Using music and movement to teach preschool concepts for children ages 0-5. Small class sizes gives each child individual attention!
"Almost all children respond to music. Music is an open-sesame, and if you can use it carefully and appropriately, you can reach into that child's potential for development." Dr. Clive Robbins
Friday, November 23, 2012
I love Music
Nov 26 I love Music
Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week—U & 11
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Spotlights on preschool children-Nate
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Doodling with instruments
Social-Little Johnny Brown
Counting-5 monkeys with hand
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Make Music with our notes
Small and Large Movement Skills—Horsey Horsey
ABC/Reading-Bingo w/ letters
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time--Fruit
Free Time & Group Motor Activity
Creating Project (arts and crafts)Kazoo’s/Shakers
Math/Science Skills—Number Bingo
Goodbye Song
Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week—U & 11
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Teach 3/4 time with My Bonnie
Social—I’m in the mood
Counting-Count the Beats in music. Ravel-3/4 and Vivaldi 4/4
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Sing Sing Sing w/ round
Small and Large Movement Skills-Ding Dong I’ve got the rhythm
ABC/Reading-ABC Sing to me
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time--Crackers
Free Time & Group Motor Activity
Creating Project (arts and crafts) Plate Shakers/Write Music
Math/Science Skills—Memory
Goodbye Song
Calendar: Next week is December. Don’t forget your tuition. I will be handing out calendars Wednesday or Thursday. We have a field trip this month so watch for that on the calendar.
Homework challenge: With the Tuesday and Thursday we have been working in the Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons by Engelmann. I love this method of teaching children to read. I highly recommend that all my parents buy this book and use it at home to reinforce the reading at home. We will begin using the book in the Monday and Wednesday Classes starting in January. I didn’t feel like they were quite ready to begin it yet but by Jan. I think they will be. Most of the kids are doing really well with the reading and are catching on fast. You can get the book at The Book Table or online. I know they have the book at most libraries so if you want to check it out first before you buy it that may be a good option.
I will be sending an e-mail with a survey to see if you have any suggestions or things you would like done at preschool. We have been going for a few months and I would like some feedback to know if I can make this a better experience for you and your student. You can return this via e-mail or print it out and return in person. Thank you!
Thursday, November 15, 2012
November 19th and 20th
Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, - Letter F-Numbers 1-10 Review
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Harvest Song w/ Instruments
Social—Gratitude Attitude—Share one thing you are grateful for when they get the bean bag
Counting-10 little Indians
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Blue Jellos
Small and Large Movement Skills Five Fat Turkeys- Five Fat turkeys were sitting on a fence. The fist one said, I’m so immense The second one said, I can gobble at you The third one said I can gobble too the fourth one said I can spread my tail the fifth one said, Don’t catch it on a nail A farmer came along and stopped to say Turkeys look best on Thanksgiving Day (use hand to point to all the turkeys)
ABC/Reading-Rhyming words! “A hunting we will go”-
Fish-Dish; Bear Hair; Pig Jig; giraffe laugh
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time—Graham Crackers w/ milk
Free Time & Group Motor Activity-Turkey tag
Creating Project (arts and crafts) Handprint Turkey/TP Turkey
Math/Science Skills—Thanksgiving Bingo
Goodbye Song
Calendar: No School on Nov 21st and 22nd. Happy Thanksgiving
Home Challenge: Thanksgiving is a great time for family and friends to gather. It is a great idea to include your children in your baking traditions by helping you do one of your dishes. Another way to include them is letting them help set the table or make a table decoration like a place mat.
Some may ask is it really that important to go to preschool? You as a parent obviously have decided it is important! I have seen the direct benefits as a mom with my three older children who are now in school full time. Here are some reasons I think preschool is important.
1. Preschool is good socially for your child. Preschool often times is the first time child and mom or dad are away from a child for an educational experience. I've seen Kindergarten children out in the hall for months with mom because they didn't want to leave her. Children need to know mom and dad will come back, and preschool is a great time to practice this. The transition to kindergarten will be much easier if practiced in preschool years.
2. Preschool is good to learn to play with children their own age. Learn how to share, take turns, contribute to conversations, and answer questions in a group setting.
3. Preschool can help prepare your child to be a student. Music, dance, and gymnastics are great but preschool teaches children how to be students. Raising hands, not talking out of turn, sitting tall in their chair, listen to teacher, etc.
4. Preschool can increase your child's school success. Studies have shown early education improve chances for children's academic success. This is why there are many state funded preschools available throughout the country.
5. Preschool encourages independent learning and exploration. Children learn so much from each other, through play and observation of other children their own age. If they see one child writing their name, they start thinking, "Hey I can do that, or I want to do that." Preschool can foster creativity and learning by just being with each other.
I feel so grateful to have the opportunity to teach your children. I take my job very seriously and want you to know that I will always do my very best to be a good and loving teacher. Thank you!
Saturday, November 10, 2012
My Amazing Body
Theme: My Amazing Body
Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter –N and Number-10
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Instrument Pass and Play
Social—My Body (Tune of "Where is Thumbkin") This is my body…It’s the only one I’ve got…I’m going to take good care of it…Yes I am…. Pass Bean Bag and who every gets the bag at the end of the song tells us one thing we can do to take care of our bodies.
Counting-10 little fingers
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Musical Snake
Small and Large Movement Skills-Head Shoulders
ABC/Reading—Alphabet Rumba
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time-Fruit Leather
Free Time & Group Motor Activity-Red Rover
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Self Portraits/Body Tracings
Math/Science Skills—Body Awareness Game
Goodbye Song
Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter N and Number 10 of the Week
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—choose favorite instrument to play Trish Trash Polka
Social—Body Floor mat and brush teeth
Counting—Hickory Dickory Dock
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Introduce Treble Clef
Small and Large Movement Skills—Do your ears hang low
ABC/Reading—Alphabet Rumba
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time—muffins
Free Time & Group Motor Activity—Balancing Game
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Playdough/Food Group Collage
Math/Science Skills—Counting Game w/ blocks
Goodbye Song
Announcments: Next week because of Thanksgiving we will only have preschool Monday or Tuesday. FYI: Some of things we create we will not bring them home because I am collecting a few things to put in a packet to give them at Preschool Graduation. This will be a fun thing to have as a memory of preschool and I will print off a few photos I have been taking to put in their as well.
Flu and Cold Season is hitting. If you child is running a fever, has been throwing up within 24 hours of preschool, or has a green runny nose please keep them home so we don’t spread the sickness. My kids may get sick and if this happens I will provide a separate place for them to be during preschool and still have preschool. If I get the flu I will contact you and cancel preschool. I haven’t had to do this before so lets hope I can stay healthy!
Homework Challenge: I have been working with our students on correct pencil grip. This is a challenge for many of the students. If they are reinforced at home to hold their pencil, crayon, marker or whatever correctly then I know the habit will be made much faster. The middle finger and thumb form a vise for holding the pencil. The index, or pointing, finger rests between the middle finger and the thumb. Fingers need to be close to the point of the pencil. All knuckles, including the thumb, should be bent and the fingers and thumb rounded to the same degree. Some of the children will easily change their grip when I just mention to hold their pencil with the correct pencil grip. Some need a little more assistance.
Monday, November 5, 2012
When I Grow Up
Monday and Tuesday
Self Directed Play & Clean Up-Cars w/ Road Map
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Musical Jazz Improv. Solo and group play.
Social—“Who are the People in your neighborhood” -Let each student identify one person that helps our community run each day.
Counting-10 little monkeys jumping on the bed
Music Appreciation/Readiness: Grand Staff- introduce lines and spaces
Small and Large Movement Skills- Leaves are Falling
Mailing Letters - sung to "The Mulberry Bush"
ABC/Reading—BINGO w/ Rhythm Sticks
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time-Apple Slices
Free Time & Group Motor Activity-Jump Rope Play
Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Leaf Rubbings/Fall Leaves Scene
Math/Science Skills-Monkey Math
Goodbye Song
Wed and Thursday
Self Directed Play & Clean Up—Little People Play
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Spotlights on preschool children-About one a month
Show and Tell- once a month
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-I’ve been Working on the Railroad-Instrument Exploration
Social—The Farmer in the Dell
Counting—I have 10 little fingers
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Musical Up and Down w/ Scarves
Small and Large Movement Skills I'm a Firefighter - sung to "I'm a little teapot"
ABC/Reading—Alphabet Rumba
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time-Carrots and Celery sticks
Free Time & Group Motor Activity-Freeze Tag
Creating Project (arts and crafts)Job Coloring Pages/Write Letters
Math/Science Skills-Block Patterns
Goodbye Song
Announcements: Show and Tell this week! Since we are talking about different occupations, have your child bring something that either Dad or Mom uses at work (it could be a picture also) to represent what mom or dad does. It could be a tool, a finished product that they make, or a picture of mom or dad in uniform.
We are doing a few projects this month that need some supplies. If you could help me by collecting some toilet paper rolls that would be great. I thought we had enough and then we used quite a bit this month so I'm in need of some more.
It's a new month. Tuition is due by the end of this week. Thank you all for paying on time! You all have been wonderful at this.
Homework Project: We are talking about different jobs and occupations. Does your child know what you and your husband do for a living? If possible it would be cool for them to come see where you work what your desk or station looks like. If you stay at home to care for children and manage the home this is a good opportunity to remind them of all the things you do to keep the home in order for them each day.
In our 4-5 year old group we will be preparing letters and envelopes to send to a loved one. If you could help by addressing it and taking it to the post office or to your mailbox that would be great.
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