"Almost all children respond to music. Music is an open-sesame, and if you can use it carefully and appropriately, you can reach into that child's potential for development." Dr. Clive Robbins

Monday, April 1, 2013

It's A Circus!

Monday and Tuesday
Self Directed Play & Clean Up:  Letters O, N, F  Numbers: 70-80
 Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Spotlights on preschool children—Tai on Monday, Grant on Tuesday
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Play Play Play—Let each child choose favorite instrument
Social—No one likes a Frowny Face—Talk about having a good attitude and smiling.
Counting: This little clown is fat and gray (hold up thumb)
This little clown does tricks all day (hold up next finger)
This little clown is tall and strong (hold up next finger)
This little clown is wee and small (hold up next finger)
And this little clown can do anything at all (hold up little finger)
Music readiness/rhythm—Music Copy Cat w/ xylophone
Small and Large Movement Skills
(Sung to Mary had a little Lamb)
Lets all go to the circus
The circus today, the circus today
Let's all go to the circus, today
And watch a big parade
See the clowns all tumbling around, tumbling around
See the clowns all tumbling around
In the circus ring.
Lions and tigers jumping through hoops
Jumping through hoops, jumping through hoops
Lions and tigers jumping through hoops
In their circus cage
The prancing horses step so high, Step so high, step so high.
The prancing horses step so high
In the circus ring
Cognitive (colors, shapes, letters)--Bubblegum
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time--Popcorn
Free Time & Group Motor Activity—Balance Beam and the Tight Rope
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Elephant counter/Decorate Popcorn Bags
Math/Science Skills—Bead Counter Games
Goodbye Song

Self Directed Play & Clean Up
Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Week
Seat Work
Reading and Writing
Spotlights on preschool children-Ben on Thursday
Show and Tell- Bring a favorite Stuffed animal (we will use this in music time as well)
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Marching Circus Band
Social—Talk about what we have learned about the circus and have them share something they would like to see at the circus or what they have seen if they have been before.  Pass a beanbag and when the music stops that child who as the bean bag gets to share.
Counting—5 little Elephants
Music readiness/rhythm—Letter Bean Bag toss on the big staff
Small and Large Movement Skills—Animal March w/ stuffed animals The Big Top
Everybody circle round and lift the canvas off the ground
Push and pull and watch it rise, the big top grows right before our eyes
Everybody circle round and lift the canvas off the ground
Sit and watch the circus acts singing
Everybody circle round form a great big ring upon the ground
Now we're set to watch the show
Circus acts both high and low
Everybody circle round and form a ring upon the ground.
 Walking Through The Circus
(Sung To: "I've Been Working On the Railroad")
I am walking through the circus (walk in place)
Happy as can be (smile real big)
I am walking through the circus (walk in place)
Just to see, what I can see (make binoculars with hands)
I can see the clown laughing (ha, ha, ha)
I can see the elephant, too (make trunk motion)
I can see the lion sleeping (yawn)
Look out (make binoculars with hands)... because he sees you too
Cognitive (colors, shapes, letters)
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Snack & Story Time—Circus Peanuts
Free Time & Group Motor Activity--Juggling
Creating Project (arts and crafts) Clowns made with Shapes/Happy and Sad Clown Faces
Math/Science Skills—Science w/ Circus Peanuts
Goodbye Song

Announcements:  Have a great spring break.  I will give out calendars on Monday for the month of April. We will have show and tell on Wed and Thursday.  Have them choose stuffed animal to bring.  We will use these in music time as well.  
We do not have a field trip this month but in May we will do the Health Day's Parade and the Willow Park Zoo.  It is getting close to the end of the school year.

Home Challenge:  This week while we are off of school I challenge you to do something with your child everyday that will help with their preschool skills.  Do a puzzle together, Make a collage by cutting and gluing out papers, Read together, etc.

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