Song
Social—I’m in the mood for…
Counting—Bubble Gum
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Notes and Rest Matching
Small and Large Movement Skills—Hokey Pokey
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime—Fruit Leather
Graduation Time: Parents and other special guests join us Wednesday at 10:00 and Thursday at 11:00.
Give out awards, and year end folders
Refreshments for Families outside.

Announcements:  We had a great time at the zoo this week.  I will be posting a couple pictures on our Music Train Preschool Page soon and you can check those out.  I have a lot of mixed feeling with the year coming to a close next week.  We have had the best kids and I have thoroughly enjoyed this year so much.  Thank you for trusting me with your children this year and I hope you feel like they have grown because of something they have learned here.  
Wednesday Graduation will start at 10:00
Thursday Graduation will start at 11:00
This is very casual but you may want to bring a camera to capture the moment. 

I excited that many of you have registered for next year, so I will get to see you after the summer.  Thank you also for so many of you that have told your friends and family about Music Train.  I have almost filled all my classes already and that is really great!  

Sunday, May 13, 2012



Seat Work
Practice writing names
Spotlights on preschool children- Kate!
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day Animals, Z, X all numbers
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Old MacDonald
Social-Down by the Bay—Add their own rhyming verses
Counting-Fifteen Animals
Music Appreciation/Readiness—A B C—sing with me
Small and Large Movement Skills-The Hokey Pokey
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Turtle Mosaic
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks (Miss Heather -assessments)
Snacktime—Animal Crackers w/ milk
Reading Time: Tingalayo & The Tale of Peter Rabbit
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity—Duck Duck Goose
Math/Science Skills—Telephone Number Practice/& Ladybug counting game
Goodbye Song

Wednesday and Thursday:  Field Trip  See e-mail for details.

Announcements: Thanks so much for all those that were able to come out to the parade today. We had a lot of fun. I posted a picture on our facebook page if you want to check it out. A big thanks to Amanda and Laura for helping pass out flyers and keeping the candy out of the road. =) Can you believe we only have two weeks left of preschool. The month is flying by and we are about ready for graduation. I will be doing final testing this week and next. I will just take one child at a time during free time to get them done. This Wednesday and Thursday if our last field trip for the year. I will send a separate e-mail with our itinerary so watch for that. I do still need one parent to help drive. We only need a car that can hold two preschool children. I can fit six in my van. If you know you can’t come to preschool on Thursday please let me know so we know how many to plan for.

Happy Mother’s Day. The flowers you received from your preschooler were planted by them and they have been helping me water them for a month. The container is biodegradable so you can plant it right in the ground. The flower is a Painted Daisy (multicolored).  Hope you enjoy them this summer.

Home Challenge: Start thinking of summer now. Kindergarten will begin before you know it. To help prepare you child, schedule your day so you can fit in some Reading Time, and some type of project, whether it's, coloring, playing an alphabet or counting game, or making something together in the kitchen. Have them practice writing their name for you everyday. There are lots of story times and summer reading programs that can help motivate your child to read with you this summer. Another thing to think about is to keep them active by going to the park and playing outside. We like to take swimming lessons so they learn how to be safe in the water.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


Seat Work
Practice writing names
Spotlights on preschool children-Clay
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day--Y, J, Q, All numbers
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-There’s a little wheel a turning in my heart
Social-Sing Sing Sing I love to sing (fill in the blank)
Counting—Here is the Beehive
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Magic notes
Small and Large Movement Skills—Bringing home my baby bumblebee
ABC/Reading-Skipping letters
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Make Kazoo’s
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime-Ants on a log
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity-Musical Chairs
Math/Science Skills—More and Less w/ insects
Storytime—A Caterpillar’s Wish; Big Butterfly Book
Goodbye Song

Seat Work
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day--Y, J, Q, All numbers
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Graduation Practice Songs
Social-Graduation Practice Songs
Counting-A sider has 8 legs
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Staff game
Small and Large Movement Skills—Insy Winsy Spider
ABC/Reading-Egg Pass (with letter inside)
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Mother’s Day Surprise
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime-fish crackers
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity-Duck Duck Goose
Math/Science Skills—Bug Sorting Game
Storytime—The Hungry Caterpillar

Announcements: This week is health days in Smithfield. I will be sending a separate e-mail with all the details for the parade. Next week we have a field trip. I need one mom volunteer for the Tuesday/Thursday group to help drive. Please e-mail me or talk with me if you would like to help out. If you have other children at home, they are welcome to join us if you are helping.

Home Challenge: I have a friend who gave me this great idea she does with her preschooler. She has her "babysit or take care of " a letter for the week. They write it on a paper and decorate it and she keeps it with her all day long. You could also use a foam letter, magnet or puzzle of the letter to keep. They talk about the letter all week and look for it in books, and talk about things that start with that letter. This week we are reviewing Y, J, and Q. See what letter your child needs help with and have them babysit this for the week.

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Seat Work
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day –V, P, B; all numbers
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments- Drip Drop
Social—If all the raindrops were lemon drop and gumdrops
Counting-Blowing Bubbles-Under the Sea
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Tonal Study’s
Small and Large Movement Skills-Insy Winsy Spider
ABC/Reading-Alphabet Rumba
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts) – Water Cycle
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime—Fruit leather
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity—Ball Catching and throwing
Math/Science Skills— Cotton Ball & Water Activity
Storytime-Water Stories
Goodbye Song

Seat Work
Practice writing names
Show and Tell--Last show and tell of the school year-child's choice!
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day—V,P,B—All numbers
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Making a Rain Storm
Counting-Raindrops Falling on my head-count the drops
Music Appreciation/Readiness –Blue Jello with instruments
Small and Large Movement Skills—Ordinary Miracle w/ scarves
ABC/Reading—The Water is Wide (find the letters of water)
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts) – Straw Paintings
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime & Math/Science Skills—Cereal and math
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity—Fitness Obstacles
Storytime-Spring Stories
Goodbye Song

Announcements:  Wed and Thur. --Show and Tell-Child's Choice (last one of the year)
Saturday 12th--Health Days Parade Meet at Sky View Parking lot at 9:30
Graduation is coming soon--Families are invited for a program where your child will be featured.  We will be giving out year end binders with several projects we have collected all through the year.  Here are the times:
May 23th--10:00 am  and May 24th--11:00 pm

Home Challenge:  I will be sending an e-mail this week with your child's progress so far this year.  This will help know what areas that can be emphasized at home this summer.  You may want to start looking for activities, classes, lessons that your child can participate in the summer.    

Friday, April 20, 2012


Monday and Tuesday
Seat Work
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day --G, H, K #90-100
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-White Choral Bells
Social—What is Spring? Book and then song writing (Spring is Here-tune of are you sleeping) I see_______ I see________, __________ too, _________ too, Everything is ___________, The _______ is _________ __________ Spring is here.
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Tonal Study’s
Small and Large Movement Skills-The Farmer in the Dell
ABC/Reading-Dance the Alphabet (The four seasons-baby Einstein)
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts) - Playdough
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity—Go outside to look for signs of spring
Math/Science Skills— Phone number practice
Storytime-Spring Stories
Goodbye Song

Wednesday and Thursday
Seat Work
Practice writing names
Spotlights on preschool children-Maeve
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day--G, H, K #90-100
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-The Rain Song-w/xylophone
Social-Rain is falling all around
Counting-5 little ducks
Music Appreciation/Readiness --Paint Spring w/water colors
Small and Large Movement Skills—London Bridges
ABC/Reading—Three Blind Mice-w/bells
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts) – Weather Paperdolls
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime- Muffins
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity
Math/Science Skills--Patterns
Storytime-Spring Stories
Goodbye Song

Announcements: Just a reminder that show and tell is only once a month. We are having some problems with some of the students bringing toys, candy, and other items from home and getting them out at free time. It has been causing some conflict between the children. So if you can remind your child to leave all toys at home that would be helpful.

The Health Day’s Parade is coming up which will be May 12. I would love all of my students that can come ride with us on the truck. We will be throwing candy from the back of our little truck and also doing some singing, waving and lots of smiling. I think it will be fun for the kids.

Home Challenge: Spring is here and summer is not too far so get out and enjoy the weather. This week I finally got outside and mowed the lawn, raked some leaves, and realized all the balls and outside toys are in disarray. I know my kids are more proned to play outside with balls and such if they are clean, pumped up, and playable. So if you haven’t done it already check out where your kids play outside and see if it’s all ready to go. Then go out and play catch with them, or kick around a ball.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Western Roundup

Great Utah ShakeOut

Western Roundup
Seat Work
Practice writing names
Weather/Calendar—Talk about what an earthquake is and what we need to do if an earthquake happens.
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day—U, L, W, Numbers 80-90
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Jimmy Crack Corn- shake on every “crack” in the song
Social—Horsey Horsey w/ partners
Counting—Bubble Gum-w/ money
Music Appreciation/Readiness--Snake
Small and Large Movement Skills—Galloping Like a Horse w/ Piano Accompan.
ABC/Reading—Home on the Range – Inner Listening Skills w/ Microphone
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Utah Shakeout Drill—10:15 Drop, Cover, and Hold On
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Footprint Horse
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Storytime-The Fastest Drawer in the West (Backyardigans)
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity-Outside darts
Math/Science Skills--Cards
Reading Time --
Goodbye Song

Seat Work
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Coyote Pow Wow/drums, shakers, recorder
Social-Itse Sulu legend (With Stuff Animals to act out)
Counting-10 little Indians
Music Appreciation/Readiness-FINE
Small and Large Movement Skills—The Chase Circle Dance-
ABC/Reading—Find the Vowel Song
Singing—Child of the day Chooses one Song
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Paper Weave Rug
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime- Cornbread
Storytime—Itse Selu (Wildcat and Rabbitt legend)
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity—Bean Bag Target Toss Game
Math/Science Skills—First Peoples of North America w/die
Reading Time
Goodbye Song
 Announcements: Monday and Tuesday we will be doing an earthquake drill. I will prepare the students before but you may also want to talk to your child about earthquakes as well.

Friday, April 6, 2012


Seat Work—Where will you find it?
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day—Letters O, N, F # 70-80
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Play name rhythms
Social—Button you must wander
Counting—This old Man
Music Appreciation/Readiness
Small and Large Movement Skills-London Bridges
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Folded Home
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity—Inside Obstacle Course
Math/Science Skills-Old Maid
Goodbye Song

Seat Work
Practice writing names
Spotlights on preschool children-Shaddix Spotlight
Show and Tell- Bring something you love from your kitchen or bathroom
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day --Letters O, N, F # 70-80
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Harvest Dance w/xylophone on D and C
Social—Home on the Range (Listening and Solo Singing)
Counting-New Money Song
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Find all the C’s on Staff
Small and Large Movement Skills—If you happy and you know it
ABC/Reading-Alphabet Rumba
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Build home with sticks
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks—Blocks (Build Homes)
Snacktime-carrots and celery sticks
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity—Walk through the house and identify items in each room
Math/Science Skills—Telephone Take
Storytime—The Three Little Pigs
Goodbye Song

This week we will do Show and Tell on Wed and Thurs. We are talking about homes and what is in each room. Will you help your child bring a favorite item from either the kitchen or the bathroom.

Home Challenge: Next week we are participating in a state wide earthquake drill. I would like to encourage you to talk to your families about what you will do in the case of an earthquake. It would be a fun family activity to practice what you would do at home. Here is a website to check out for more information. http://www.shakeout.org/utah/ Do you have extra food and water to live off for a few days. It would also be good to talk about your fire escape plan.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales

Fairy Tales and Nursery Rhymes
Seat Work—Mother Goose coloring
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day: Review D, C, I Numbers: 60-70
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Rhythm/Instruments—Hey Diddle Diddle-tapping and visuals
Social—I’m in the Mood
Counting- Bubble Gum Bubble Gum
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Pick a card
Small and Large Movement Skills—Jack and Jill w/ actions and xylophone
ABC/Reading-Three Blind Mice w/ bells
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Humpty Dumpty finger puppet
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime—Boiled Eggs (Humpty Dumpty)
Storytime—Nursery Rhyme and Fairy Tale Stories
Group Motor Activity—London Bridges
Math/Science Skills-Uno Attack
Reading Time & Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Goodbye Song

Seat Work- Reading Time & Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day: Review D, C, I Numbers: 60-70
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Three Different Instruments choices (egg shakers, bells, wood blocks) “Can I hear the _______”
Social-The Farmer in the Dell
Counting- Hickory Dickory Dock
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Rhythm Matching Cards
Small and Large Movement Skills—Little Miss Muffet (take turns being the spider and Miss Muffet)
ABC/Reading-Three Blind Mice w/ Bells
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Gingerbread man paper doll chain
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime- Gingerbread cookies
Storytime: Nursery Rhyme and Fairy Tale Stories
Group Motor Activity-Poison Ball
Math/Science Skills-Magnet Skills
Goodbye Song
Announcements: No School next week for spring break. I will hand out calendars on Wednesday or Thursday for April. The Lowes Field Trip was a lot of fun. The bug boxes turned out so cute and they encouraged your children to go home and color them to make them their own. The Monday group didn’t take off the brown paper off the top glass. It makes it so much easier to slide the glass on and off if you peel off the brown paper from both sides, then you can see your bugs inside. Lowes invited all the children to come back with their moms and/or dads on Saturdays. They do a free wood project every other Saturday. The next class is April 14th at 10:00 am. click here for more details. These are all easy projects that you can build in about 30 minutes.

Home Challenge: This week we are learning about Nursery Rhymes and Fairy Tales. The language and rhythm in Nursery Rhymes especially help children develop language skills which will in turn help with learning the patterns of reading. I encourage you to teach your child some new nursery rhymes and say them often. You can also add clapping or tapping your feet to them to emphasis the rhythm in the verses.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Little Helpers and Manners

Little Helpers and Good Manners
Seat Work--Patterns with manners (please, thank you)
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day--Review E, T, R and Numbers 50-60
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Round the Kitchen
Social-I’m happy when I’m helping--each share something we can do to help our families
Counting-5 little ducks
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Musical Dictation w/ magic notes
Small and Large Movement Skills-Itsy Bitsy Spider
Singing—Child Chooses SongsCreating Project (arts and crafts)--I’m good at.....
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime--Cookin’ Waffles
Reading Time-one lesson in Teach your child to read
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity
Math/Science Skills-Phone number practice
Goodbye Song

Wednesday and Thursday
Field Trip Day!
Please leave a car seat or booster
Have your child where their preschool T-shirt.
Meet at school at 9:00 am

More details will be e-mailed to you soon. I need to verify the times.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Watch it Grow-- Green

Seat Work
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day-- M, S, & A 40-50
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Did you ever see a lepracaun –Follow the lepracaun for playing the instrument
Social—Everything Grows- teach song and have each child identify something that grows
Counting --Two little black birds
Music Appreciation/Readiness—ABC cards mixup
Small and Large Movement Skills-That’s an Irish Lullabye
ABC/Reading—Rainbow song-name the letter each color starts with
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts) Shamrock Collage
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime--Toast w/ jam
Reading Time –
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity-Skip, Walk, and Run around the house
Math/Science Skills-Life Cycle
Storytime-The Tiny Seed
Goodbye Song

Seat Work
Practice writing names
Spotlights on Abigail
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day M, S, & A 40-50
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-I’m looking over a four leaf clover
Social—Little Johnny Brown
Counting-Ten little Leprachauns
Music Appreciation/Readiness-High, low, and middle notes w/actions
Small and Large Movement Skills—If your Irish and you know it
ABC/Reading-ABC song
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts) Green Crowns
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime- mandarin oranges w/ pineapple
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity-London Bridges Falling Down
Math/Science Skills-Magnet Activity
Storytime – How Big is a Baby & Big Dog…Little Dog
Goodbye Song
Home Project:  Count everything this week.  How many plates are on the table?  How many forks are in our drawer?  How many carrots do you want for lunch?  How many red cars can we count on the way to the store?  We have learned all the numbers from 1-40 and this week we are working on numbers 40-50.  Identiyfing a number is much different then counting how many you have of something.  One of my favorite toys to play with my kids is the abacus.  It’s basically a bead counter or a manual calulator.  We use it all the time to help with math and to help us count how many time they practice a spot in music lessons.  These are very inexpensive and may be a great investment to buy one.  Click Here for an example.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Show and Tell Tomorrow!

I forgot to remind you all last post about Show and Tell.  Tomorrow have your child bring something about their family.  It can be a picture of their family, or something that represents what they like to do with their family.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Seat Work
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day-letter X and number 30-40
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Spotlight-David-Happy Birthday!

Instruments-Music Jam
Social- How Many People Do You Love?
Counting--The ants go Marching
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Note Toss
Small and Large Movement Skills-Rolling a round ball
ABC/Reading-There was an old Lady
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)--Family Drawing
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity-Sit ups and Stretches
Math/Science Skills-Uno Attack
Seat Work
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day-letter X and number 30-40
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Oh When the Saints go Marching in -Have a marching band!
Social- We are a happy Family Talk about who is in our families
Counting--Counting up and counting back down again
Music Appreciation/Readiness-3 Blind Mice bell chart
Small and Large Movement Skills-She’ll be comin’ round the mountain
ABC/Reading-Alphabet Rumba
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)--Don’t Eat Pete
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity-Jumping Jack Jungle
Math/Science Skills-Mix color paint together to make new colors

Announcements: Just a reminder for those that haven't paid, tuition is due on Monday or Tuesday. This month we have a field trip and I need one parent volunteer to help drive on Thursday. If you are willing and able please let me know. Thanks!
Homework Assignment: We do Calendar everyday in class. It would be good to reinforce this at home by showing your child your various calendars at home and ask them to point to what month, Day, Year, and what "number/date" is today.