IMPORTANT NOTE: I want to be sure you are all getting these posts. These are very important I communicate with parents. I will give reminders about show and tell, field trips coming up, etc. After each outline of our activities I give Calendar items and also a homework challenge. By knowing what we are doing in class you can help your child learn faster and remember the things we learned by reviewing or talking about it at home. I know this is so important. If you got this please let me know by replying back or leaving a comment that you got it. I will be calling all those that didn't reply to make sure they know about bringing a t-shirt on Monday or Tuesday.
Theme: Color my World
Monday and Tuesday Oct 3 & 4 Letter R; Number 6
Seat Work—Color Stamps and markers
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Lukey’s Boat w/ instruments and stop and go sign
Social—Little Johnny Brown
Counting—Two little Black Birds
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Introduce Staff and magic notes
Small and Large Movement Skills—De Colores w/ Scarves
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Making Preschool T-shirts
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime—Fresh Purple Plums
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity—Color Chair Game
Math/Science Skills—Uno Attack
Goodbye Song
Wed and Thur Oct 5 & 6
Seat Work--Lacing
Practice writing names
Show and Tell-Bring something with your favorite color on it.
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Lukey’s Boat w/ Instruments and Stop and Go Sign
Social-Bluebird Game
Counting—Two little Black Birds
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Sing w/me 123
Small and Large Movement Skills—Sing a Rainbow
ABC/Reading-Baa Baa Black Sheep w/ colors and letters
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Make Drums
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime—Rainbow Toast (1 TB milk/1/2 tsp sugar/food coloring)
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity—Jumprope game
Math/Science Skills—Sorting by color boxes
Goodbye Song
· I sent home calendars in your child’s backpack. We have a field trip coming up to the pumpkin walk so be sure to check that out. I will be needing one parent volunteer per class who can come and help drive and be with us at the pumpkin walk. Please let me know if this is something you can help with.
· This week is Show and Tell! Have your preschooler find something to bring that has his favorite color on it
· We are making drums this week with the oatmeal containers that we have been collecting. I have 11 right now and need just 3 more. Not only oatmeal containers work but I had some vital wheat gluten that was a little smaller that will work, I had a mom bring an empty container of Dishwashing soap packets. That will be great.
· Don’t forget your t-shirts on Monday or Tuesday. We are creating our own preschool shirts this week. Any color will work but lighter colors will work the best. I’m just doing white for my t-shirt and my girls. But Yellow, Blue, Red, Green would look really nice. If you have problems securing a shirt please let me know and we will work something out.
Homework Challenge: Sorting can be lots of fun for a preschooler and great practice for math skills. During play and work challenge your preschooler to sort things in different category. We are focusing on colors this week so you could have them sort their socks, toys, or food by colors. You could have them help you set the table or empty the dishwasher and practice sorting the silverware into piles of spoons, forks and knifes.