"Almost all children respond to music. Music is an open-sesame, and if you can use it carefully and appropriately, you can reach into that child's potential for development." Dr. Clive Robbins

Friday, August 26, 2011

Retraction on Time Change and This Weeks Schedule

We are going back to the original times because not everyone could make it on time.  I'm sorry for the confusion.  But to make it work I will need everyone to pick up their child on time each day so my daughter can make it to kindergarten on time.  I think this will work just fine.  Just to clarify  First class on Mon and Wed will start at 9:00 am -10:30am and the second class will begin at 10:35 am. -12:05pm 
Each week on Friday or Saturday I will send you an outline of our weeks activities.  At the bottom will be a homework challenge and any important dates for you to know.  
Please look on the blog for detailed calendared on the top tab called Weekly Themes.  Please ask me if you have any questions finding it.  

Week 1-  Making Friends and Feelings
Mon or Tuesday
Seat Work-Which ones are the same?
Hello Song- It’s Time to shout hurray Key D
Rules of Preschool
Letter/Number of the Day—M; Number 1
Music Circle Time
            Movement-If your happy and you know it
Theme Song—Make New Friends: Make new friends,but keep the old,One is silver,the other is gold. A circle is round, it has no end. That's how long, I will be your friend. You help me, and I'll help you, and together, we will see it through.

            Social-My Favorite Things-song writing
                        The More we get together
            ABC/Reading—Baa Baa Black Sheep (letter sheep)
            Instruments—Lauren’s Waltz
            Counting-- Ode to Joy counting song
            Music appreciation/readiness—Introduce Alphabet Cards
            Music Choice—have a few choose a song
Creating Project—Name Plates
Free Time
Snack Time—Zucchini Bread
Reading-Lesson 1
Writing-Name Writing and practice letter M and number 1
Group Active Play-Follow the Leader outside
Story Time-
Goodbye Song

Wed or Thursday
Seat Work-Circle the matching letters
Hello Song
Review Rules of the School
Introduce Theme:  Feeling Faces
Show in Tell—Bring something from home that starts with your letter of name that you
really like!
Letter/Number of the Day-- Letter M and Number 1
Music Circle Time
            Movement- Where is Thumbkin
Social-- Shake a Friends Hand
 ABC/Reading- Lil' Liza Jan
            Instruments-Woodwinds/Percussion/Brass-different sounds
            Counting-5 little Ducks
            Music appreciation/readiness-Slap Jack letters
            Music Choice-Sing our Favorite Theme Song and take home to show family
Creating Project-Draw yourself for our shining wall
Free Time
Snack Time:  Prezles
Reading:  Finish Lesson 1
Writing:  Practice Names and Writing M and Number 1 on erase boards
Group Active Play:  Red Rover
Math/Science:  Friendship Matching Game
Story Time
Goodbye Song

Homework Assignment:  This week we are learning about each other.  We are making friends.  Help your child this week find something they like that begins with the same letter of their name.  We will have them share this at show and tell on Wed or Thursday. Also please I want you to be comfortable asking me any questions, making suggestions that might help your child be comfortable at school.  I would like to be open in communicating so we can help your child be successful at school!

Calendar:  Next week there is no school Monday for Labor Day.   

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Monday and Wed Class Time Change

I just got done with Kindergarten Orientation for my daughter who goes to Thomas Edison Charter School and the time is different then I had planned on.  In order for me to get her to school on time (12:20 pm) I'm going to have to move the Monday and Wednesday Classes up just 15 minutes.  Please review the times and call or e-mail me if you have any concerns with getting your child here and and picked up on time.  I want to work with your schedule so it can work for everyone.  My phone number is 563-6543 or cell 512-4193.  Thank you for your understanding.

Fantasia Group
Monday and Wednesday 3-4 year old Morning Class:
8:45 am- 10:15 am- 1 1/2 hours--$40 a month

Cadenza Group
Monday and Wednesday 3-4 year old morning class:
10:20 am - 11:50 pm- 1 1/2 hours--$40 a month

I will be sending out the first weeks class schedule and theme soon so watch for that.  

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

School Starts Next Week!

I am excited for a new school year!

Classes will begin next week on Monday 29th or Tuesday 30th.  If you have a question about times please e-mail or call me.  Be sure to send a back pack each day with your child with a change of clothes in it, just in case of an accident.

Beautiful Junk:  If you have any of the following could you send them with your child for some of the projects we will be making.  Cardboard Oatmeal Containers (empty), Empty prescription, vitamin, or medicine bottles with child proof lids.  (smaller the better), and toilet paper rolls.

I'm excited to get to know your child, we are going to have a great year!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Open House Reminder

Just a quick reminder that this Tuesday August 16th from 7-8 pm is the preschool open house.
We will be:
Playing a fun game
Making a craft
Eating a Treat
I will do pre-test (assessment) with as many children as I can
Meet other families and children in your class.

Families are welcome to come.  Feel free to invite your friends who may be interested in preschool.  I have a few openings left:
M&W 9-10:30 3-4 year old class    2 openings
T & Th 9-11:30 4-5 year old class   1 opening
Tue & Thur 1-3 pm 4-5 year old class 4 openings