"Almost all children respond to music. Music is an open-sesame, and if you can use it carefully and appropriately, you can reach into that child's potential for development." Dr. Clive Robbins

Sunday, November 10, 2013

My Amazing Body

Monday and Tuesday
9:00  Self-Directed Play Time and Clean up
9:10  Seat Work (writing name, worksheet)
9:20  Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Day
9:25  Reading Time/Phonograms (letter sounds)
9:30  Music Circle Hello Song
Instruments-Instrument Pass and Play
Social—My Body (Tune of where is Thumbkin)  This is my body…It’s the only one I’ve got…I’m going to take good care of it…Yes I am….  Pass Bean Bag and who every gets the bag at the end of the song tells us one thing we can do to take care of our bodies.
Counting-10 little fingers
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Musical Snake
Small and Large Movement Skills-Head Shoulders
ABC/Reading—Alphabet Rumba
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
10:00  Outside Play (Dress appropriately for weather)
10:10  Snacktime/Storytime  Fruit Leather (story read by teacher while eating snacks)
10:20  Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Body Tracings
10:45  Math/Science Skills
10:55  Clean up and Goodbye Song

Wednesday and Thursday--Spotlight Jessica Today!
9:00  Self-Directed Play Time and Clean up
9:10  Seat Work (writing name, worksheet)
9:20  Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Day
9:25  Reading Time/Phonograms (letter sounds)
9:30  Music Circle Time Hello Song
Instruments—choose favorite instrument to play Trish Trash Polka
Social—Body Floor mat and brush teeth
Counting—Hickory Dickory Dock
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Introduce Treble Clef
Small and Large Movement Skills—Do your ears hang low
ABC/Reading—Alphabet Rumba
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
10:00  Outside Play (Dress appropriately for weather)
10:10  Snacktime/Storytime Muffins (story read by teacher while eating snacks)
10:20  Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Sillouettes and Playdough
10:45  Math/Science Skills
10:55  Clean up and Goodbye Song
Announcements:  Flu and Cold Season is hitting.  If your child is running a fever, has been throwing up within 24 hours of preschool, or has a green runny nose please keep them home so we don’t spread the sickness.  My kids may get sick and if this happens I will provide a separate place for them to be during preschool and still have preschool.  If I get the flu I will contact you and cancel preschool.  (this won’t likely happen, but just in case)
Homework Challenge:  I have been working with our students on correct pencil grip.  This is a challenge for many of the students.  If they are reinforced at home to hold their pencil, crayon, marker or whatever correctly then I know the habit will be made much faster.  The middle finger and thumb form a vise for holding the pencil.  The index, or pointing, finger rests between the middle finger and the thumb.  Fingers need to be close to the point of the pencil.  All knuckles, including the thumb, should be bent and the fingers and thumb rounded to the same degree.  Here is a picture of a good pencil grip.  Try to keep fingers relaxed so there is no strain on the hand or fingers.  pencil_grip3

Did you know we are on Facebook?  Share with your friends how much you like Music Train Preschool by “liking” us and sharing it on your homepage!  Thanks in advance for spreading the word. Follow this link for our facebook page.   http://www.facebook.com/pages/Music-Train-Preschool/370826534799 

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