Monday and Tuesday-Field Trip day!
Don't forget your carseat and Music Train Shirts!
Wednesday and Thursday
9:00 Self-Directed Play Time and Clean up
9:10 Seat Work (writing name, worksheet)
9:20 Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Day
9:25 Reading Time/Phonograms (letter sounds)
9:30 Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—All Around the Kitchen
Social—Song Writing“Kitchen Fun” Sung to Clementine
Counting-10 little Indians
Music Appreciation/Readiness—ABC Sing to Me
Small and Large Movement Skills
ABC/Reading—I like to Eat…Apples and Bananas
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
10:00 Outside Play (Dress appropriately for weather)
10:10 Snacktime/Storytime Popcorn (story read by teacher while eating snacks)
10:20 Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Edible Bead Necklaces
10:45 Math/Science Skills—Sorting Silverware and Celery Magic
10:55 Clean up and Goodbye Song
Upcoming Calendar: Next week on Dec 18th or 19th we will be doing a Christmas program for our families for the last half hour of preschool. We will highlight the kids and some of the songs they have been learning. It will be a treat to see them show off a bit. You are welcome to come and enjoy that. We will also have refreshments afterward.
Homework Challenge: This week we will be talking about the kitchen. There are so many math, science, and reading skills that are built by doing cooking activities. Please find time to include your child in some of your cooking/baking this holiday season. These memories of cooking with mom and dad are priceless! It takes some patience so do it when you both are well rested and have more time to dedicate to the project. Don’t be offended if they get tired after helping for a few minutes. Make sure they feel special for helping even for just a little bit. This will encourage them to help more and build up their self confidence especially if you tell others they helped you make it while they are listening!
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