"Almost all children respond to music. Music is an open-sesame, and if you can use it carefully and appropriately, you can reach into that child's potential for development." Dr. Clive Robbins

Friday, December 30, 2011

Dinosaur Week

I hope you have had a great holiday vacation.  I know our family has had a good time with friends and family. Here is the plan for next week.  I will give you all calendars on Tuesday or Wednesday.
Tuesday Jan 3rd, 2011
Dinosaurs; Letter H; Numbers 1-14
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments- Dino Jam
Social-What kind of Dinosaur would you be?
Counting- 10 little dinosaurs-use plastic dino’s to help count
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Treble Clef and Bass Clef placement
Small and Large Movement Skills-Hokey Pokey Dino Style
ABC/Reading- ABCosurses
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Paint our Dino Feet
Snacktime-Fossil Crackers
Group Motor Activity-Follow the Leader
Math/Science Skills-Sequence

Jan 4th or 5th--Wed/Thursday
Show and Tell-Bring 14 of something (14 cheerios, 14 cars, 14 dolls)
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Going on a Dino Hunt
Social-Show and Tell
Counting-Show and Tell-count all our 14 things
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Lines and Space Toss
Small and Large Movement Skills-Walk the Dinosaur
ABC/Reading-ABC mixup
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Attach Ribbons to finish Dino Feet
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime-Orange Slices
Group Motor Activity-Freeze Tag
Math/Science Skills—Phone number practice with phones
Home Project: I would like to work on phone numbers with the students this week.
Could you please send me what phone number you would like your child to know to best
get a hold of you. This is important information to know especially before Kindergarten.
This will also emphasis number recognition as well. Practice dialing your phone number
on a “fake” phone at home. If they are having a hard time remembering the phone number I
recommend putting it to music. It fits well with the “Bingo” song. “My phone number is
seven long and I can dial home, 512-6094, 512-6094, 512-6094 and I can dial home.” Or
you can sing and I can dial mommy or daddy.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Time Correction

Tomorrow we have our program at 11:00 am.  Sorry for the confusion and thank you for bringing it to my attention.  Hope you all can make it.  It should be a lot of fun!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Final Week of December

Senses of Christmas--Monday and Tuesday
Practice writing names Seat Work-- Winter Stamps
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day  Letter G; Number 14
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments--Jingle Bells
Social-What do you want for Christmas?  lyric writing  (Santa’s on it’s way)
Counting--5 little Snowmen Chant w/ glove Standing in a row (wind, rain, snowplow,
children sun)
Music Appreciation/Readiness--Bell’s for Program
Small and Large Movement Skills-Tony Chestnut; Up on the Housetop
ABC/Reading-ABC Song Game
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)--Christmas Tree-w/shapes
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime--Fish Crackers
Reading Time-
Group Motor Activity-Hula Hoops and Ball Time
Math/Science Skills--Fish Sorting
Storytime-Christmas Stories
Goodbye Song
Wednesday and Thursday
Practice writing names Seat Work-worksheet
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day--Letter G; Number 14
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Jingle Bells
Social-What do you want for Christmas?
Counting-5 little Snowmen Chant
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Bell’s for Program
Small and Large Movement Skills-Tony Chestnut; Up on the Housetop
ABC/Reading-Alphabet Rumba
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)--Decorate Cookies
Group Motor Activity-Jumproping
Math/Science Skills-Color Sorting
Storytime-Christmas Stories
Program for Parents/Cookies
Don't forget the program: Here is the schedule.
Fantasia Group (Wednesday): Program will begin at 10:00.
Cadenza Group (Wednesday): Program will begin at 11:35.
Symphony Group (Thursday) Program will begin at 11:30.
School will resume Tuesday Jan 3rd.
Homework Challenge:
Christmas is such a fun time for children. The colors, smells, tastes, new textures, teach and give our children new experiences. The memories of these fun times will last for a long time. I challenge you to make and keep family traditions that will create family memories that will last throughout their life. One of our favorite traditions is making Gingerbread houses. The kids love to spend time designing and decorating their houses. We always take pictures of the houses with their builders and they love to look at them later. Another fun tradition is Christmas Caroling.
Next year we will start learning our phone number. What number do you what your child to know in case of an emergency? Your cell phone, work phone, or home phone. If you will send me the phone number you would like them to learn that will be the number we will work with. I think this is an important skill and it's great practice with numbers as well.

Happy Holiday!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

Senses of Christmas

Senses of Christmas--Monday and Tuesday
Practice writing names Seat Work--Stamps for Cards
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day  Letter W; Number 13
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments--Jingle Bells
Social-What do you want for Christmas?  lyric writing  (Santa’s on it’s way)
Counting--5 little Snowmen Chant w/ glove Standing in a row (wind, rain, snowplow,
children sun)
Music Appreciation/Readiness--Bell’s for Program
Small and Large Movement Skills-Tony Chestnut; Up on the Housetop
ABC/Reading-ABC Song Game
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)--Make Snowflakes
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime--Hot Chocolate w/ Marshmellows
Reading Time-
Group Motor Activity-Hula Hoops and Ball Time
Math/Science Skills--Money Game
Storytime-Chirstmas Stories
Goodbye Song
Wednesday and Thursday
Practice writing names Seat Work-Lacing Shapes
Show and Tell- Bring something you love to smell
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day--Letter W; Number 13
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Jingle Bells

Social-What do you want for Christmas?
Counting-5 little Snowmen Chant
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Bell’s for Program
Small and Large Movement Skills-Tony Chestnut; Up on the Housetop
ABC/Reading-Alphabet Rumba
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)--Make a snowman
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime-Fruit Snacks
Reading Time
Group Motor Activity- ”Decorate the Classroom”
Math/Science Skills-Color Sorting
Storytime-Christmas Stories
Goodbye Song
Calendar and Upcoming events:  
  • December 14th or 15th –Christmas Program for Parents and Siblings.  We will be working during music time this next two weeks on the program songs.  
  • Next week I will do a mid year assessment to see how each child is progressing compared with their initial assessment. I will be making goals for each child that we will be starting on in Jan. When I get these done I will e-mail each of you the results of the tests and the goals I have for them. I will set a cognitive and a social goal for each of them. I would love your input if you have concerns or ideas of things you would like for me to notice and work on at school, please let me know.
  • No School Dec 19-Jan 2nd.  Resume School Tuesday Jan 3rd.  
Home Project:  Playing is how children learn.  We may think they are just “playing” but for a child this is their work.  We need to give children the opportunities in their day for uninterrupted play.  It’s good for children to have their own time to play and time that mom or dad joins in.    It’s hard to give them our time everyday for play but I want to challenge you to find a few minutes everyday to join with them in their play.  Don’t take over the play, let the child direct you.  Give them the floor and let them tell you how to play.  Have fun!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


  • I have had a few students move so I'm looking for more preschool students to fill our classes.  I'm hoping to get them filled so I don't have to combine our Monday and Wednesday classes to one class.  Spread the word, I'm running a special price for new students.  If they sign up before Dec 1st.  They can get 1/2 off December tuition.  December will be a really fun month.  We are getting ready for our Christmas program and will be learning fun songs and even play a tone bell song.  We have some fun projects planned!
  • I sent December calendars home Monday and Wednesday.  
  • I sent you all an invite to join the Music Train Preschool Calendar on Google Calendar.  This might help remind for field trips, and show and tell.  --Let me know if you have questions about how to get this working for you.  
  • December tuition is due by December 5th. Even though it is shorter month, tuition still is the same price. 
  • The tour at Lee's was so much fun!  Pete, the store manager did such a great job.  We made him a thank you card, have your kids say "hi" next time you are in there.  We took some fun pictures.  Thanks to Rachelle and Cami for helping make this trip possible by driving!   I put a few pictures up today if you want to see it.  http://www.facebook.com/pages/Music-Train-Preschool/370826534799

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Lee’s Market Place Tour
Meet at Preschool at 9:30
Pick up at Preschool at 11:30

Lee’s Market Place Tour
Meet at Preschool at 9:00
Pick up at Preschool at 11:30

November 30 and Dec 1st—Kitchen Time
Seat Work
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day: Letter L Number 12
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—All Around the Kitchen
Social—Song Writing“Kitchen Fun” Sung to Clementine
Counting-10 little Indians
Music Appreciation/Readiness—ABC Sing to Me
Small and Large Movement Skills
ABC/Reading—Stone Soup
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Make no bake Cookies
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime—Stone Soup
Reading Time/Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity—Balancing on lines
Math/Science Skills—Sorting Silverware and Celery Magic
Calendar: Look for December calendar to come home this week in backpacks
On December14th and Dec 15th we will be sharing some Christmas Songs we have been working on with you. Notice time on your Calendar.

Homework Challenge: The kitchen can be a learning center for your preschooler. This week let them help by setting the table for meals, empty the dishwasher (sorting skills), Helping you make dinner, or treats can be a fun experience for them. Just plan on taking extra time so you can have the patience to take a little longer with their help.

Friday, November 18, 2011


Monday and Tuesday

Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day --Letter U and Number 11
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Harvest Instruments
Social—Over the River and Through the Woods—Let each share something they are grateful for and     
what they like about Thanksgiving (pass bean bag and when music stops they share something—play 
“Thankful” by Josh Groban
Counting-10 little Indians
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Blue Jellos
Small and Large Movement Skills—Get up and move
ABC/Reading-Alphabet Rumba
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts) Handprint Turkey’s  Cut out hands and write one thing we are grateful on each feather. 
Snacktime—Graham Crackers and milk
Group Motor Activity-Turkey Tag—Jump on the Blanket
Math/Science Skills—Thanksgiving Bingo
Storytime—Thanksgiving Day
Calendar:  Remember no preschool on Wed and Thursday--Have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving
Next week we are going on a Field Trip to Lee's Market.  I will have Rachelle, our great teacher volunteer, drive so we don't need any mom's to come unless of course you would like to.  Monday groups will meet together at my house at 9:30.  You can pick up at preschool at 11:30.  Tuesday will have the same time as usual.  We will do some things before and after the field trip.  Please bring and leave carseats/boosters and have your child wear their preschool t-shirt.  
This week for the homework challenge I just wanted to give you encouragement for having your child in preschool by giving you the reason I think preschool is important.
Learning the ABC's and numbers can be done at home as well as art's and crafts.  The most important thing I think preschool teaches children is learning social skills with children their own age and then learning the importance of respect and how to treat a teacher.   
I also believe preschool teaches the child attention skills that are vital to learning.  In our preschool we have short periods of time when everyone sits and listens to the teacher.  I see each of the children getting better and better at focusing during instruction time.  This routine of practicing focusing their attention is so important.  It's hard to simulate the teacher/student classroom experience at home so I complement you for allowing your child the opportunity to experience this here at preschool.  
 Thank you for all those that have e-mailed me back the survey!  I really appreciate the feedback so far it has been so helpful.  Those of you who haven't done it--when you get a chance I would really appreciate it.  

Friday, November 11, 2011

I love music

We are going to try a condenced version of our schedule so it's not so long.  We will still do the other things each time I just won't put it on this to save time.  Let me know if you like this better.
Theme:  I love music
Letter for the Week:  F
Number of the Week:  1-10 review
Mon and Tuesday: 
Art and Craft: Making Shakers!
Snacktime:  Rice Crispy Treats
Motor:  Hot Potato Game
Math:  Number Tiles w/ dice

Wed and Thur
Spotlight for Madden on Thursday
Art and Craft:  Making our own music on the staff
Snacktime:  Fruit Roll ups
Motor:  Physical Challenges
Math:  Number Puzzles

Homework challenge:  With the Tuesday and Thursday we have been working in the Teach Your Child to Read in 100 Easy Lessons by Engelmann.  I love this method of teaching children to read.  I highly recommend that all my parents buy this book and use it at home to reinforce the reading at home.  We will begin using the book in the Monday and Wednesday Classes starting in January.  I didn’t feel like they were quite ready to begin it yet but by Jan.  I think they will be.  Most of the kids are doing really well with the reading and are catching on fast.  You can get the book at The Book Table or online.  I know they have the book at most libraries so if you want to check it out first before you buy it that may be a good option. 

I will be sending an e-mail with a survey to see if you have any suggestions or things you would like done at preschool.  We have been going for a few months and I would like some feedback to know if I can make this a better experience for you and your student.  You can return this via e-mail or print it out and return in person.  Thank you!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

My Amazing Body

Theme:  My Amazing Body
Monday and Tuesday
Seat Work
Practice writing names
Spotlights on preschool children-About one a month--Brooke
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day  Letter N Number 10
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Instrument Play
Social—My Body (where is Thumpkin tune)  This is my body…It’s the only one I’ve got…I’m going to take good care of it…Yes I am….  Spinner on how to take care of body
Counting—10 little fingers
Music Appreciation/Readiness-Musical Snake
Small and Large Movement Skills—Head Shoulder
ABC/Reading—ABC line up
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Silhouettes
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime—Carrots and water
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity—Passing Game with bean bag
Math/Science Skills—Food Pyramid Game
Goodbye Song

Wednesday and Thursday
Seat Work
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day-Letter N; Number 10
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—choose favorite instrument to play Trish Trash Polka
Social—Body Floor mat and brush teeth
Counting—Hickory Dickory Dock
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Clef Review
Small and Large Movement Skills—Do your ears hang low
ABC/Reading—Alphabet Rumba
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Body Tracings
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime—muffins and water
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity—The Balancing Act
Math/Science Skills—Counting Beans with number dice
Goodbye Song
Announcements:  FYI:  Some of things we create we will not bring them home because I am collecting a few things to put in a packet to give them at Preschool Graduation.  This will be a fun thing to have as a memory of preschool and I will print off a few pictures to put in their as well. 
Flu and Cold Season is hitting.  If you child is running a fever, has been throwing up within 24 hours of preschool, or has a green runny nose please keep them home so we don’t spread the sickness.  My kids may get sick and if this happens I will provide a separate place for them to be during preschool and still have preschool.  If I get the flu I will contact you and cancel preschool.  I haven’t had to do this before so lets hope I can stay healthy!
Homework Challenge:  I have been working with our students on correct pencil grip.  This is a challenge for many of the students.  If they are reinforced at home to hold their pencil, crayon, marker or whatever correctly then I know the habit will be made much faster.  The middle finger and thumb form a vise for holding the pencil.  The index, or pointing, finger rests between the middle finger and the thumb.  Fingers need to be close to the point of the pencil.  All knuckles, including the thumb, should be bent and the fingers and thumb rounded to the same degree. 
Did you know we are on Facebook?  Share with your friends how much you like Music Train Preschool by “liking” us and sharing it on your homepage!  Thanks in advance for spreading the word. Follow the link for our facebook page.   http://www.facebook.com/pages/Music-Train-Preschool/370826534799

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween and Senses

Monday Come in Halloween Costume—It’s a Halloween Party!
Seat Work-Halloween Bingo
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day—Letter O and Number 0
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—The Addams Family with bells
Social—“What are you going to be on Halloween Night?”
Counting—Spider has 8 legs
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Major and Minor sounds
Small and Large Movement Skills—Monster Mash
ABC/Reading—Musical Chairs w/ ABC’s & This is Halloween
Singing—Child Chooses Songs—Teach Have you seen the Ghost of John/ I’m a mean old witch with a Hat. 
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Sponge Painting—Jack-o-lanterns
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snack time—decorate your own Halloween sugar cookie
Reading Time –Halloween stories
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity—Outside Ball Throwing and Catching
Math/Science Skills—Learn on top, under, in, out, before, after, up, down with our Halloween spider
Story time—Spooky stories. /Goodbye Song

Seat Work
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day- Letter O, and Number 0
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Indentify Instruments by hearing not seeing—then choose a favorite instrument to play for jam time. 
Social—Important Things sung to Twinkle Twinkle (Seeing, hearing, touching too, are important things to do.  
Smelling, tasting something new helps us learn the whole day through.  Seeing hearing touching too are important 
things to do.)  Discuss what we learn through our five senses)
Counting—I’ve Got 5 little fingers
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Treble and Bass Clef
Small and Large Movement Skills-Open and Shut Them
ABC/Reading—ABC Train with the whole alphabet
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)-Fingerpainting
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime-Fruit Cocktail
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity-Who’s Got the button?
Math/Science Skills-Guessing Smells blindfolded (onions, pickles, tuna, orange)
Goodbye Song
Wednesday and Thursday
Seat Work
Practice writing names
Show and Tell- Today we will share a favorite stuff animal they like to hold and love
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Mary Had a Little Lamb—drum rhythm of rhyme
Social—have children show how they touch and cuddle their stuff animal
Counting—tap the child on the back with a drum stick have the child identify how many taps and then have them 
repeat that number on a drum.
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Grand Staff teach spaces and line notes
Small and Large Movement Skills—Tickle Time
ABC/Reading—Alphabet Rumba
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—textured coloring
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity- Senses Walk-Take Popcorn Snack with us for sense of taste
Math/Science Skills—guess an object by touching in a sack
Goodbye Song

  • Monday is Halloween and your child is welcomed to come dressed up today for our Halloween Party!  
  • November is here Tuesday I will send a new calendar home so watch for that and November monthly tuition is due this week.  
  • Wed and Thursday is Show and Tell, please have your child bring a favorite stuff animal they love to hold and cuddle with.  We are talking about all of our senses this week. 
  • Check your child's backpack for the photo release form and please turn that in by the end of the week.  I have taken a bunch of pictures from our pumpkin walk, so I'm hoping to go through them soon and send you each a few pictures on e-mail.  

Homework Challenge:  Because our senses are so important for us to learn, I would encourage you and your child to talk about your senses this week. Here is an example you could do at home.  Did you know our tongue has 3,000 taste buds, have them look at their tongue to see all their taste buds.  When we taste foods we taste things bitter, sweet, sour, or salty.  You can make lemonade together and have them try the bitter lemon rind, the sour lemon fruit the sweet sugar and then the final finished lemonade deliciously sour/sweet.  You can also take your child on a walk blindfolded and have them identify cars, leaves rustling, wind, and dogs barking just with their hearing sense. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Teacher Volunteer

I am really excited to have Rochelle Webb who will be volunteering her time to help in our classroom every Monday and Wednesday.  She will be a great asset to our preschool and it will be nice to have an extra hand to help.  She came with us to the pumpkin walk on Monday and I was so grateful for her help and I can see she is wonderful with children!  Here is some information so you can get to know her a bit.

 I was born in Ogden, Utah, graduated from Sky View High School. I started attending USU, when I met my husband, Scott Webb. We have been married for seven years, traveling around the world with the United States Marine Corps. I have changed my major a few times to say the least and found out that I have a spot in my heart to work with children and become a teacher. I started working on my education degree while we were stationed in Okinawa Japan for three years. Since my husband is deployed and I am staying with my parents for the duration of the deployment, school has been placed on hold. Once I move back to North Carolina, where we are currently stationed, I will start back up with my studies. Since I am only in Smithfield for a few months, four months left, I find myself wanting to get back into the classroom again. However, since my time here is brief, and I know how hard the hiring and training process is for a new school, I find that my best option is to volunteer at a preschool, to continue my teaching education. I have worked with children all of my life, from being a babysitter in my younger years, to working with CAPSA in Logan, to being a full time nanny for a wonderful family during my stay in Okinawa. I am excited to work with your children.  --Rochelle Webb

Friday, October 21, 2011

What do I want to Be and Halloween!

Field Trip Day.  Meet at Preschool at 9:15 am wearing shirts—bring car seat!
9:30—Leave for Pumpkin Walk
10:45—leave to go back to Preschool
11:00—pick up your child from Preschool
If you are meeting us at the pumpkin walk please find us by the North Entrance West of the cut out characters. 

Tuesday and Wednesday 
Seat Work
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day—C & 9
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Harvest Drumming—with “Law of Harvest”
Social-“It’s Autumtime”—talk about what changes happen in the fall
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Dynamics!
Small and Large Movement Skills- Harvest Dance:  follow the leader dance
ABC/Reading- ABC hide and seek
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Write Letters Stamp and Mail them.
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Reading Time –Little Red Hen w/Fantasia and Symphony Group
Snack time—Make Scones with Dough made with Little Red Hen Story—Fantasia and Symphony
                        Ants on a Log-Allegro Group
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity—Obstacle Course outside
Math/Science Skills—Uncle Wiggly Game
Story time/Goodbye Song
Thursday—Come in Halloween Costume—It’s a Halloween Party!
Seat Work
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day—C & 9
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—The Addams Family with bells
Social—“What are you going to be on Halloween Night?”
Counting—Spider has 8 legs
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Major and Minor sounds
Small and Large Movement Skills—Monster Mash
ABC/Reading—Musical Chairs w/ ABC’s & This is Halloween
Singing—Child Chooses Songs—Teach Have you seen the Ghost of John/ I’m a mean old witch with a Hat. 
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Sponge Painting—Jack-o-lanterns
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snack time—decorate your own Halloween sugar cookie
Reading Time –Halloween stories
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity—Outside Ball Throwing and Catching
Math/Science Skills—Learn on top, under, in, out, before, after, up, down with our Halloween spider
Story time—Spooky stories. /Goodbye Song
We are lucky to have a college student, Rochelle Webb, who is going to be volunteering in our classroom to get some experience with preschool children.  She will be coming on Monday with us to our field trip to help out and then she will start coming to help in the classroom as well.  She will be a great addition to our preschool.  I will have her introduce herself soon!
I will be sending a note home with each of your children about putting pictures we take at preschool on the blog.  If you can read this, sign and send it back that would be great.  
On Thursday of this week and Monday of next the children may come in Halloween costumes if they would like.  This is optional.  We are calling it our Halloween party but we really are doing basically the same structure as usual, just adding a Halloween Theme.  
Homework Challenge:  
Technology can be very helpful to teach concepts.  I have found some websites that have some great games that the kids enjoy and also teach good skills.  I wanted to share one with you.  This website is designed for many ages.  The youngest is for Kindergarten but I have my three year old working with it and it's fine for her.  Check it out.    http://www.abcya.com/
Also you can get great apps on your phone that are nice to have when you are waiting in line or for your food at a resturant.  Here is one that has a teaching tool for numbers, letters, colors and shapes.  It's called JANES ABCs.  You can get it on most phones.  It's only $.99 so it's way cheap and fun for the kids.  Here is a link about the app.  http://bestappsforkids.com/2011/10/janes-abcs-123s/
Do you have a favorite website or app for your kids that is both fun and educational?  Please share and I will pass the word on.  Thanks!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Field Trip Plan--Notice time changes!

Here is the Plan--Let me know if you have any concerns or questions!
Thursday Group
9:45--  Meet at preschool and load in all carseats--remember to wear your preschool shirts!
10:00--Leave Preschool
10:15--Arrive at Pumpkin walk
11:15-- Leave Pumpkin walk
11:30--Pick up children at preschool
This is a short day because I originally planned to take this day off of preschool because of UEA and my school kids are home for the day.  But because of the pumpkin walk schedule we are adding this extra day so we won't have a fall break.

Monday Group
9:15--Meet at preschool and load in all the carseats--remember to where your preschool shirts!
9:30--Leave to go to the pumpkin walk
9:45--Arrive at Pumpkin walk
10:45--Leave Pumpkin walk to go home
11:00--Pickup up children at preschool

Pumpkin Walk Details:  The pumpkin walk is at Elk Ridge Park:  Address is 1100 E 2500 N in North Logan.  If you are meeting us there please meet us at the large Pumpkin mural entrance that faces North.  We will wait here.  I will have my cell phone with me--435-512-4193.   Call me if you have trouble finding us.  We will meet here at the end as well so you can easily find us to take your child home.

Last minute Instructions:  We want everyone in their preschool t-shirts so we can easily be identified and located if lost.  Please let me know if you are planning on taking your own child to and from the pumpkin walk so I know not to wait for them at preschool and we have enough seats in the cars.  Just a quick reply via e-mail would be great even if you have talked to me about it already.   Talk to your children about staying with the group.  I will also do this before we leave and put everyone in partners so we will stick together.  If you can be sure to take your child to the bathroom before you bring them that would be helpful as well.

Thank so much!  The pumpkins they decorated look so cute!  You may want to attend this as a family.  Here is the website with more information about parking in the evening.  

Friday, October 14, 2011

Fall Fun

Seat Work
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Autumn Concerto by Vivaldi Louds and Softs
Social—“Try to Remember” –
Counting—Hickory Dickory Dock
Music Appreciation/Readiness-, ABC Snake
Small and Large Movement Skills- Leaves are Falling (with scarves
ABC/Reading—ABC Sing to me
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Pumpkin Decorating
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity—Walk outside looking for signs of fall
Math/Science Skills—Harvest Counting
Goodbye Song
Seat Work
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments-Harvest Drumming—with “Law of Harvest”
Social-“It’s Autumtime”—talk about what changes happen in the fall
Counting-Hickory Dickory Dock
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Dynamics!
Small and Large Movement Skills- Harvest Dance:  follow the leader dance
ABC/Reading- ABC hide and seek
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Leaf Rubbings
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Reading Time –Little Red Hen
Snacktime—Make Scones with Dough made with Little Red Hen Story
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity—Obstacle Course outside
Math/Science Skills—The Apple Game
Goodbye Song
This week we will have child help design a part of the jack-o-lantern.  We will only use markers and then I will do the cutting at a later time.  The pumpkin walk has been a Cache Valley tradition since 1983.  I’m excited to participate by designing and carving pumpkins that will be used along the walk ways.  I am going to make a sign to put by our pumpkins that acknowledges each of our preschool children.  I was planning on just using first names but if anyone is uncomfortable about that please let me know and I will leave your child’s name off the sign. 
Homework Challenge:  Now that we are starting to put on jackets, and shoes and socks I have found it is a lot harder to get my own kids out the door because of the time it takes to put everything on.  Does your child know how to put their own coat on?  Can they put their own shoes on?  My three year old and I are working on it and if I take a little more time to start heading out the door I am so much more patient with her.  If we are in a hurry then I just do it for her so I challenge you to take a little more time and use the time to teach how to put their jacket on, and how to put shoes on.  Lacing will be a project for another day (or year =) )  

Friday, October 7, 2011

Flavorful Food

October 10-13th—Flavorful Food—Letter D and Number 7
Seat Work
Practice writing names
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day-- Letter D and Number 7
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—All Around the Kitchen
Social- Muffin Man
Counting-Blue Jello’s
Music Appreciation/Readiness—ABC sing with me
Small and Large Movement Skills- Peanut Butter and Jelly (with story book)
ABC/Reading-- I like to Eat…Apples and Bananas
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Food Collage
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime-ABC crackers
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity-Hokey Pokey
Math/Science Skills-Sorting Foods into Food Pyramid
Storytime—When you give a pig a pancake
Goodbye Song
Wed and Thursday
Seat Work
Practice writing names
Spotlight for Andrew on Thursday-Happy Birthday!
Introduce Theme and Letter and Number of the Day
Music Circle Time
Hello Song
Instruments—Drum Shake Shake (Waltz’n)
Social—Favorite Foods—(Shortnin Bread)
Counting-5 little monkeys swinging
Music Appreciation/Readiness—Play back my rhythm
Small and Large Movement Skills—Dance Director (Polka)
ABC/Reading—Pease Poridge Hot
Singing—Child Chooses Songs
Creating Project (arts and crafts)—Homemade Tortillas
Free Time-choose activity inside or outside before snacks
Snacktime—Make Quesidillas with our tortillas
Reading Time
Writing assignment (numbers and/or letters)
Group Motor Activity—Freeze Dance
Math/Science Skills--Sequence
Storytime—The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Goodbye Song
We have one mom who has volunteered to drive to the pumpkin walk for Monday but we will need one more mom or dad to help drive for the Monday group.  Both Monday’s groups will be going together to the pumpkin walk.  I do need just one parent who can take at least two kids in there car on Thursday 20th.  Plan on bringing your child’s car seat or booster the day of the field trip so we can be safe in the car.  I also want everyone to wear their preschool t-shirts so we can be easily identified.   
Homework Challenge:  We are talking about food this week.  Meal time can be a very challenging time with young children.  One thing that helps in our family is to expose the children to many different foods and not to cater to what we know they will eat.  It's ok to give them very small portions.  Praise them for trying it and being brave to do new things.  Talking about why we eat fruits and vegetables hopefully will help the whole family eat healthier. When I was younger I loved when my aunt would encourage me to eat by building a house in my tummy.  We had to eat the brown food for the walls of the house, the red for the flowers, the green for the grass etc.  This can be a fun game to encourage eating food.