"Almost all children respond to music. Music is an open-sesame, and if you can use it carefully and appropriately, you can reach into that child's potential for development." Dr. Clive Robbins

Friday, December 31, 2010

Dinosaur Adventures

Please note the calendar section on this blog for dates for this semester.
Jan 3rd – 6th Week 16- Dinosaurs
Monday and Tuesday
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar-Camry, Hailey
9:40  Music Circle Time
Movement-Walk the Dinosaur & Dem Bones
Instruments-Going on a Dino Hunt
Counting- 10 little Dinosaurs-use plastic dino’s to help cound
music appreciation/readiness- Treble Clef and Bass clef
10:10 Math/Science Games-Learn telephone numbers-practice on a pretend phone
10:15  Creating Project-Make a Dino Egg
10:30 Snack Time-fossil crackers
10:40 Free Play-Dino Hunt
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-1 lesson-
11:15 Story Time
11:28 Goodbye Song
Wed and Thursday
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar-Connor, Samantha
Show and Tell Today!
9:40  Music Circle Time
Movement-Hokey Pokey Dino Style
Instruments-Dinosaur Round
Counting-10 little Dinosaurs
ABC/Reading- ABC mixup (with cards)
music appreciation/readiness- Lines and space toss
10:10 Math/Science Games-Telephone Review with phones
10:15  Creating Project-Finish Making a Dinosaur Egg
10:30 Snack Time-oranges
10:40 Free Play-
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-1 lesson-
11:15 Story Time
11:28 Goodbye Song-The Dinosaur Who Couldn’t Roar

Home Project:  I would like to work on phone numbers with the students this week.  Could you please send me what phone number you would like your child to know to best get a hold of you.  This is important information to know especially before Kindergarten.  This will also emphasis number recognition as well.  Practice dialing your phone number on a “fake” phone at home.  If they are having a hard time remembering the number I recommend putting it to music.  It fits well with the “Bingo” song.  “My phone number is seven long and I can dial home, 512-6094, 512-6094, 512-6094 and I can dial home.”  Or you can say and I can dial mommy or daddy. 
Calendar Items:  This week is show and tell.  I would like them to all bring something that starts with the letter D.  
Just for your reference there are two holidays that fall on Monday and to make it fair for the M-W class I will not be teaching Thursday of that same week.  Refer to Calendar for specific dates.  Please let me know if you have any questions.  I have tried teaching when my other kids are home from school and it was a bit of a disaster so I'd like to take those days off.  Our school gets out May 25th so our last days will be May 23rd and May 24th.  

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Around the World

December 13th  Christmas Around the World  Spotlight Emmali Dec 15th
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar-Connor, Makayla
Show and Tell- 1st Wed or Thursday
Spotlights on children-One a month
9:40  Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing) Jingle Bells, Rudolf the Red nose Reindeer, UP on the Housetop, We wish you a merry Christmas
10:10 Math/Science Games-Uno Attack
10:15  Creating Project-Christmas Tree
10:30 Snack Time-Crackers with Cheese/Peanut Butter
10:40 Free Play:  Play dough, kitchen and food
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-Lesson 20, write names then, c, d.  -
11:15 Story Time
11:28 Goodbye Song
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar-Shaddix, Camry
Show and Tell- 1st Wed or Thursday
Spotlights on children-One a month
9:40  Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing) Program Dress Rehearsal
10:10 Math/Science Games- Uncle Wiggly
10:15  Creating Project—Decorate cookies for program
10:30 Snack Time-Fruit Roll Ups
10:40 Free Play:  blocks, cars
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-lesson 21, write names then I, t.  -
11:15 Program for Parents
11:28 Goodbye Song

Up Coming Date:  December 15th or 16th –Christmas Program for Parents and Siblings
No School Dec 20-Jan 2nd.  Resume School Jan 3rd. 

Home Project:  This week Christmas is getting closer and often time it means more stress in the home.  Do you best to keep stress at home to a minimum.  Take time to do a fun Christmas Project, like make gingerbread cookies, a gingerbread house, Go Christmas Caroling with your family (just don't stress over it =)).  These memories will be treasured in your children’s mind forever.  Have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Monday, December 6, 2010

The Sights and Sounds of Christmas

Dec. 6th Week 14- Sights and Sounds of Christmas
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar-Emmali, Hailey
9:40  Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing)  Jingle Bells (with bells), Once their was a snowman, choosing songs, We Wish you a merry Christmas, Up on the housetop, ABC song game
10:10 Math/Science Games- Abacus with die game
10:15  Creating Project--Snowflakes
10:30 Snack Time-Popcorn
10:40 Free Play- puzzles, legos
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-Lesson 18- writing name then sounds m, a,
11:15 Story Time
11:28 Goodbye Song

9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar- Camry, Cassie
Show and Tell- 1st Wed or Thursday
Spotlights on children-One a month
9:40  Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing) Jingle Bells, Once their was a snowman, choosing songs, UP on the Housetop, ABC song game
10:10 Math/Science Games-Pattern Game
10:15  Creating Project-Snowman project
10:30 Snack Time-Muddy Buddies
10:40 Free Play:  Play dough, puppets
11:00 Reading/Writing Time- lesson 19- Learn new sound “c”  --writing name then sound: d, r. 
11:15 Story Time
11:28 Goodbye Song

Up Coming Date:  December 15th or 16th –Christmas Program for Parents and Siblings
No School Dec 20-Jan 2nd.  Resume School Jan 3rd. 
Home Project:  I went to a Child Development class this last week and had a great time learning about children and how they learn.  One thing they stressed a lot is how important play is in how children learn.  We may think they are just “playing” but for a child this is their work.  We need to give children the opportunities in their day for uninterrupted play.  But in the same token we should be a playmate.  It’s hard to give them our time everyday for play but I want to challenge you to find a few minutes everyday to join with them in their play.  Don’t take over the play let the child direct you.  Give them the floor and let them tell you how to play.  

Friday, November 26, 2010

All Four Seasons

Don't Forget Show and Tell this Week on Wed or Thursday!
Tuition is also due by the end of the week.
Thank you to all those that brought some empty gallon milk cartons.  I still need 8 more so if you have some at home we could use them.  Thanks!!

Nov. 29th Week 13- All 4 Seasons/Weather
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar-Connor, Natalie
Show and Tell- 1st Wed or Thursday
Spotlights on children-One a month
9:40  Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing)—Chicken Soup with Rice story with song, making a thunder storm, The Four Seasons Dance
10:10 Math/Science Games-Seasonal Dress Relay
10:15  Creating Project-Windsock
10:30 Snack Time-Chicken Soup with Rice
10:40 Free Play
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-1 lesson-
11:15 Story Time—Season Song, What Will the Weather Be Like Today, Rainy City Rainbow
11:28 Goodbye Song

Dec. 1st and 2nd-Show and Tell Day
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar- Shaddix, Abi
Show and Tell- 1st Wed or Thursday
Spotlights on children-One a month
9:40  Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing)-It’s Raining, It’s Pouring, You are my Sunshine, Frosty the Snowman
10:10 Math/Science Games-Season Objects Matching Game- Taking temperatures inside compared to outside
10:15  Creating Project-Make Bird Feeders
10:30 Snack Time-Hot cocoa and marshmallows
10:40 Free Play-Season’s Puzzles
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-1 lesson-
11:15 Story Time-What’s the Weather Like Today?, The Seasons, The Snowy Day
11:28 Goodbye Song

Home Challenge/Assignment:  This week we are studying weather and all the different seasons.  Make a Weather Notebook:  Each day take time to observe the weather with your child.  Ask your child to describe what he or she sees and feels.  Help record observations in a little notebook.  If you have a thermometer you can record the temperature outside.  You can have your child draw a picture.  At the end of the week count how many days were sunny, warm, rainy, cloudy, cold, and snowy.  You may also want to watch the local weather report on television or read the newspaper forecast with your child.  

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thanksgiving in America

This week we will only have preschool Monday Tuesday and Wednesday.  
Any Thursday class children is welcome to come to the Wednesday class from 9:30-11:30am.  
Please save and recycle your milk cartons.  We will be using milk cartons next week for a craft.  If you can send them with your children anytime this week or next that would be great!

Nov. 22st Week 12- Thanksgiving in America
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar-Emmali, Makayla
Spotlight on Natalie
9:40  Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing)  Thanksgiving Lesson, Alphabet Rumba, Blue Jello, Harvest Instruments, 10 little Indians, Over The River and through the Woods, Bell Practice
10:10 Math/Science Games-Turkey Math Game
10:15  Creating Project-Hand print Turkeys-write four things we are grateful on each feather
10:30 Snack Time- Graham Crackers and milk
10:40 Free Play-Turkey Baster Fun
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-Lesson 16
11:15 Story Time-Thanksgiving Day from File
11:28 Goodbye Song
Wednesday 24th
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar- Camry, Camry
9:40  Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing), 10 little Indians, ABC seek and find, Turkey in the Straw, Turkey Song (drums), Little Turkey Rhyme
Little turkey strutting all around, pecking at the corn down on the ground.  See her walk with a wobble, wobble, wobble.  Hear her talk with a Gobble. Gobble, gobble, Bell Practice
10:10 Math/Science Games-Turkey Math Game
10:15  Creating Project- Leaf Art
10:30 Snack Time- Ant’s on a log
10:40 Free Play-Blocks
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-second half of Lesson 16-
11:15 Story Time-
11:28 Goodbye Song
Please save your Milk Cartons and bring them to class.  We will need them next week. 
Home Project/Assignment:  Get your children involved with your thanksgiving dinner by letting them help in the kitchen, help set the table, or make a simple table decoration.  There are some fun ideas at: http://www.amazingmoms.com/htm/thanksgiving_crafts.htm

Upcoming Calendar Items:
Christmas Program for Parents:  11:15 -11:30 on December 15 or 16th.   This is super casual and if you can't make it, not a problem.  We will have a short program featuring all of the preschoolers. Then we will have a small treat to share.  

Monday, November 15, 2010

My Amazing Body

This week we will talk about all the great things our body can do.  We will do lots of movement exercises and songs.  In our Science Unit we will discover our 5 senses.  See below for a few ideas to do at home.

Nov. 15th Week 11- My Amazing Body
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar:  Samantha, Hailey
9:40  Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing)—Hand Bells-Christmas Song, Choosing Songs, and Line and Space notes with Treble and Bass Clef review
10:10 Math/Science Games- Science Discover Game (The 5 Senses)
10:15  Creating Project- Hand print and Foot printing
10:30 Snack Time- Carrot Sticks
10:40 Free Play- Food and dishes
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-1 lesson-  Learning the new sound th
11:15 Story Time- My Five Senses; The Listening Walk
11:28 Goodbye Song

Nov 17th and 18th
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar Abi, Cassie
9:40  Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing)—Hand Bells-Christmas Song, Musical Snake
10:10 Math/Science Games-5 Senses Discovery Center
10:15  Creating Project- Body Tracings
10:30 Snack Time- Oranges
10:40 Free Play- Magnet wheels and magnet pictures
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-1 lesson-
11:15 Story Time-My Five Senses by Miller Hello Ocean
11:28 Goodbye Song

Home Challenge:  Have your child practice calling someone on the phone.  You can do a pretend phone call or a real call to a friend or family.  Children need opportunities to participate in conversations.  They learn to take turns as they listen and respond.  We will practice this at school as well.  This is an important skill as they get ready to go to Kindergarten.  While you are practicing on the phone, see if they can find the numbers on the phone you tell them.  This would be a good practice for numbers as well.  If they can do this easily they may be ready to memorize their phone number.  
Reading and Letter Practice:  Just a reminder of the letters we have learned:  R, T, E, A, I, D, M, S
See if your child can easily identify each of these letter names and sound.  If not then you may want to work at home on the ones that are harder for them.  You may want to make flash cards with these letters and then as we add more letters you can add more.  This week we are introducing the sound th.  This can be a hard sound to pronounce so make sure they are saying it with their tongue sticking out.  You can have them practice in front of the mirror.  
Calendaring:  We will not be having preschool on Thanksgiving Day.  And Christmas Break will be 
December 20-Jan 2.  We will begin school again Monday, Jan 3rd.  

Saturday, November 6, 2010

When I Grow Up

Nov. 8th Week 10- When I grow up
This week we will talk about a lot of different occupations and what they do.  
Welcome Song
Weather/Calendar- Connor and Kaleb
Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing) 
Wheels on the Bus, Music with beat (w/number cards)
Math/Science Games:  “Sorting the mail” (by shape and then by color)
Creating Project:  Write a letter and get ready to mail it:  Play mailman and stamp the letters ready to send
Snack Time:  Canned fruit
Free Play:  Wooden Vehicles, and Road maps
Reading/Writing Time- pg 68 Task 7 First Reading and review sound of I
Story Time:  We need mail Carriers, Farmers, Doctors, Dentists,
Goodbye Song
Wed and Thursday
Welcome Song
Weather/Calendar Shaddix, Samantha
Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing)  I’ve been working on the railroad, The Farmer and the Dell, ABC Game
Math/Science Games:  Uno Attack
Creating Project:  Occupation Coloring Pages
Snack Time:  Fresh Vegetables
Free Play- Occupation Puppet Play
Reading/Writing Time-pg 72
Story Time:  We need Police Officers, nurses, veterinarians, fire fighters
Goodbye Song

Home Project:  Play a simple card game such as candyland, uno, chutes and ladders with your toddler.  These games teach such important skills such as taking turns, reading numbers, following directions, winning or losing with grace (sportsmanship).

Monday, November 1, 2010

Music Theme

Welcome Back, I hope you all had a good week.  We are going to do a music themed week and we are going to make some cool instruments so if any of you have any empty water bottles with lids I could really use them for Wed and Thursday.  
Just a reminder that November Tuition is due this week-$40
Don't forget Show and Tell is on Wed or Thursday this week

Nov. 2nd Week 9 I love Music
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar
Spotlights on children-One a month
9:40  Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing)
I’m in the Mood for Singing, Doodle (with instruments), , music staff play
10:10 Math/Science Games-Fall Leaf Pattens
10:15  Creating Project-Self Portrait and Make your own music
10:30 Snack Time-banannas
10:40 Free Play
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-1 lesson- review sounds and writing s, a, t, d, e, r, m
11:15 Story Time
11:28 Goodbye Song
Nov. 4th-Show and Tell
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar
Show and Tell- 1st Wed or Thursday
Spotlights on children-One a month
9:40  Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing) Sing Sing Sing, Teach 3/4 time waltz with instruments My Bonnie, play different instruments sounds and show what they look like,
10:10 Math/Science Games: Less or More Worksheet
10:15  Creating Project-Water Bottle Shaker
10:30 Snack Time- fruit roll ups
10:40 Free Play
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-1 lesson- New Letter—I (sound I as in the word it or igloo)
11:15 Story Time
11:28 Goodbye Song
Need:  Empty Water Bottles with lids (any size)
Home Project:  Make Flashcards with your child this week.  Take 10 index cards and help your child write a number on one side and then on the other draw simple shapes, pictures or place stickers to correspond with the number on the other side.  I would start with 1-10 and once your child can identify and count each of those numbers add up to 20.  
Calendar:  Tuition is due this week
Show and Tell is this week either Wed or Thursday.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Fall and Harvest Fun

This week we are going to talk about the changes happening outside because of the colder weather. Fall is a fun time to put a jacket on and get outside in the beautiful crisp air.

Oct. 18th and 19th Week 8- Fall and Harvest Fun
Welcome Song
Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing)
Leaves are Falling (with scarves),  Instrument Fun, ABC Snake, Music Choosing
Math/Science Games—Harvest Counting
Creating Project—The Little Red Hen (tell story and then have the kids help me make bread)
Snack Time—Make Scones with dough
Free Play
Reading/Writing Time-1 lesson-
Story Time:  The Carrot Seed, Vegetable Garden, When Autumn Comes
Goodbye Song

October 20 and 21st
Welcome Song
Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing)
Harvest Dance:  follow the leader dance, Autum Day, Music Choosing, ABC hide and seek
Math/Science Games-The Apple Game
Creating Project:  Apple Lacing
Snack Time:  Apples
Free Play—Take a walk around the block looking for signs of Fall
Reading/Writing Time-1 lesson-
Story Time-Fall Changes, Picking Apples and Pumpkins, Fall Leaves Fall
Goodbye Song
Home Challenge/Project:  Find a fun activity you can do as a family outside and point out different signs of Fall.  Just a few ideas, take the kids to a corn maze, go to a local farm to pick a pumpkin, go to the North Logan Pumpkin Walk (this begins Friday 22nd).  One of the best things to do to help your child's vocabulary is just talk about the things you see.  Sometimes we get so carried away in our own thoughts, or on the cell phone to take the time to just talk about the beautiful things around us.  If you would like more information about these activities please let me know.  
No School October 25-28th  

Monday, October 11, 2010

Flavorful Food

One of our Preschool students, Derek, just moved to Colorado last week.  So, our Monday and Wednesday group could use an extra student.  If you have friends who would like to start preschool please send them my way.  =)
Oct. 11 and 12th Week 7- Flavorful Food (Box 140)
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar
9:40  Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing)
I like to Eat…Apples and Bananas
Peanut Butter and Jelly (with story book)
Muffin Man
Alphabet Rumba
Choice Songs
10:10 Math/Science Games
10:15  Creating Project-Food Group collage
10:30 Snack Time-Fresh Veggies
10:40 Free Play- outside play or dramatic play with grocery store food
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-lesson 12 Learn new letter D, d
11:15 Story Time:  Shapes for Lunch, The Edible Pyramid, The popcorn book
11:28 Goodbye Song
 October 13 and 14th
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar
9:45  Load up and leave for Macey’s
10:00-10:45 Macey’s Field Trip
10:45 Load up and Leave Macey’s
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-lesson 13-
11:15 Story Time:  The very Hungry Caterpillar, What’s for Lunch, Pancakes,Pancakes!
11:28 Goodbye Song

Home Challenge/Project:  I know how hard it can be to take children grocery shopping with you, especially if you are taking more then one child.  One way to make the trip more manageable is to get them involved with the shopping by making them your special helper.  Before you go to the store take some time to go through the store ad and have your child cut out items from the Ad that your family needs that week.  Glue the items to his/her grocery list.  When you get to the store give him a pen or pencil and mark the items off his/her list once you get them.  
Make meal and snack time a math lesson.  Have them help you divide up small items in bowls or plates.  You could ask them to put three carrot sticks on every plate.  You can also give them a number with a card on it and have them identify the number and then they help you count to make sure they get that number of the snack.  
One other fun activity you can do at the dinner table is see if you can name a food from every letter of the alphabet.  A for Apple, B for Bread, C for C for Cookie...etc.

Upcoming Events:  October 13th and 14th Field Trip to Macey's.  All parents are welcome to come.
October 25-28th Fall Break-no preschool
I had a really busy weekend so sorry this is so late in sending!  

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Color my World

Oct. 4rd and 5th Week 6- Color my World
Welcome Song
Music Circle Time 
De Colores
Johnny Brown with scarves
Two little black birds-Finger play
Blue Bird-circle game
Sing a Rainbow
Math/Science Games
Creating Project-Color a rainbow
Snack Time-Fresh Purple Plums
Free Play
Reading/Writing Time-Lesson 10-new letter R
Story Time-Blue Hat, Green Hat; My Green Book of Shapes; Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Goodbye Song
 October 6th and 7th Color my World
Welcome Song
Show and Tell
Music Circle Time (Movement, Instruments, Counting, ABC, music appreciation/readiness, Choosing)
Stop and Go Sign with instruments—Lukey’s Boat
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Sing a Rainbow
Music Choosing
Math/Science Games
Creating Project—Colors and foam Shapes
Snack Time-Brown Pretzles
Free Play
Reading/Writing Time-lesson 11-revew letter R
Story Time—Colors; One fish, two fish…, DW’s Color Book
Goodbye Song

Home Assignment/Challenge:
Sorting can be lots of fun for a preschool and great practice for math skills.  During play and work challenge your preschooler to sort things in different category.  We are focusing on colors this week so you could have them sort their socks, toys, or food by colors.  You could have them help you set the table and practice sorting the silverware into piles of spoons, forks and knifes.
Upcoming Dates:
Don't forget Show and Tell is this week on either Wednesday or Thursday.  Have your child bring anything from home that they would like to tell the class about.  
Next week is our Flavorful Food Week and we will be having a tour at Macey's on Wed and Thursday.  
No Preschool Oct 25-28th

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

UEA-We will keep with the schedule

It looks like everyone will be around so we will continue with that week as normal.  The only different thing is we are doing a field trip on Wed. and Thursday.  All parents are welcome to come with us to Macey's.  Here is the schedule for October 13th and 14th.
9:30:  Meet at my house as normal and we will do a few things here to get ready for the field trip
9:45:  Leave my house to go to Macey's
10:00:  Field Trip
10:45:  Leave Macey's for my house
11:00:  Writing Names, Reading Time, and a short Music time
11:30:  Preschool Ends
Please let me know if you have any questions.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Looking ahead to UEA Weekend

Because I was taking off for Disneyland October 25-29th I was planning on teaching all week of October 11th which I believe is UEA for schools just on the 14th and 15th.  I wanted to poll the group to see how many students will be missing class because they are going on vacation that week.  If you are planning on missing a day that week let me know and I will decide what would be best.  We have scheduled to go to Macey's on the 13th and the 14th and I would hate to have half the class miss our field trip.  Depending on how many will miss we may have the Tue-Thursday class go on the 12th.  

Friday, September 24, 2010

Exploring Space!

This week we will find out fun things about our galazy!

Sept 27th and Sept 28
Welcome Song
Music Circle Time (space puzzle)
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star with actions (show different contelations)
Starlight Starbright (flashlight with planets on them)
Alphabet Rumba
Music Choosing
Math/Science Games- Starlight, Star Bright and
Creating Project-Show how constellations work with cards and then let them create their own
Snack Time-make pudding in ziplock baggies -sip with a straw
Free Play
Reading/Writing Time-lesson 9
Story Time:  Stars, stars, stars; Our Stars
Goodbye Song

Sept 27th and Sept 28
Welcome Song
Music Circle Time (space puffy bag)
He’s Got the Whole World in his hands (pass the round ball around while singing)
It’s a Small world (show the earth size compared to the sun)
Alphabet Rumba
Music Choosing
Math/Science Game- Moonlight Model/Sun Shadows/Solar Cooker
Creating Project-Coloring Earth with crayons
Snack Time-Eat marshmallows dipped in our chocolate we melted in the sun
Free Play
Reading/Writing Time-lesson 10
Story Time—What makes Day and Night
Goodbye Song

Home Challenge/Project:  Find time to go outside at night and look at the stars.  See if you can find the Big Dipper and the north star.  Check out these fun games with your child for 1/2 hour.  There are some great math games they would need help with them.  It's Nasa's website.  Our Buzz Light year fan will really dig this!  http://www.nasa.gov/audience/forkids/kidsclub/flash/index.html

Recipe for the Banana boats we made last week.
Take a half of a banana, peel, and cut lengthwise.  Put peanut butter in between banana.  Make a sail out of cheese and put on with a toothpick.  Then decorate banana and sail with raisins stuck on with peanut butter.

Upcoming Calendar Item:  
  • October 11th and 12th we will be going on a field trip to Macey's Grocery Store. I have enough parents helping with this so thank you!

  • Week of October 25th-No Preschool.  Our family is taking a trip to Disneyland.  

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Invite to The Fall Festival!

This is totally unrelated to Preschool but I had to tell you about it!  =)
Just a quick invite to all of you to come to the Thomas Edison Charter School Fall Festival.  It will be a great family event.  Here is the info and if you have any questions let me know.
When:  This Friday Sept. 24th
Time:  5 pm - 8 pm
Where:  Thomas Edison Charter School South Campus 1275 West 2350 South,  Nibley, Utah 84321
Cost:  You can get a punch pass for $10 (this is 20 tickets)  Each ride or game is between 1-3 tickets each
Food:  You can also buy dinner (pizza and drinks), cotton candy, and lots of yummy Bake Sale Items.
Silent Auction:  We have amazing businesses and individuals in the valley that have donated items for the silent auction.  Come and see all the great baskets and items for auction.
I hope to see some of you there it will be a lot of fun!
All the proceeds go to help the children at the school (which my two older boys go to).
FYI:  Thomas Edison Charter School is a public school, FREE tuition.  It is a great school and this is a fun time to check it out.  Most teachers and of course or awesome Principal Mr. Budge will be there.  School Website link

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Things that Go!

Sept. 20th Week 4- Things that Go
Preschool Outline for the week.
Sept 20 and 21st
Welcome Song
Music Circle Time
The Wheels on the bus (substitute other vehicles)
We can sound like:  Sirens, railroad crossing, cars honking etc
Row Row Row your Boat (actions and try round)
Music Choosing Songs
Math- patterning match ups
Creating Project-painting project with cars/trains etc.
Snack Time-Create sugar cookies with vehicle cookie cutters-eat
Free Play-outside play/car play
Reading/Writing Time-lesson 7 Learn letter t (use book)
Story Time:  Wheels, Things that go, The Big Red bus
Goodbye Song

Sept 22nd and 23rd
Welcome Song
Spotlight Camry for her birthday
Music Circle Time
I’ve been working on the Railroad-act out motions
A Bicycle Built for Two-pedal feet in the air!
Red Light Green Light with instruments
Alphabet Walk
Music Choosing Songs
Math-Sorting Vehicles in piles: land, air or sea -count each pile
Creating Project-create banana boats (take pictures)
Snack Time-eat banana boats
Free Play-outside play/car play
Writing Names/Reading/Writing Time-lesson 8
Story Time:  She'll be coming round the mountain, Little Engine that could, Cars and trucks
Goodbye Song

We will start daily math concepts and lessons this week.
Home Challenge/Project:  Put magnetic letters on your fridge or magnet board for your child to play with and to build "words".  I found magnetic letters and numbers at All a Dollar, it has been a great investment!  Help your child spell their name and simple words.  They can also invent their own words and you can help them sound them out.    Did you find time to read a story or two to your preschooler today?  Yes?  Great job!!!  If not, commit to do it tomorrow.  Reading everyday will instill a love for learning, books, and reading.  

Upcoming Calendar Item:  
  • October 11th and 12th we will be going on a field trip to Macey's Grocery Store. I will need one parent that can help me transport children.  If you are willing will you please e-mail me back.  We will also need you to leave your child's boaster seat.  

  • Week of October 25th-No Preschool.  Our family is taking a trip to Disneyland.  

Friday, September 10, 2010

Animals in my World

I'm excited for our animal theme!  Here is a basic outline of what we are doing.
I'm concerned that most of you are not receiving or reading these e-mails.  I send reminders of things your child needs to bring like show and tell, and when tuition is due.  I missed seeing several of you on Friday and wonder if this is why.  I would love to know that everyone is getting these.  So I know if you got this would you please reply back to this e-mail so I know you are receiving these.  (just a simple "got it" would suffice) Thank you!
One of the skills we worked on last week was using scissors.  Some students were very uncomfortable using scissors so I would encourage you to work at home with this.

Sept. 13th and 14th Week 3- Animals in my world Box 338 Wild Animals
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar
9:40  Music Circle Time (use the animal puzzle with names on the back of them to choose)   1.  Carnival of the Animals (set some animal figurines out and have each child choose what animal they want to act out during the music, if needed stop the music and have them choose a new animal
2. The Animal Fair (have them act them out with finger puppets
3. 10 little monkey’s jumping on the bed (use the number cards)
4.  I’m going on a bear hunt (add instruments for sound effects)
10:10 Writing names—
10:15  Creating Project  Cardboard Tube Giraffe-Do the first part of our giraffe—paint the neck of our giraffes
10:30 Snack Time
10:40 Free Play—Animal figurines and blocks
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-Lesson 6- Letter E writing
11:15 Story Time-Animals Black and White, Elephants Swim
11:28 Goodbye Song

Sept 15th and 16th Animals in my world Box 338 Wild Animals
9:30  Welcome Song
9:35  Weather/Calendar
9:40  Music Circle Time (use farm puzzle to choose songs)
  1. The Farmer and the Dell play the game in Kindergarten book
  2. Old MacDonald had a farm
  3. Baa Baa Black Sheep (have everyone be a letter and have them stand up when I say their letter)
  4. Home on the Range (inner listening)
10:10 Writing names
10:15  Creating Project-finish our giraffes-clue on
10:30 Snack Time
10:40 Free Play-Animal figurines and blocks
11:00 Reading/Writing Time-Lesson 7- Practice Writing all the letters-lined paper
11:15 Story Time-Guess Who’s in the Jungle, Baby Rhino’s Escape
11:28 Goodbye Song

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I'm a VIP Week

This week we are learning how great we are! We are very important people and we can do many things!

This week we are saying and writing the sounds of m, s, and a (the sound we are learning now is just aaa sound like in the word "at", or "mat"). We are also learning to combine these into small words. We say the sounds slowly and then say it fast. For example. I write the word am. We say it first aaaammmm. then I say say it fast and they say "am" This would be a great thing to practice at home. You can do this with really any word. You can say for example, "motor, boat" then ask them to say it fast "motorboat" This will help them so much with reading later on.

We will also learn this week a new letter "e" (we are just learning the long eeee sound for now)

Arts and Crafts: We are painting with people sponges. They can create their own people with heads, feet, shirts, pants, hats etc. The other craft is creating a "Favorite's Collage" They will pick out favorite things from magazines and cut and glue them on their paper. Then they can share with the class their favorite things they found. If you have any extra magazines laying around that you could send we would really appreciate it.

In music time this week we are practicing taking turns by either playing instruments, and choosing movements. They will also get to do mirror dancing where they get to take turns being the leader and then also being the follower. This is a very fun game you can try with them. You stand in front of them and they can follow exactly your movements as if they are a mirror. Then take turns. You may be surprised how long they can do this for.

All our books this week are about liking ourselves and about how we are all important and needed. Here are My Hands, Imagine, I like me, Sometimes, Our Body, I was so mad, ABC I like Me.

I've decided to do the assessments in class during free time. I've done half of them so far. I have them write their name, I ask them to count as high as they can, they identify letters, and they identify some simple shapes. It takes just a couple minutes so I thought that would be easier just to have them one at a time come do it during free time.

Don' forget, the Monday Classes will have class this Friday because of Labor Day.

Monday, August 30, 2010

First Show and Tell and Tuition is due

Every First Wednesday and First Thursday of every month we will have each student bring something from home to share and tell about in class.  Show and Tell could be really anything.   This will be something we do at the beginning of class.  After we share we will have them put their object back in their bag.  If they want to bring a pet, please let me know beforehand and we will have them go first while you wait and then you can take the pet home afterwards. 
The 5th day of every month is when tuition is due.  You can either have your child bring your $40 cash or check in or you can come in and give it to me.  If your bank is set up for bill pay, that could also be another quick easy way to pay as well.  I will only send monthly statements home if you have missed a payment or it is late, at which time a $2 fee will be added on to that months tuition.  

Please let me know if you have any questions.  

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Class Times

Just to make sure everyone remembers
First Day of Classes for M and W classes is Monday Aug 30th   Time is 9:30-11:30
First Day of Classes for T and Th classes is Tuesday Aug 31st  Time from 9:30-11:30

You may always call me if you have any questions and you can reply to this e-mail or post comments on the blog and I will get back with you quickly.

Take Care!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

1st Week of School

I'm way excited to begin school.  Don't forget to have the children bring a backpack or bag to take papers in.   I also think having a extra outfit and underwear in their backpack would be a good idea in case of an accident.  If you are interested in carpooling, please let me know and I can connect you with a parent who lives close to you.  We have only one opening left for the Mon-Wed. Class.  If you have a friend or neighbor who wants to register let them know.  Also, since their are quite a few Monday holidays we will hold class on Friday of that same week of the holiday.  I will have that on the calendar to remind you.

Here is the themes, concepts, and projects we will do the first week.
Theme:  Making New Friends
First Day we will do many things to get to know each other
We will also go over preschool rules which are:

Follow Directions
Raise your hand to speak during lesson time
Keep your hands, feet and objects to yourself
Treat others and yourself kindly

We will be learning the letters M and S today--we will learn for reading and writing 
Art Project:  Making Nameplates to be used at preschool for snack-time (we'll take pictures so you can see the creativity)
Story Time:  "How Do Dinosaurs Go to School?"  and "Snoopy's Friend"

Second Day:
Learning Letter A for reading and writing
Art Project:  Making friendship bracelets
Story Time:  Mary had a Little Lamb, and Let's be Friends

During Music Time we will do a variety of songs each week to emphasis the theme, letters and various concepts.  At the end of each music time we will give the kids opportunity to choose a favorite song from the board.  You may want to sing these songs at home with your kids.  Here are the Children's Favorites

Alphabet Song (ABC song)


Itsy Bitsy Spider

Old McDonald

I Like to Eat...Apples and Bananas

Mr. Knickerbockers

I'm in the Mood

This Old Man

The Wheels on the Bus

The Rainbow Song

De Colores

To help your child feel more comfortable identifying the letters of M, S, and A.  Point them out on signs while driving in the car, or have them find them in a magazine or book you are reading.  Have them write their name (or you write it) and see if any of these letters are in their name. Let them realize letters are all around them.
Please let me know if you have any questions.  

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Open House Thank You!

For all of you who were able to come to the open house, thank you.  I think it turned out well.  The kids seemed to have enjoyed themselves.  I was happy that all of the children were able to meet at least one other classmates.  For those of you who didn't make it.  Here is what we did.
We had a craft table where the kids made Kazoos.  (thanks to all my neighbors and family who collected their toilet paper rolls!)  The children decorated their rolls with markers.  They were all very creative in their work.  Then we put a square of wax paper at the end of the roll with an elastic band.  Very easy to make and the sound is great.
We also had a cake walk.  The children walked around in a circle and when the music stopped they found a letter that was placed on the ground.  A letter was called and if they were standing on that letter they got a cupcake.
The kids had fun playing outside on the playground eating their cupcakes.
I'm way excited for preschool and I'm getting all my supplies organized and ready to go.   Please let me know if you have any questions before school starts Aug 30th for M-W class and Aug 31 for T-Th.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Why Preschool Matters

Some may ask is it really that important to go to preschool?  I say, for sure.  I'm not only saying this because I am running a preschool =)  but both my two older children and I benefited greatly from preschool. Here are some reasons I think preschool is important.  
1.  Preschool is good socially for your child.  Preschool often times is the first time child and mom or dad are away from a child for an educational experience.  I've seen Kindergarten children out in the hall for months with mom because they didn't want to leave her.  Children need to know mom and dad will come back, and preschool is a great time to practice this.  The transition to kindergarten will be much easier if practiced in preschool years.
2.  Preschool is good to learn to play with children their own age.  Learn how to share, take turns, contribute to conversations, and answer questions in a group setting.
3.  Preschool can help prepare your child to be a student.  Music, dance, and gymnastics are great but preschool teaches children how to be students.  Raising hands, not talking out of turn, sitting tall in their chair, listen to teacher, etc.
4.  Preschool can increase your child's school success.  Studies have shown early education improve chances for children's academic success.  This is why there are many state funded preschools available throughout the country.
5.  Preschool encourages independent learning and exploration.  Children learn so much from each other, through play and observation of other children their own age.  If they see one child writing their name, they start thinking, "Hey I can do that, or I want to do that."  Preschool can foster creativity and learning by just being with each other.
I found a great article online about how to choose a preschool and the importance of it here.
I'm sure there are many other reasons preschool is important.  Add your own ideas in comments if you'd like.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Open House-next week

I just want to make sure you remember about the Preschool Open House next week, Aug 4th from 6-8 pm.
We will be giving out preschool calendars for the year, doing a fun take-home craft, playing a game, and answering any of your questions about the up-coming year.
Please invite your friends and family who may be interested in signing up for preschool.  I will be starting a referral program in Aug.  For every child you refer to my preschool and signs up, you will receive a $10 discount on your first month tuition.  If you would like a flyer to give to friends and neighbors that you would like to refer please click here.

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Suzuki Method

Since music is such a huge part of my life.  I thought I would explain a little about the method I learned when I was little and have chosen my children to learn.  Have you heard of the Suzuki Method for teaching music?  The idea came from Dr. Shinichi Suzuki from Japan. He was a violinist himself and studied extensively about how children learn.  He realized that all Japanese children speak Japanese!  What an amazing skill.  Japanese is a very hard language to learn but these three year old children speaking very well and then learning to read after they speak fluently.  How do they learn this?  It because their mother's have taught them.  Not only that but they hear it all the time around them.  They also get much praise and attention for saying even the tiniest of sounds and words.   He then used this idea to teach very small children how to play the violin.  It became very popular and he started teaching all over his method which is often referred to as the mother tongue approach.  Not only can children learn how to play violin but they can learn Piano, Guitar, Flute, Cello and many many other instruments in this way.
My mother (Geri Titensor) was introduced to the Suzuki Piano Method when I was about three years old and so my brother and I were her guinea pigs.  Some of my fondest memories of my home is playing the piano with my mom.  We did it every day.  We had classical music playing in the home constantly.  It truly influenced my life for the better to have this beautiful music played like wall paper all the time.  It refined my ears and helped me learn my music at great speed.
Suzuki students and teachers often get a bad rapt because of the misunderstanding about when note reading is taught. Yes Suzuki students do learn how to read but it is delayed until they are ready.  Just like the little baby learning how to talk, they don't begin reading until much later.  Just like baby's though, books are all around them, and they are read to and exposed to simple reading materials so they have a desire to read, Suzuki students are the same in they are exposed and introduced to the written music.
I have three of my own children studying music and all have had a great Suzuki experience.  One plays the piano, one the violin, and my youngest just started playing the flute.  It's a joy to see them producing beautiful music at such a young age.  They love it and it's just a part of them.
If you have any questions or want to learn more please let me know.  I have four books about the Suzuki Method.  He has some really great ideas about teaching that can help any teacher or parent that can be applied in daily living.  Here is just one example:  "I help create a loving heart by teaching the joy of being able to serve others through these activities (speaking of teaching his students more then just violin such as preparing a meal, hosting guests).  Without that, it is not only difficult to perceive such high art as by Bach and Mozart but impossible to move others by music."  --From the book Where Love is Deep.
Here are some websites to check out for more info online. Fuller Flute Studio
Suzuki Association, Utah Suzuki Association

Monday, July 12, 2010

Special Needs Course

I just finished taking a class from Child Care Resource and Referral called Special Needs.  The majority of the class members were Day Care Providers in the valley but it was offered to preschool teachers as well.  I really enjoyed the class and will include in my preschool a section where we talk about and read stories about those with special needs.  I truly believe children who are exposed to the idea that there are children that are just like them that might not talk like them or walk like them are just like them in most other ways will be more accepting.   All children need love and attention and a chance to learn and play and be included.  It was amazing to me to see the history of how children were treated only about 40 years ago to now. In general we have made some huge progress in thought and action.
They other thing I learned from the class is every child has basic needs and as a teacher I need to be aware of how each learn and be ready to adapt my lessons and plans to meet each child to where they are without excluding or pointing it out.  It is a challenge and I am ready to embrace it.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Free Development Information

Have you ever visited the Center for Disease Control and Prevention Website (CDC)?  I had no idea that this was such a great tool for parents and educators.  It is a very comprehensive website so here is a link that will take you to a spot you might enjoy.
The following is the path:
Go to www.cdc.gov
Click on Life Stages and Populations
The next page lets you click on the stage you are interested in.  I clicked on Parents
Then it has four sections: Pregnancy, Infant & Toddlers, Children, Teens.
Within the Infant and Toddlers section they have each ages developmental milestones, Growth charts, immunization schedules and more.
There is a section of free materials that could be helpful.  You can place a free order to be sent by mail or most of the materials can be downloaded onto your computer.  There is also whole section of Early Hearing Detection and Intervention materials.
Just to keep in mind when you are looking at developmental milestones is every child is different in how they develop.  These milestones are given only as a guide.  Do not panic if your child hasn't hit every milestone perfectly to the book.  If you are concerned that your child is not developing in an area where most of the children his or her age, talk to your pediatrician about the delay.  Your doctor can assess the situation and give you some guidance.  Slipping backwards in almost any developmental area is of major concern and should be discussed immediately with your primary care giver. Children may exhibit regressive behavior due to any major change such as divorce, illness, death, abuse, or neglect.
 The best help you can give your child with a delay is early evaluation and treatment. Besides help from your pediatrician you may want to look to other help such as the "Up to 3" program at Utah State University.  Once they are three the school districts can help provide services to developmental delays.    

Friday, June 18, 2010

A Child's Creative Dream-Land-Summerfest

Our kids went to Summerfest with me today and had such a great time.  We started out by looking at all the amazing artwork on display and for sale.  We enjoyed a fun lunch listening to the live music.  Then we made our way to the art for kids.  We spent about an hour and a half making a variety of art projects.  The cost is $3 per kid and this was well worth the cost.  If your kids are over three you could leave them there with the staff and peruse the art vendors while they create.  They made visors, wind socks, cards for Dad's for father's day, cereal necklaces, played with homemade bubbles, make huge art pieces on easels, made slap bracelets, and more.  I have a 9 year old, 7, 4 and 2 year old and they all loved it and were sad when it was time to go.  So if you need a fun activity to do tomorrow with the family make it over to the Logan Tabernacle and visit Summerfest for it's final day.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Using your Senses!

The summer is a great time to explore with your child all of their five senses (hearing, seeing, smelling, taste, tactile (touch).   Fueling curiosity is a big benefit of sensory play but other skills and learning is an added bonus like:  Using Fine Motor skills and eye-hand coordination, creativity, social skills such as sharing and cooperation, and self-control and confidence.

Here is some ideas in which to involve your preschooler in sensory play:
1.  Potting or garden soil.--Let them help you in the garden.  I was at Lowe's the other day and they have tons of children's first garden kits, gloves, tools that lets them be a part of the family garden.

2.  Play in the Sand-- Messy?  Oh Ya but the kids love making creations in the sand.  Add some sea shells, molds, cars and shovels to add to their creativity.  If you can't stand the mess of sand you can always fill a bucket with dried beans, rice, or oatmeal.  Provide scoops and pouring toys.  You can bury toys for your child to find

3.  Cotton balls--  On a hot day you can have pretend snow and play with cotton balls

4.  Shaving cream, or Ready Whip--Put on a cookie sheet or unbreakable mirror and let them create letters, or draw their face.

5.   Ice Cubes-- Take them outside with a bunch of buckets, scoops and sunglasses.  What a riot

6.  Water-- Endless possibilities with a bucket of water, spray bottles, and cups for pouring.  Experiment with things that float and things that don't.  Make paper boats to float in the river.

7.  Scavenger Hunt--  This is a really fun thing to do at a park, or while your camping.  You could do a sound or smell scavenger hunt, a tactile scavenger hunt, where you give them paper and crayons and they find interesting surfaces to rub onto paper.

8.  I'm out of ideas for now, Anyone have something to add, please add it to the comments and have fun with helping your child explore all their senses this summer.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Music Train Open House

To introduce the new Music Train Preschool I will be having my first annual Open House!
For:  Anyone interested in learning more about the Music Train Preschool
Date:  Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Time:  6-8 pm
Location:  Overly Home (e-mail me for address and directions)

Come enjoy some sweet treats, an art/craft for your child to do, and time to visit and ask questions.
If you are already registered come and meet the other students in your child's class.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Rachel Coleman is coming to Logan!

Rachel Coleman is the co-creator of Signing Time, which is a collection of videos that teach ASL vocabulary to children.  It's very musical and fun.  I'm sure you have seen some of the video's in your local library.  As part of the Unlocking Children's Potential Conference at Utah State University she will be doing a Children's Concert.  The concert is from 3-4 pm in the Eccles Conference Center.  Tickets are $5 per seat.  As part of the conference they will be having several presentations and a keynote speaker discussing children.  These classes are intended to help parents, educators, child care providers, and students.  The conference price is $25 and you can register and purchase tickets for the concert by calling 797-0423.

The Bookmobile

Did you know there is probably a bookmobile stop close to you?  What a fun thing for kids to look forward to. The summer is a great time to start going to the bookmobile.  They have a fun summer reading program.

Our bookmobile stop is less then half a block from our house and it comes every Monday at 2:00-2:45 pm.  Shawn is a great librarian who is friendly to the kids and very helpful in getting the books you want.  If you don't find the book you need on the book mobile he is more then willing to bring it with him for the next week.  For more information and schedules click here.  If you need help finding your closest bookmobile stop let me know and I can help.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Summer Programs in Cache Valley

If you are interested in summer camps, lessons, or programs visit The Child Care Resource and Referral website.  On their home page they have a 2010 Summer Activity Guide.  This is an invaluable resource for the community.  You can get information on sports activities, swimming lessons, educational preschools, library summer programs and much much more.

Monday, March 22, 2010

How Do I Register?

That is easy you can:

1. E-mail musictrainpreschool.gmail.com and I can e-mail the registration form to you.
2. You can stop by my home a pick up a registration form
3. You can make an appointment to meet me and decide if this is the preschool that is right for your child.

After you fill in your registration form you mail with your $25 registration fee to:

3124 S 1600 W
Nibley, UT 84321

I will keep on this blog the progress of registration. I have 12 open spots for students. As I get registration forms I will update how many open spots there are. I have decided to keep the number of classes I do at two. The classes will be held either M and W or Tue and Thur both at 9:30-11:30. On the registration form you can indicate what day you will prefer. Preference will be given to those who register first.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Registration has begun

I just got most of the flyers set up around town and on doors. I have already got one student today! Let me give you some more details about my preschool.

· Affordable, Accessible, and Attentive. Class Sizes capped at six to allow for personal attention at school and support at home through weekly communication via the web

· Preschool Curriculum tailored to local kindergarten entrance standards

· A safe musical structure where learning and exploring is fostered and celebrated

Music Train Preschool uses music and movement to teach concepts such as letters, numbers, colors, and shapes to children ages four to five. The musical structure in our preschool will help your child feel safe to explore his environment, learn new concepts in a fun way, and socialize with his peers. By providing three assessments during the year I will set goals and track progress of each student. Music skills will not be the focus; rather music will be the vehicle used to learn and reinforce skills and concepts needed for Kindergarten.

Class will be held twice a week for two hours each morning. Tuition will be $40/month with a $25 registration fee. I will have a Monday and Wednesday class and a Tuesday and Thursday class. On your registration form you can specify what days you would prefer to come. First registrations that are turned in get preference for days. Classes will be held from 9:30 am - 11:30 am.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Music Train Flyer and my Background

My husband Devin has been so supportive of the idea of me starting a preschool. He found this great train and added the music notes. I want to publicly let him know how much I appreciate his time and support. I'm excited to start advertising my new school, Music Train Preschool. I will be putting up flyer's up this week.
So you know about my experience...
I received my bachelors degree at Utah State University in December of 2000 in Music Therapy. Before graduation I completed a six month clinical internship at Sunshine Terrace in Logan, Utah, working with elderly, dementia, Alzheimer, brain trauma, and developmentally delayed clients. I most recently resigned as the Clinical Training Coordinator at Utah State where she oversaw the clinical experience for the USU Music Therapy Program. I have supervised music therapy students in various facilities serving at-risk youth such as Youthtrack-Utah, Family Institute of Northern Utah, Avalon Hills, and the Cache County Jail. I have also worked on and off as an adjunct faculty member of Utah State University, working as a music therapy practicum field supervisor with USU music therapy students assigned to elementary and middle school special educational settings. I have four children who I enjoy very much. Besides making music and spending time with my family, I love to read, garden and run just for fun. I look forward to using my music therapy skills to create a fun and nurturing environment where learning just happens.

Thanks to my sponsors!

I've been around the town asking for local businesses and schools to help me advertize. I just want to thank all those who were so willing to let me put up a sign. Also if you know of a business you think would let me put up a sign let me know, Thanks!

  • Bob's Sinclair in Nibley
  • Books of Yesteryear
  • Golds Gym
  • Hyrum Library
  • The Maverik in Nibley
  • Nibley Elementary
  • Petersens Farm
  • Storks Landing
  • The Book Table
  • Thomas Edison Charter School
  • ksl.com
  • cachevalleydaily.com
  • craigslist.com