"Almost all children respond to music. Music is an open-sesame, and if you can use it carefully and appropriately, you can reach into that child's potential for development." Dr. Clive Robbins

Friday, December 31, 2010

Dinosaur Adventures

Please note the calendar section on this blog for dates for this semester.
Jan 3rd – 6th Week 16- Dinosaurs
Monday and Tuesday
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar-Camry, Hailey
9:40  Music Circle Time
Movement-Walk the Dinosaur & Dem Bones
Instruments-Going on a Dino Hunt
Counting- 10 little Dinosaurs-use plastic dino’s to help cound
music appreciation/readiness- Treble Clef and Bass clef
10:10 Math/Science Games-Learn telephone numbers-practice on a pretend phone
10:15  Creating Project-Make a Dino Egg
10:30 Snack Time-fossil crackers
10:40 Free Play-Dino Hunt
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-1 lesson-
11:15 Story Time
11:28 Goodbye Song
Wed and Thursday
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar-Connor, Samantha
Show and Tell Today!
9:40  Music Circle Time
Movement-Hokey Pokey Dino Style
Instruments-Dinosaur Round
Counting-10 little Dinosaurs
ABC/Reading- ABC mixup (with cards)
music appreciation/readiness- Lines and space toss
10:10 Math/Science Games-Telephone Review with phones
10:15  Creating Project-Finish Making a Dinosaur Egg
10:30 Snack Time-oranges
10:40 Free Play-
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-1 lesson-
11:15 Story Time
11:28 Goodbye Song-The Dinosaur Who Couldn’t Roar

Home Project:  I would like to work on phone numbers with the students this week.  Could you please send me what phone number you would like your child to know to best get a hold of you.  This is important information to know especially before Kindergarten.  This will also emphasis number recognition as well.  Practice dialing your phone number on a “fake” phone at home.  If they are having a hard time remembering the number I recommend putting it to music.  It fits well with the “Bingo” song.  “My phone number is seven long and I can dial home, 512-6094, 512-6094, 512-6094 and I can dial home.”  Or you can say and I can dial mommy or daddy. 
Calendar Items:  This week is show and tell.  I would like them to all bring something that starts with the letter D.  
Just for your reference there are two holidays that fall on Monday and to make it fair for the M-W class I will not be teaching Thursday of that same week.  Refer to Calendar for specific dates.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  I have tried teaching when my other kids are home from school and it was a bit of a disaster so I'd like to take those days off.  Our school gets out May 25th so our last days will be May 23rd and May 24th.  

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