"Almost all children respond to music. Music is an open-sesame, and if you can use it carefully and appropriately, you can reach into that child's potential for development." Dr. Clive Robbins

Monday, October 22, 2012

Pumpkin/Harvest Days

Monday and Tuesday
Field Trip days—Wear warm clothes and t-shirt.  Bring a car seat or booster as well.
Wednesday and Thursday
Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week: Letter I, Number 7
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Harvest Drumming
Social-It’s Autumtime—talk about the changes of the season
Counting-Hickory Dickory Dock
Music Appreciation/Readiness- Dynamics!
Small and Large Movement Skills- Harvest Dance:  Follow the Dance Leader
ABC/Reading-ABC hide and seek
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time-Scones
Free Time & Group Motor Activity—Obstacle Course outside
Creating Project (arts and crafts)- TP Scarecrow/Leaf Rubbings
Math/Science Skills-Uncle Wiggly Game
Goodbye Song

Check our facebook page this week for pictures of our field trip.  
Calendar:  Next week for Halloween I would love to see the children in their costumes.   Plan on letting them come in costume on Tuesday 30th or Wednesday 31st.  We will have a costume show and your welcome to send a treat for each child so they can give to their classmates.  Plan on sending 8 treats if you would like.

Homework Challenge:  Now that we are starting to put on jackets, and shoes and socks I have found it is a lot harder to get my own kids out the door because of the time it takes to put everything on.  Does your child know how to put their own coat on?  Can they put their own shoes on?  Three and four years old is a good age to start learning these skills.  You may need to take a few minutes into your plan to get out the door to allow them the time to work on this.  Once they can get their own socks and shoes and jackets on you can start learning to tie and lace their shoes.     

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