Sept. 23-26, 2013—Things that Go! Field Trip Day
9:00 Self-Directed Play Time and Clean up—Cars and Trucks
9:10 Seat Work (writing name, worksheet)
9:20 Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Day
9:25 Reading Time/Phonograms (letter sounds)
9:30 Music Circle Time Hello Song
Instruments—Train Song w/ Shakers
Social—Wheels on the Bus—show book and then get imput for song and actions
Counting—Blue Jello w/ instruments
Music Appreciation/Readiness—PP—FF dynamics
Small and Large Movement Skills-Row Row Row your Boat
ABC/Reading—What letter is Missing?
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
10:00 Outside Play (Dress appropriately for weather)—
10:10 Snacktime/Storytime (story read by teacher while eating snacks) --Banana Boats
10:20 Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Car Art (Painting)
10:45 Math/Science Skills—Sorting Vehicles by Land, Air or Sea
10:55 Clean up and Goodbye Song
Field Trip Day
9:00 Self-Directed Play Time and Clean up—Cars and Trucks
9:10 Seat Work (writing name, worksheet)
9:20 Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Day
9:25 Reading Time/Phonograms (letter sounds)
Leave for Field Trip—Playing Active Games at the Park
Return at 10:55 to get backpacks ready to go
Announcements--This week is our first field trip. We are going to a close park to do some fun active games. You are more then welcome to come and join the group to help out. We are going to have 3-4 year old group go on Monday. We have music therapy students that come on Wednesday for Music Time and so I’m going to switch the day we go to our field trip. I only use washable paints, if your child comes home with paint on their clothes I’m really sorry, if you put spray and wash on it should come out in the laundry. I will try to remember to warn you if we are painting on the calendar and on the weekly notes. 3-4 year olds will be painting on Wed. and 4-5 year olds will be painting on Tues.
Home Challenge-- The weather has been so beautiful, I challenge you to take your preschooler to the park and have each of you take a turn to make up an obstacle course on the playground you can take turns doing it and if they enjoy the competitive side, take a stop watch and time them to see if they can beat them self.
I am just wrapping up the student assessments and will be e-mailing each of you about it and what I would like to work on with them this semester. Please let me know if you have any concerns about your child or any questions. I feel like all the kids are doing really well and I'm enjoying each of them!
Using music and movement to teach preschool concepts for children ages 0-5. Small class sizes gives each child individual attention!
"Almost all children respond to music. Music is an open-sesame, and if you can use it carefully and appropriately, you can reach into that child's potential for development." Dr. Clive Robbins
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