"Almost all children respond to music. Music is an open-sesame, and if you can use it carefully and appropriately, you can reach into that child's potential for development." Dr. Clive Robbins

Friday, October 26, 2012

Halloween and Senses

Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week:  Letter O, Number 8
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Addams Family w/ rhythm sticks
Social—What are you going to be on Halloween Night?
Counting—Spider has 8 legs
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Princess Patty Tap
Small and Large Movement Skills- I’m a Mean Old Witch with a Hat
ABC/Reading-Witches Brew
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time-Decorate and eat halloween sugar cookie
Free Time & Group Motor Activity—Ball Catching/Costume Parade on 30th
Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Playdough/Glow Stick Pumpkins
Math/Science Skills—Halloween Bingo

Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week:  Letter O, Number 8
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Have you seen the ghost of John
Social-Witches Brew
Counting-Five Little Spooky Ghosts
Music Appreciation/Readiness—ABC Seek and Find (pumpkins)
Small and Large Movement Skills-Monster Mash w/ Parachute
ABC/Reading-Musical Chairs
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time-Fruit Cocktail
Free Time & Group Motor Activity-Outside Ball throwing and Catching—Costume Parade on the 31st.
Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Glow Stick Pumpkins/Sponge Paint Pumpkins
Math/Science Skills- Guessing Smells blindfolded (onions, pickles, tuna, orange)
Goodbye Song

Announcements:  On the 30th (Tuesday) and the 31st (Wednesday) students are encouraged to come to preschool in costume.  Please no masks.  You are invited to bring a Halloween treat/candy for each student.  In the 3-4 year old class there are 6 children and in the 4-5 year old classes there are 8.

Homework Challenge:  This week we are discussing our senses which help us learn.  At home I encourage you to talk about their senses.  Did you know our tongue has 3,000 taste buds, have them look at their tongue to see all their taste buds.  When we taste foods we taste things bitter, sweet, sour, or salty.  You can make lemonade together and have them try the bitter lemon rind, the sour lemon fruit and the sweet sugar and then taste the finished lemonade sour/sweet.  You can also take your child on a walk blindfolded and have them identify cars, leaves rustling, wind, and dogs barking just with their hearing sense.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Pumpkin/Harvest Days

Monday and Tuesday
Field Trip days—Wear warm clothes and t-shirt.  Bring a car seat or booster as well.
Wednesday and Thursday
Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week: Letter I, Number 7
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Harvest Drumming
Social-It’s Autumtime—talk about the changes of the season
Counting-Hickory Dickory Dock
Music Appreciation/Readiness- Dynamics!
Small and Large Movement Skills- Harvest Dance:  Follow the Dance Leader
ABC/Reading-ABC hide and seek
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time-Scones
Free Time & Group Motor Activity—Obstacle Course outside
Creating Project (arts and crafts)- TP Scarecrow/Leaf Rubbings
Math/Science Skills-Uncle Wiggly Game
Goodbye Song

Check our facebook page this week for pictures of our field trip.  
Calendar:  Next week for Halloween I would love to see the children in their costumes.   Plan on letting them come in costume on Tuesday 30th or Wednesday 31st.  We will have a costume show and your welcome to send a treat for each child so they can give to their classmates.  Plan on sending 8 treats if you would like.

Homework Challenge:  Now that we are starting to put on jackets, and shoes and socks I have found it is a lot harder to get my own kids out the door because of the time it takes to put everything on.  Does your child know how to put their own coat on?  Can they put their own shoes on?  Three and four years old is a good age to start learning these skills.  You may need to take a few minutes into your plan to get out the door to allow them the time to work on this.  Once they can get their own socks and shoes and jackets on you can start learning to tie and lace their shoes.     

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Flavorful Food!

Flavorful Food
Self Directed Play; Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week:Letter D, Number 6
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Waltz’n (Drum Shake Shake) learning 3/4 time
Social—Favorite Food—Shortnin Bread
Counting-5 little monkeys swinging
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Play back my rhthm
Small and Large Movement Skills—Dance Director (Cooleys Reel)
ABC/Reading-Pease Poridge Hot (w/ Clapping)
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack and Story Time- Ants on a log and Carrots: story --Hungry Caterpillar)
Free Time  and Group Motor Activity:  Hokey Pokey
Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Decorate Pumpkins
Math/Science Skills--Sequence
Goodbye Song

Announcements:  Don't forget next week we only have preschool on Monday.
The following week is the Pumpkin Walk Field Trip.  I will be sending details via e-mail later.

Homework Challenge:  Food can be a challenge with children but if they are exposed to a variety of food at a young age they will most likely not be as picky   I challenge you to involved your child with you in the kitchen this week.  You can make cookies together, or cook dinner together.  There are many things that a preschooler can do to help.  Some of the things are:  wash your produce for a salad, tear lettuce up, set the table, measure out dry ingredients.  It takes some patience but doing this will help them with their motor skills, vocabulary, and math skills.  Helping you read the recipe is a great way to expose them to more numbers and letters.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Color my World

Color my world
Self Directed Play & Clean Up-Color Boxes
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week-R & 5
Seat Work—
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Lukey’s Boat w/ instruments and stop and go sign
Social-Little Johnny Brown
Counting-Two Little Black Birds
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Introduce Staff and Magic Notes
Small and Large Movement Skills-De Colores w/ Scarves
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time-Fresh Purple Plums
Free Time & Group Motor Activity-Color Chair Game
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Fingerpainting/Playdough
Math/Science Skills-Uno Attack
Goodbye Song

Self Directed Play & Clean Up-Lacing
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week-R & 5
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—It’s a Beautiful World.
Social—Ball Passing and “what’s your favorite color”
Counting-Ball Bounce
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Sing w/ Me 123
Small and Large Movement Skills-I can Sing a Rainbow
ABC/Reading—Alphabet Corners
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time-Peaches
Free Time & Group Motor Activity—Jump Rope Game
Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Sidewalk Chalk/Water-Painting
Math/Science Skills-Sorting Color boxes
Goodbye Song

I sent home calendars for October this month.  Be sure to look in your child's backpack for their creations and their calendar.

Homework Assignment:  Children who are preschool age get super excited about the next holiday, birthday, or any exciting event!  One thing that can be hard to understand and make them upset is when it doesn't come the day they want.  At preschool we do a calendar everyday.  It would be great if you could show them your family calendar.  Show them how many days it will be till Halloween, Christmas or whatever so they can help count down with you.  This will help them to understand time a little better but also work on their numbers.

Saturday October 13, 2012 is the Scott Archibald Benefit Dinner/Auction from 5-7 pm.  Dinner is only $5.  Music Train Preschool will be giving away two 2 months tuition for the "Play with Me" class that I teach on Friday Mornings.  We have a really fun group of children with their moms/dad/caregivers.  We have children ages 0-5 that attend the class with their parent.  A piano, cruiser bike, gym memberships, Ipad, Itv, and so much more will be auctions off that night.  Come and support the Archibald family (my friends and an amazing Smithfield family!)