"Almost all children respond to music. Music is an open-sesame, and if you can use it carefully and appropriately, you can reach into that child's potential for development." Dr. Clive Robbins

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Things that Go!

Self Directed Play & Clean Up—Cars and Trucks
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week- Letter E; Number 3
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Spotlights on preschool children-About one a month
Show and Tell- once a month
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Train Song w/ Shakers
Social—Wheels on the Bus
Counting—Blue Jello w/ instruments
Music Appreciation/Readiness—PP—FF dynamics
Small and Large Movement Skills-Row Row Row your Boat
ABC/Reading—ABC cards hidden (have each song represented on letters)
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Banana Boats/Paper Airplanes
Free Time & Group Motor Activity—Red Light Green Light
Snack & Story Time-Eat Banana Boats/Ants on a Log
Math/Science Skills-Sort Vehicles in three piles: land air or sea—Count each pile
Goodbye Song

Self Directed Play & Clean Up—Vehicles/Puppets
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Walk to Park for Field Trip—Play Outside Games for about 1 hour
Snack—half way through Field Trip—Water and Oranges
Goodbye Song
Announcements--This week is our first field trip.  We are only walking 1 1/2 blocks to a nearby grass area to do some fun active games. You are more then welcome to come and join the group to help out. I have Brittany Loveland helping with the Mon Wed afternoon group and Hanne Sorensen and Emily Hirschfeld down to help for Tue Thursday Class.  Here are times we will be leaving and coming back for each group.
Fantasia Group--Leave at 9:30 come back at 10:45--
Cadenza Group--Leave at 11:45 come back at 1:00
Symphony Group--Leave at 9:30 come back at 11:15
Home Challenge--Our days are getting numbered when we can get outside and play.  I challenge you to take your preschooler to the park and have each of you take a turn to make up an obstacle course on the playground you can take turns doing it and if they enjoy the competitive side, take a stop watch and time them to see if they can beat them self.  Please let me know if you have any concerns about your child or any questions.  I feel like all the kids are doing really well and I'm enjoying each of them!

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