"Almost all children respond to music. Music is an open-sesame, and if you can use it carefully and appropriately, you can reach into that child's potential for development." Dr. Clive Robbins

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Sun and My Shadow

The Sun and my shadow
Seat Work
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day: Letter B; Number 18
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Introduce Bells
Counting-5 little ducks w/ glove
Social—Here Comes the Sun w/ questions--musical chairs
Music Appreciation/Readiness/ --Pick a Card ABC’s
Small and Large Movement Skills—Shadow Dancing or Hokey Pokey
ABC/Reading—ABC Hide and Seek
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts) Suncatcher-Need CD’s and DVD’s for this craft
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Math/Science Skills-Uno Attack
Storytime/Group Fine Motor Activity—Puppet show w/ Fairy Tales
Goodbye Song
Seat Work
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day: Letter B; Number 18
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—You are my sunshine--Instrument Jam
Counting—Hickory Dickory Dock
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Musical Bingo
Small and Large Movement Skills—I’m a little Groundhog
ABC/Reading:  Alphabet Rumba
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Shadow Pictures
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity—Circle Kick ball
Math/Science Skills—Shadow Puppets
Goodbye Song
Home Challenge:  Have you tried having your child read some simple books to you yet?  Let them sound the words out and I think you will be surprised how well they can sound out words.  I recommend the “Red Books” at the Hyrum Library.  The series of books is called “Reading for All Learners”  It starts with “I see Sam” and they approach reading in a simple step by step method.  http://www.iseesam.com/ 
Announcements: I will be sending home February Calendars home this week so look for those in your child’s backpack.  We are doing the craft on Monday and Tuesday with old CD’s and DVD’s so if you have any please send them this week.  Thanks!

Friday, January 20, 2012

My Hands

My Hands
Monday and Tuesday
Seat Work
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day: Letter P; Number 17
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—He’s got the Whole World in his Hands
Counting-I have 5 little fingers
Social—Listening, Sharing and Passing Song (tap the tambourine)
Music Appreciation/Readiness/ --Finger Number game
Small and Large Movement Skills—Do as I’m Doing
ABC/Reading—Alphabet Rumba
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts) Hand Artwork
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Math/Science Skills-Telephone Numbers
Storytime/Group Fine Motor Activity—Puppet show w/ Fairy Tales
Goodbye Song

Wednesday and Thursday
Seat Work
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day:  Letter P; Number 17
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Oh When the Saints-Marching Band
Counting—Ode to Joy-Counting
Music Appreciation/Readiness/Social—“My Own Two hands” Music Listening and drawing
Small and Large Movement Skills—Open and Shut Them
ABC/Reading:  Bingo
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—play dough
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity—Mother May I?
Math/Science Skills—Uncle Wiggly Game
Goodbye Song
Announcements:  Look around your house for unused CD’s or DVD’s next week we will make our craft with these.  Thanks so much for your help in rounding up beautiful junk!  I’ve started registration for next year and I have four children signed up for the 4-5 year old class.  I have raised prices but for any returning students or for student’s siblings signing up they will get a family discount.  My 3-4 year old class will now be 2 hours long instead of 1 1/2 hours.  The discounted price for that class will be $45.  The 4-5 year old class discount price will be the same as this year, $50. Let me know if you have any questions.  
Homework Challenge:  How many hours a day/week do your kids play video games or watch TV?  In the winter this can be a challenge because you can’t send them outside as much.  Try setting a reasonable limit that will work for your family.  We bought a timer that sits on our TV and when the timer goes off we turn it off.  Now what?  Here is a few ideas:  play board or card games, do a puzzle, make a Lego creation, Make a puppet show, Go to the library and pick out some new books, Go swimming at the Smithfield Rec. Center or other indoor pool, Make a car or house out of a large cardboard box.  Not only will you create some fun memories but our children learn so much more doing engaging activities. 

Monday, January 16, 2012

My Earth

Tuesday and Wednesday Classes
Seat Work-Child choice
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day—Letter V Number 16
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Copy Cat
Social—"It’s a Small World"-dress up in different clothing from around the world
Counting- Hickory Dickory Dock
Music Appreciation/Readiness- Rhythm Cards
Small and Large Movement Skills- He’s got the whole world in his hands-ball passing
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)- Bottle Toy Craft
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Group Motor Activity—Make a Snowman
Snack time-Hot Chocolate and Oranges
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Math/Science Skills-Water World globe game
Goodbye Song
Thursday Class
Seat Work-Telephone Numbers
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day-- Letter V Number 16
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments- Indian Drum Dance (The Earth is our Mother)
Social—“Reduce Reuse Recycle”  Pass bean bag and when it stops name one thing we can do make our world     
Counting-This old Man
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Lines and Space Toss
Small and Large Movement Skills—Circle Dance (take turns being the leader)
ABC/Reading- Alphabet Rumba
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts) Plant Seeds
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Group Motor Activity-Hula Hoop Jump and Play
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Math/Science Skills-Hello from Around the World Matching Game
Goodbye Song

Announcements:  No School Monday this week.  Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day.  I have started getting calls and e-mails about next year's preschool.  If your 3 or 4 year old child who is already enrolled in preschool now is interested in preschool for next year, you would not need to fill out new registration forms and pay the registration fee, (I only charge this to new students)  just let me know what class would work for you.  I am keeping the 3-4 year old classes on Monday and Wednesday and the 4-5 year old class on Tuesday and Thursday.  But depending on registration numbers I may add a new class. If you know friends or family looking for a preschool, I would love your recommendation.  
Home Project/Challenge:  Bundle up and go outside this week.  In the winter it’s hard to get outside and play so find an excuse to do something fun outside this week like:  Make a snowman, make snow angels, Color snow with water bottles/spray bottles filled with colored water, Just jump around and stomp making footprints in the snow.  You can make letters or pictures with your footprints.  If they are covered up good and warm they will have a good experience and when they get cold it’s time to head in then they will want to do it again and again. 

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Winter Fun

Jan 9-12th  Winter Fun
Seat Work
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day Number 15 and Letter K
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Little Drummer Boy w/ drums
Social-Walking in the Air w/ scarves process their favorite things about winter
Counting- Ode to Joy with number cards
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Treble Clef and Bass Clef placement
Small and Large Movement Skills-
ABC/Reading- Alphabet Rumba w/ new letters
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—For Monday finish Dino Feet/Tue Bird Feeders
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity-Snow is Falling
Math/Science Skills-Phone number practice
Goodbye Song

Seat Work
Practice writing names
Show and Tell-
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day-15; K
Storytime:  Sun, Snow, Stars, Sky
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-“Winter wonderland” with Instruments
Social- “It Snowed”  W/bean bag-tell one thing they can do in the snow
Counting-Hickory Dickory Dock
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Lines and Space Toss
Small and Large Movement Skills- Once there was a snowman
ABC/Reading- ABC letters starting on different letters
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Colored Snow--remember to send a spray bottle with your child
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime- Chex Cereal Mix
Reading Time:  
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity-
 Math/Science Skills—Candyland
Goodbye Song
Announcements:  Remember-send a spray bottle with your child on Wed or Thursday.  We are also looking for empty water bottles, and old CD/DVD's.  
Homework:  For those of you who have students who will be starting Kindergarten this year it’s time to be getting ready for registration.  Have you considered visiting your local public elementary and finding out when registration is, and what requirements there are to register?  Are you up to date on your child’s vaccinations?  These are things to think about now.  When I was going to register my first child into school, I knew there was a charter school not too far from my house and decided I would just visit it to see what it was all about and then compare it to the public school.  I had no intention of sending my son there but after visiting both schools, my husband and I agreed this was the school that would be best for our family.  I am so grateful that I took the time to do this.  In this valley there are a lot of options for elementary school so check them out. We really have an advantage when there are more then one choice.  Here is the schools that I know about.  There may be more I don’t know so start asking around and choose the school that you know will help your child succeed and you feel good about. 
Public school kindergarten is usually in March. I couldn’t find any specifics online so you may want to start with the school to get more information.   http://www.ccsdut.org/index.cfm
Thomas Edison Charter School-There is one in Nibley and one in North Logan.  Kindergarten is selected by lottery and they hold their lottery January 20th.  They require you to visit the school and observe two classrooms so you have an idea of the teaching philosophy.  They also have you view a short video before you can register.  The school is public so there is no tuition fee. We have loved our experience at this school.  http://www.thomasedisoncharterschool.org/north-campus/
Edith Bowen Lab School is up on USU campus.  There are also a public charter school with no tuition.  For information on admission visit: http://edithbowen.usu.edu/htm/admissions
Bear River Charter School:  located at 75 S 400 W.  This school is small and has small class sizes.  They only take 20 students per grade.  The school teaches K-8th grade.   Enrollment is done by lottery and that takes place Feb.  11 2012 so you may want to check into this soon if you are interested.  http://www.brcs-logan.org/

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Beautiful Junk and Crafts for the Month

I realized I didn't put the crafts that we are doing on the calendar.  Some of the crafts we could use some help.  If you have any of the following could you save them and bring them in that would be great!
  • For Tomorrow--If you have any empty tissue boxes--the best ones are the long flat ones-I only need one more
  • Next week we are coloring snow on Wed or Thursday.  So we can have one small spray bottle for every child --could you bring one bottle from home.  They will be returned after class.
  • We are making a cool toy out of empty water bottles.  We will need one per child so if you have any send them
  • Lastly-we will need CD's.  Ones that don't work anymore or ones you get the mail you will throw out anyway, movies will work as well.  Blank ones you won't use.
  • If you want to write this on your calendar here is the crafts:
  • Jan 3-5 Dino Feet
  • Jan 9,10-Winter Birdfeeders
  • Jan 11,12-Colored Snow (bring a spray bottle)
  • Jan 17-Plant seeds
  • Jan 18,19-Bottle Toy Craft (bring an empty water bottle)
  • Jan 23,24-Hand Artwork
  • Jan 25, 26-Playdough
  • Jan 30,31-Sun Catcher (bring CD's need two per child)

  • Don't forget Wed and Thursday is Show and Tell.  Bring 14 things for your child to show (example, 14 rocks, cars, cereal pieces, candy, dolls, 14 similar items)
  • Tuition for January is due this week.