Friends of all Kinds: Letter B; Number 19
Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Show and Tell- once a month—Tuesday is Show and Tell because of field trip-Bring a favorite book
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-We are different-teach lyrics and choose instruments to play with
Social-Show Differing ability posters while listening to “Not that Different”
Counting-“Every Star is Different” Put a number of stars on the board while singing then have a volunteer count and tell how many stars are on the board.
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Fix the Order and What is Missing
Small and Large Movement Skills-I’m a little teapot
ABC/Reading-My Bonnie-Stand up and down on B Sounds
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time-Ants on a Log
Free Time & Group Motor Activity-Inside Obstacle Course
Creating Project (arts and crafts) –Make Valentine
Math/Science Skills-Number Counting Puzzle as a group
Goodbye Song
Wednesday and Thursday
Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Show and Tell- once a month-Show and Tell for Wednesday-Bring a favorite book
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Play Play Play
Social-Button you must wander—identify who has the button by saying classmates name.
Counting-Two little Black birds
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Find that note—music listening aural skills
Small and Large Movement Skills- Row Row Row your boat
ABC/Reading-Alphabet Song-hide the letter and sing louder as they get close to the letter
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time-Fruit Snacks for field trip/Animal Crackers
Free Time & Group Motor Activity-Snowball throwing targets
Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Foam Penguin Project
Math/Science Skills-Guessing Number Game. I’m thinking of a number
Goodbye Song
Announcements: February Tuition is Due Monday or Tuesday. If you pay with cash I would like you to still put it in an envelope but I would also like you to initial that you gave it to me and I will also initial so we have a record. Thank you. Field Trips will be this week for Thursday and then next Monday. Don’t forget to have your child wear their preschool t-shirt and leave a car seat.
Homework: We are talking about people of different abilities and challenges this week. It would be great if your family could have a discussion about people you know or have seen in the community that have a disability. Emphasize that people with differing abilities can do many of the things everyone else can do, and we should not focus on their disability. They may already know someone in their neighborhood or family who has a challenge; encourage them to be friendly and kind to them. Hopefully by talking about this our children will not be afraid to be friends and play with other children who have a disability. We will be visiting some local nursing homes and they will be seeing many residents varying in ability. This can be scary for children so if you can prep them by discussing that many of them will be in wheelchairs. We will be calling them our grandfriends. This may help in knowing what to call them. I love the wisdom and experience these friends can give us all.
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