"Almost all children respond to music. Music is an open-sesame, and if you can use it carefully and appropriately, you can reach into that child's potential for development." Dr. Clive Robbins

Friday, December 30, 2011

Dinosaur Week

I hope you have had a great holiday vacation.  I know our family has had a good time with friends and family. Here is the plan for next week.  I will give you all calendars on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Tuesday Jan 3rd, 2011
Dinosaurs; Letter H; Numbers 1-14
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments- Dino Jam
Social-What kind of Dinosaur would you be?
Counting- 10 little dinosaurs-use plastic dino’s to help count
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Treble Clef and Bass Clef placement
Small and Large Movement Skills-Hokey Pokey Dino Style
ABC/Reading- ABCosurses
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Paint our Dino Feet
Snacktime-Fossil Crackers
Group Motor Activity-Follow the Leader
Math/Science Skills-Sequence

Jan 4th or 5th--Wed/Thursday
Show and Tell-Bring 14 of something (14 cheerios, 14 cars, 14 dolls)
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Going on a Dino Hunt
Social-Show and Tell
Counting-Show and Tell-count all our 14 things
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Lines and Space Toss
Small and Large Movement Skills-Walk the Dinosaur
ABC/Reading-ABC mixup
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Attach Ribbons to finish Dino Feet
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime-Orange Slices
Group Motor Activity-Freeze Tag
Math/Science Skills—Phone number practice with phones
Home Project: I would like to work on phone numbers with the students this week.
Could you please send me what phone number you would like your child to know to best
get a hold of you. This is important information to know especially before Kindergarten.
This will also emphasis number recognition as well. Practice dialing your phone number
on a “fake” phone at home. If they are having a hard time remembering the phone number I
recommend putting it to music. It fits well with the “Bingo” song. “My phone number is
seven long and I can dial home, 512-6094, 512-6094, 512-6094 and I can dial home.” Or
you can sing and I can dial mommy or daddy.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Time Correction

Tomorrow we have our program at 11:00 am.  Sorry for the confusion and thank you for bringing it to my attention.  Hope you all can make it.  It should be a lot of fun!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Final Week of December

Senses of Christmas--Monday and Tuesday
Practice writing names Seat Work-- Winter Stamps
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day  Letter G; Number 14
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments--Jingle Bells
Social-What do you want for Christmas?  lyric writing  (Santa’s on it’s way)
Counting--5 little Snowmen Chant w/ glove Standing in a row (wind, rain, snowplow,
children sun)
Music Appreciation/Readiness--Bell’s for Program
Small and Large Movement Skills-Tony Chestnut; Up on the Housetop
ABC/Reading-ABC Song Game
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)--Christmas Tree-w/shapes
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime--Fish Crackers
Reading Time-
Group Motor Activity-Hula Hoops and Ball Time
Math/Science Skills--Fish Sorting
Storytime-Christmas Stories
Goodbye Song
Wednesday and Thursday
Practice writing names Seat Work-worksheet
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day--Letter G; Number 14
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Jingle Bells
Social-What do you want for Christmas?
Counting-5 little Snowmen Chant
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Bell’s for Program
Small and Large Movement Skills-Tony Chestnut; Up on the Housetop
ABC/Reading-Alphabet Rumba
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)--Decorate Cookies
Group Motor Activity-Jumproping
Math/Science Skills-Color Sorting
Storytime-Christmas Stories
Program for Parents/Cookies
Don't forget the program: Here is the schedule.
Fantasia Group (Wednesday): Program will begin at 10:00.
Cadenza Group (Wednesday): Program will begin at 11:35.
Symphony Group (Thursday) Program will begin at 11:30.
School will resume Tuesday Jan 3rd.
Homework Challenge:
Christmas is such a fun time for children. The colors, smells, tastes, new textures, teach and give our children new experiences. The memories of these fun times will last for a long time. I challenge you to make and keep family traditions that will create family memories that will last throughout their life. One of our favorite traditions is making Gingerbread houses. The kids love to spend time designing and decorating their houses. We always take pictures of the houses with their builders and they love to look at them later. Another fun tradition is Christmas Caroling.
Next year we will start learning our phone number. What number do you what your child to know in case of an emergency? Your cell phone, work phone, or home phone. If you will send me the phone number you would like them to learn that will be the number we will work with. I think this is an important skill and it's great practice with numbers as well.

Happy Holiday!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Senses of Christmas

Senses of Christmas--Monday and Tuesday
Practice writing names Seat Work--Stamps for Cards
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day  Letter W; Number 13
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments--Jingle Bells
Social-What do you want for Christmas?  lyric writing  (Santa’s on it’s way)
Counting--5 little Snowmen Chant w/ glove Standing in a row (wind, rain, snowplow,
children sun)
Music Appreciation/Readiness--Bell’s for Program
Small and Large Movement Skills-Tony Chestnut; Up on the Housetop
ABC/Reading-ABC Song Game
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)--Make Snowflakes
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime--Hot Chocolate w/ Marshmellows
Reading Time-
Group Motor Activity-Hula Hoops and Ball Time
Math/Science Skills--Money Game
Storytime-Chirstmas Stories
Goodbye Song
Wednesday and Thursday
Practice writing names Seat Work-Lacing Shapes
Show and Tell- Bring something you love to smell
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day--Letter W; Number 13
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Jingle Bells

Social-What do you want for Christmas?
Counting-5 little Snowmen Chant
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Bell’s for Program
Small and Large Movement Skills-Tony Chestnut; Up on the Housetop
ABC/Reading-Alphabet Rumba
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)--Make a snowman
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime-Fruit Snacks
Reading Time
Group Motor Activity- ”Decorate the Classroom”
Math/Science Skills-Color Sorting
Storytime-Christmas Stories
Goodbye Song
Calendar and Upcoming events:  
  • December 14th or 15th –Christmas Program for Parents and Siblings.  We will be working during music time this next two weeks on the program songs.  
  • Next week I will do a mid year assessment to see how each child is progressing compared with their initial assessment. I will be making goals for each child that we will be starting on in Jan. When I get these done I will e-mail each of you the results of the tests and the goals I have for them. I will set a cognitive and a social goal for each of them. I would love your input if you have concerns or ideas of things you would like for me to notice and work on at school, please let me know.
  • No School Dec 19-Jan 2nd.  Resume School Tuesday Jan 3rd.  
Home Project:  Playing is how children learn.  We may think they are just “playing” but for a child this is their work.  We need to give children the opportunities in their day for uninterrupted play.  It’s good for children to have their own time to play and time that mom or dad joins in.    It’s hard to give them our time everyday for play but I want to challenge you to find a few minutes everyday to join with them in their play.  Don’t take over the play, let the child direct you.  Give them the floor and let them tell you how to play.  Have fun!