9:00 Self-Directed Play Time and Clean up
9:10 Seat Work (writing name, worksheet)
9:20 Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Day
9:25 Reading Time/Phonograms (letter sounds)
9:30 Music Circle Time (Small and Large Movement, Instruments, Counting, Music Appreciation/Readiness, ABC/Reading, Singing)
Instruments—Going on a Dino Hunt (instruments for sound effects)
Social— What Dinosaur would you be?
Counting- Counting-10 little Dinosaurs
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Lines and Space Toss
Small and Large Movement Skills-Walk the Dinosaur
ABC/Reading—ABC mix up
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
10:00 Outside Play (Dress appropriately for weather)
10:10 Snacktime/Storytime (story read by teacher while eating snacks)-Dino Snacks
10:20 Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Paint our Dino Feet & Paint Stamp Dinosaurs
10:45 Math/Science Skills—Sort the Dinosaurs—walk on 2 legs or all 4
10:55 Clean up and Goodbye Song
9:00 Self-Directed Play Time and Clean up
9:10 Seat Work (writing name, worksheet)
9:20 Weather, Calendar, Counting, Letter and Number of the Day
9:25 Reading Time/Phonograms (letter sounds)
9:30 Music Circle
Hello Song
Instruments—Dino Jam
Social—Show and Tell!
Counting-10 little Dinosaurs
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Learn the difference of Treble and Bass Clef
Small and Large Movement Skills-Hokey Pokey Dino Style
Singing—Student of the Day Chooses Songs
10:00 Outside Play (Dress appropriately for weather)
10:10 Snacktime/Storytime (story read by teacher while eating snacks)-Preztle Cheese Dinosaurs
10:20 Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Tie Ribbon and finish up Dino Feet
10:45 Math/Science Skills—Sequence size of dinosaur models large-small
10:55 Clean up and Goodbye Song
Calendar: This week is Show and Tell. We have Show and Tell on Wednesday or Thursday. Since we just had a holiday I thought it would be fun for each student to share either something they got for Christmas they are excited about or tell us about something they did they really enjoyed.
Home Project: I would like to work on phone numbers with the students starting next week. Could you please send me what phone number you would like your child to know to best get a hold of you. This is important information to know especially before Kindergarten.
This will also emphasis number recognition as well. Practice dialing your phone number
on a “fake” phone at home. If they are having a hard time remembering the number I
recommend putting it to music. It fits well with the “Bingo” song. “My phone number is
seven long and I can dial home, 512-6094, 512-6094, 512-6094 and I can dial home (or I can dial mommy).”
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