"Almost all children respond to music. Music is an open-sesame, and if you can use it carefully and appropriately, you can reach into that child's potential for development." Dr. Clive Robbins

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sun and Shadows

Week 20- The sun and my shadow
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar-Abi, Hailey
9:40  Music Circle Time
Movement-Here Comes the Sun-Musical Chairs
Instruments-You are my Sunshine
Counting-The Ants go Marching
ABC/Reading-Alphabet Song
music appreciation/readiness-Rhythm Jello sticks
10:10 Math/Science Games-Telephone Talk
10:15  Creating Project-Shadow Silhouettes
10:30 Snack Time-Carrot Circles
10:40 Free Play
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-1 lesson-
11:15 Story Time
11:28 Goodbye Song
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar-Emmali, Samantha
Show and Tell- 1st Wed or Thursday
Spotlights on Kaleb
9:40  Music Circle Time
Movement-Oh Mister Sun
Creative-Landscape watercolors—The Rain Tree
Counting-5 little ducks
ABC/Reading-Singing Scales with Alphabet cards
music appreciation/readiness-Rhythm cards-with Instruments
10:10 Math/Science Games-Shadow Puppets
10:15  Creating Project-Shadow Art
10:30 Snack Time-Peanut Butter Sandwiches
10:40 Free Play
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-1 lesson-
11:15 Story Time
11:28 Goodbye Song

Home Challenge:  Have you tried having your child read some simple books to you yet?  Let them sound the words out and I think you will be surprised how well they can read.  I recommend the “Red Books” at the Hyrum Library.  The series of books is called “Reading for All Learners”  It starts with “I see Sam” and they approach reading in a simple step by step method.  http://www.iseesam.com/ 
Calendar Items:  Show and Tell is this Wed and Thurs.  
Tuition will be due next week and remember it is discounted to $30 due to us moving at the end of the month.  Thank you for those who have already contacted me about their intentions about continuing preschool.  Because of the responses we will for sure have enough to continue preschool and I'm planning on getting those interested carpool information, along with our new address.  
Last day of Preschool in Nibley is February 17th.  First Day of Preschool in Smithfield is March 7th.  

Saturday, January 22, 2011

My Hands

Week 19- My hands
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar-Camry, Natalie
Show and Tell- 1st Wed or Thursday
Spotlights on children-One a month
9:40  Music Circle Time
Movement-Open and Shut them; Do as I’m Doing
Instruments-Oh When the Saints Go Marching In
Counting-1-20 Ode to Joy
ABC/Reading-My Bonnie
music appreciation/readiness-Introduce different instuments through sight and sound
10:10 Math/Science Games-Uncle Wiggly Game
10:15  Creating Project-Trace and color our hands
10:30 Snack Time-Fruit
10:40 Free Play
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-1 lesson-
11:15 Story Time
11:28 Goodbye Song
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar-Connor, Kaleb
Show and Tell- 1st Wed or Thursday
Spotlights on children-One a month
9:40  Music Circle Time
Movement-Do As I’m Doing
Instruments-He’s Got the Whole World In His Hands-each person choose their favorite rhythm instrument
Counting: I have five little fingers
ABC/Reading: Alphabet Rhumba
music appreciation/readiness-Music Listening and drawing to “My own two hands”
10:10 Math/Science Games-Telephone Numbers
10:15  Creating Project-Play Dough
10:30 Snack Time-Muffins
10:40 Free Play
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-1 lesson-
11:15 Story Time
11:28 Goodbye Song

Announcement:  I don’t want to alarm anyone but we put our home for sale on Thursday.  We don’t know what the outcome will be but I will continue teaching Preschool so please don’t worry about that right now.  I will keep you informed if anything changes.

Friday, January 14, 2011

My Earth

Week 18- My Earth
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar-Samantha, Cassie
Show and Tell- 1st Wed or Thursday
Spotlights on children-One a month
9:40  Music Circle Time
Movement-He’s got the whole world in his hands-ball passing
Instruments-Indian Drum Dance (The Earth is our Mother)
Counting-Hickory Dickory Dock
ABC/Reading-Alphabet Rumba
music appreciation/readiness-Rhythmn Cards
10:10 Math/Science Games-Globe Game and Telephone numbers
10:15  Creating Project-Plant Seeds
10:30 Snack Time
10:40 Free Play
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-1 lesson-
11:15 Story Time
11:28 Goodbye Song

Announcements:  No School Monday or Thursday this week
Home Challenge:  It’s a good practice for your child to do “homework” everyday.  You can get inexpensive workbooks at All a Dollar that helps with numbers and letters.  Or you can get lots of free printable worksheets on the web such as:  http://www.first-school.ws/theme/handwriting.htm  and http://www.tlsbooks.com/preschoolworksheets.htm .  Try setting aside a few minutes a day where your child sits down and does one worksheet a day.  This will help get in the habit for school not only for your child but for you. 

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Winter Fun

Week 17- Winter Fun
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar-Abi, McKayla
9:40  Music Circle Time
Movement-Once there was a snowman/Snow is Falling
Instruments: Winter wonderland
Counting: Hickory Dickory Dock
ABC/Reading: ABC starting on different letters
music appreciation/readiness: Lines and Spaces
Music Choosing
10:10 Math/Science Games:  What does cold feel like?
10:15  Creating Project:  Paper Snowman
10:30 Snack Time:  Apples and Oranges
10:40 Free Play
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-lesson 22-Learning letter O
11:15 Story Time
11:28 Goodbye Song

9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar-Emmali, Camry
Spotlight on Shaddix
9:40  Music Circle Time
Movement: Walking in the Air with scarves
Instruments:  Drumming to Little Drummer boy
Counting: Ode to Joy counting with flashcards
ABC/Reading: Alphabet Rumba
music appreciation/readiness:  Music Bingo
Music Choosing
10:10 Math/Science Games:  Outside Play and Experimenting with cold
10:15  Creating Project: Coloring Snow
10:30 Snack Time:  Hot Chocolate
10:40 Free Play: 
11:00 Reading/Writing Time- lesson 23-New letter N
11:15 Story Time
11:28 Goodbye Song

This week we will experiment with ice, snow and even go outside for a bit.  On Wednesday and Thursday will you please have your children bring warm clothes to play outside in the snow. 
Home Project/Challenge:  Bundle up and go outside sometime this week.  In the winter it’s hard to get outside and play find an excuse to do something fun outside this week like:  Make a snowman, make snow angels, Color snow with water bottles/spray bottles filled with colored water, Just jump around and stomp making footprints in the snow.  You can make letters or pictures with your footprints.