"Almost all children respond to music. Music is an open-sesame, and if you can use it carefully and appropriately, you can reach into that child's potential for development." Dr. Clive Robbins

Friday, November 26, 2010

All Four Seasons

Don't Forget Show and Tell this Week on Wed or Thursday!
Tuition is also due by the end of the week.
Thank you to all those that brought some empty gallon milk cartons.  I still need 8 more so if you have some at home we could use them.  Thanks!!

Nov. 29th Week 13- All 4 Seasons/Weather
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar-Connor, Natalie
Show and Tell- 1st Wed or Thursday
Spotlights on children-One a month
9:40  Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing)—Chicken Soup with Rice story with song, making a thunder storm, The Four Seasons Dance
10:10 Math/Science Games-Seasonal Dress Relay
10:15  Creating Project-Windsock
10:30 Snack Time-Chicken Soup with Rice
10:40 Free Play
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-1 lesson-
11:15 Story Time—Season Song, What Will the Weather Be Like Today, Rainy City Rainbow
11:28 Goodbye Song

Dec. 1st and 2nd-Show and Tell Day
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar- Shaddix, Abi
Show and Tell- 1st Wed or Thursday
Spotlights on children-One a month
9:40  Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing)-It’s Raining, It’s Pouring, You are my Sunshine, Frosty the Snowman
10:10 Math/Science Games-Season Objects Matching Game- Taking temperatures inside compared to outside
10:15  Creating Project-Make Bird Feeders
10:30 Snack Time-Hot cocoa and marshmallows
10:40 Free Play-Season’s Puzzles
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-1 lesson-
11:15 Story Time-What’s the Weather Like Today?, The Seasons, The Snowy Day
11:28 Goodbye Song

Home Challenge/Assignment:  This week we are studying weather and all the different seasons.  Make a Weather Notebook:  Each day take time to observe the weather with your child.  Ask your child to describe what he or she sees and feels.  Help record observations in a little notebook.  If you have a thermometer you can record the temperature outside.  You can have your child draw a picture.  At the end of the week count how many days were sunny, warm, rainy, cloudy, cold, and snowy.  You may also want to watch the local weather report on television or read the newspaper forecast with your child.  

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thanksgiving in America

This week we will only have preschool Monday Tuesday and Wednesday.  
Any Thursday class children is welcome to come to the Wednesday class from 9:30-11:30am.  
Please save and recycle your milk cartons.  We will be using milk cartons next week for a craft.  If you can send them with your children anytime this week or next that would be great!

Nov. 22st Week 12- Thanksgiving in America
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar-Emmali, Makayla
Spotlight on Natalie
9:40  Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing)  Thanksgiving Lesson, Alphabet Rumba, Blue Jello, Harvest Instruments, 10 little Indians, Over The River and through the Woods, Bell Practice
10:10 Math/Science Games-Turkey Math Game
10:15  Creating Project-Hand print Turkeys-write four things we are grateful on each feather
10:30 Snack Time- Graham Crackers and milk
10:40 Free Play-Turkey Baster Fun
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-Lesson 16
11:15 Story Time-Thanksgiving Day from File
11:28 Goodbye Song
Wednesday 24th
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar- Camry, Camry
9:40  Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing), 10 little Indians, ABC seek and find, Turkey in the Straw, Turkey Song (drums), Little Turkey Rhyme
Little turkey strutting all around, pecking at the corn down on the ground.  See her walk with a wobble, wobble, wobble.  Hear her talk with a Gobble. Gobble, gobble, Bell Practice
10:10 Math/Science Games-Turkey Math Game
10:15  Creating Project- Leaf Art
10:30 Snack Time- Ant’s on a log
10:40 Free Play-Blocks
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-second half of Lesson 16-
11:15 Story Time-
11:28 Goodbye Song
Please save your Milk Cartons and bring them to class.  We will need them next week. 
Home Project/Assignment:  Get your children involved with your thanksgiving dinner by letting them help in the kitchen, help set the table, or make a simple table decoration.  There are some fun ideas at: http://www.amazingmoms.com/htm/thanksgiving_crafts.htm

Upcoming Calendar Items:
Christmas Program for Parents:  11:15 -11:30 on December 15 or 16th.   This is super casual and if you can't make it, not a problem.  We will have a short program featuring all of the preschoolers. Then we will have a small treat to share.  

Monday, November 15, 2010

My Amazing Body

This week we will talk about all the great things our body can do.  We will do lots of movement exercises and songs.  In our Science Unit we will discover our 5 senses.  See below for a few ideas to do at home.

Nov. 15th Week 11- My Amazing Body
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar:  Samantha, Hailey
9:40  Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing)—Hand Bells-Christmas Song, Choosing Songs, and Line and Space notes with Treble and Bass Clef review
10:10 Math/Science Games- Science Discover Game (The 5 Senses)
10:15  Creating Project- Hand print and Foot printing
10:30 Snack Time- Carrot Sticks
10:40 Free Play- Food and dishes
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-1 lesson-  Learning the new sound th
11:15 Story Time- My Five Senses; The Listening Walk
11:28 Goodbye Song

Nov 17th and 18th
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar Abi, Cassie
9:40  Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing)—Hand Bells-Christmas Song, Musical Snake
10:10 Math/Science Games-5 Senses Discovery Center
10:15  Creating Project- Body Tracings
10:30 Snack Time- Oranges
10:40 Free Play- Magnet wheels and magnet pictures
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-1 lesson-
11:15 Story Time-My Five Senses by Miller Hello Ocean
11:28 Goodbye Song

Home Challenge:  Have your child practice calling someone on the phone.  You can do a pretend phone call or a real call to a friend or family.  Children need opportunities to participate in conversations.  They learn to take turns as they listen and respond.  We will practice this at school as well.  This is an important skill as they get ready to go to Kindergarten.  While you are practicing on the phone, see if they can find the numbers on the phone you tell them.  This would be a good practice for numbers as well.  If they can do this easily they may be ready to memorize their phone number.  
Reading and Letter Practice:  Just a reminder of the letters we have learned:  R, T, E, A, I, D, M, S
See if your child can easily identify each of these letter names and sound.  If not then you may want to work at home on the ones that are harder for them.  You may want to make flash cards with these letters and then as we add more letters you can add more.  This week we are introducing the sound th.  This can be a hard sound to pronounce so make sure they are saying it with their tongue sticking out.  You can have them practice in front of the mirror.  
Calendaring:  We will not be having preschool on Thanksgiving Day.  And Christmas Break will be 
December 20-Jan 2.  We will begin school again Monday, Jan 3rd.  

Saturday, November 6, 2010

When I Grow Up

Nov. 8th Week 10- When I grow up
This week we will talk about a lot of different occupations and what they do.  
Welcome Song
Weather/Calendar- Connor and Kaleb
Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing) 
Wheels on the Bus, Music with beat (w/number cards)
Math/Science Games:  “Sorting the mail” (by shape and then by color)
Creating Project:  Write a letter and get ready to mail it:  Play mailman and stamp the letters ready to send
Snack Time:  Canned fruit
Free Play:  Wooden Vehicles, and Road maps
Reading/Writing Time- pg 68 Task 7 First Reading and review sound of I
Story Time:  We need mail Carriers, Farmers, Doctors, Dentists,
Goodbye Song
Wed and Thursday
Welcome Song
Weather/Calendar Shaddix, Samantha
Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing)  I’ve been working on the railroad, The Farmer and the Dell, ABC Game
Math/Science Games:  Uno Attack
Creating Project:  Occupation Coloring Pages
Snack Time:  Fresh Vegetables
Free Play- Occupation Puppet Play
Reading/Writing Time-pg 72
Story Time:  We need Police Officers, nurses, veterinarians, fire fighters
Goodbye Song

Home Project:  Play a simple card game such as candyland, uno, chutes and ladders with your toddler.  These games teach such important skills such as taking turns, reading numbers, following directions, winning or losing with grace (sportsmanship).

Monday, November 1, 2010

Music Theme

Welcome Back, I hope you all had a good week.  We are going to do a music themed week and we are going to make some cool instruments so if any of you have any empty water bottles with lids I could really use them for Wed and Thursday.  
Just a reminder that November Tuition is due this week-$40
Don't forget Show and Tell is on Wed or Thursday this week

Nov. 2nd Week 9 I love Music
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar
Spotlights on children-One a month
9:40  Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing)
I’m in the Mood for Singing, Doodle (with instruments), , music staff play
10:10 Math/Science Games-Fall Leaf Pattens
10:15  Creating Project-Self Portrait and Make your own music
10:30 Snack Time-banannas
10:40 Free Play
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-1 lesson- review sounds and writing s, a, t, d, e, r, m
11:15 Story Time
11:28 Goodbye Song
Nov. 4th-Show and Tell
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar
Show and Tell- 1st Wed or Thursday
Spotlights on children-One a month
9:40  Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing) Sing Sing Sing, Teach 3/4 time waltz with instruments My Bonnie, play different instruments sounds and show what they look like,
10:10 Math/Science Games: Less or More Worksheet
10:15  Creating Project-Water Bottle Shaker
10:30 Snack Time- fruit roll ups
10:40 Free Play
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-1 lesson- New Letter—I (sound I as in the word it or igloo)
11:15 Story Time
11:28 Goodbye Song
Need:  Empty Water Bottles with lids (any size)
Home Project:  Make Flashcards with your child this week.  Take 10 index cards and help your child write a number on one side and then on the other draw simple shapes, pictures or place stickers to correspond with the number on the other side.  I would start with 1-10 and once your child can identify and count each of those numbers add up to 20.  
Calendar:  Tuition is due this week
Show and Tell is this week either Wed or Thursday.